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I couldn't help the loud gasp that had escaped through my lips the moment we entered the overnight prison. I tried to keep myself calm and collected but i couldn't ignore the pain in my heart when my eyes fell on the five boys leaning against the wall of the cell. A guard pointed towards the cell and we went up to the cold metal bars. 

"Holy shit, this is so much worse than before" Freya gripped the bars as Josh approached, as if she was trying to get as close to him as she possibly could. There was a trickle of dry blood than had recently been running down from Josh's eyebrow. You could already see the blue-ish, purple pigments of a black eye appearing on his cheekbone. 

"It's fine, we're fine" Josh replied. I felt a rush of relief as the boys nodded along, it must have looked a lot worse than it was. However, i would not want to be in their positions, at all.  My eyes left Josh's face and stopped over-analysing his wounds and they found their way to the one person my heart ached to see in that moment. I had refrained from going to him straight away when we walked through the doors, i didn't know if he wanted me here, i didn't want to act to eager. 

But when my eyes met Simon's, they were already focussed on mine. Josh's injuries were severe, but Simon's were worse. I could still see the smudges of red from where he had wiped the blood coming from his nose. His eyes were also developing dark bruises and the side of his lip was split open. But what really shocked me was when i scanned my eyes down slightly. Simon had deep cuts on his knuckles and blood smeared all over his hands. There was not one thought in me that doubted that Simon had left his rivals in a much worse state that he was in right now. I almost smiled at the thought of Simon being tougher than those terrible guys, but looking at his beat up face i knew i couldn't smile.

When my eyes left his hands and went back to his eyes he was smirking. Of course he was still smirking in a situation like this. 

"Having a good look, are we?" He had pulled himself closer to the bars so only i could hear him. 

"You look terrible" i didn't even think before the words escaped my mouth, they must have sounded awful. Sure, he had been majorly beaten up but he didn't look terrible at all, he still looked breath-taking. "Tha-that's really not what i meant"

"Hey, i get it. I'm sure i don't look my best right now." A small laugh escaped his lips and i couldn't help the tiny smile that appeared on my face. Whatever situation we were in i couldn't not smile at his adorable laugh.

"Does it hurt?" My attention was back on his hands as i gently grabbed his hand through the bars and placed it in mine, careful not to touch the wounds on his knuckles.

"I'm used to it by now baby" My heart fluttered when he called me 'baby', i tried to keep my eyes on his hands and hoped he couldn't see me blushing. But by the sound of his small chuckle, i was sure he had probably noticed. 

I glanced round at the sound of talking and saw Freya was talking to one of the guards. He looked scary with his dark hair and matching bushy beard. His eyes were stern and his voice was low and gruff. His attention kept turning from Freya to the boys, until he starting walking towards us. 

"Well boys, i'm sure you have suffered enough" He sighed as he pulled out a bunch of keys from his back pocket. "You're lucky you have such sweet, convincing girls to come and save you"

As he opened the cell door, Vikk was the first one to come out of the cell. 

"Oh come on Steve, you know you wouldn't have kept us in there to suffer all night" He clapped the guard, Steve, on the shoulder and my eyes widened. Simon came and stood next to me and watched my shocked reaction.

"It's not our first time in this cell" I looked up at his cheesy grin. It makes sense why Vikk is acting to friendly with the intensely scary guard then. "See you again, Steve. I wanna go home to bed!" 

"Hopefully not too soon Simon" Simon had a cheesy school-boy grin on his face as we left the overnight prison. 

Freya, Josh, Vikk, Ethan and Tobi all climbed into Freya's car as they left the prison and made their way back to the house. Emily, Ethan, Simon, Harry and I managed to find a taxi at this insane time at night and followed them home. After the intense night Emily did not want to leave Ethan's side, and as embarrassed as i was to admit it i didn't want to leave Simon's either. So we all made our way back to the Sidemen house and due to the hour, and the dramatic events decided to go straight to the bedrooms and ready for bed.

I followed Simon up to his bedroom, feeling slightly awkward and embarrassed that i was simply following him up to his bedroom. We had not stayed in the same bed together before and i wasn't sure what the sleeping arrangements were, so i just guessed that we would reach that obstacle when we got there.

Simon opened the door to his room and i followed him inside. He opened his draw and pulled out a simple white t-shirt.

"Here, you can sleep in this if you want" His voice was so gentle and quiet, he looked exhausted. I took the t-shirt from him and made my way into his en-suite to change. When i came back out, Simon was shirtless with a pair of sweatpants hanging loosely from his waist. The sight was definitely something. For the second time that night i could not avoid the hot blush that was appearing on my cheeks. 

"Wow you look amazing in my clothes" Simon's eyes seemed darker as he walked towards me. He stood right in front of me and was playing with the hem of the t-shirt he had given me.

"You look amazing, full stop" I couldn't believe the words that were coming out of my mouth. Usually i would feel too awkward to be saying something like this, it must be the lack of sleep. Simon's gaze on mine was too intense and suddenly i felt shy, so my attention turned to the carpet. "So are we sharing a bed then?"

"Only if you want to, i'll go sleep on the sofa otherwise" I couldn't believe how sweet Simon was being, suggesting giving up his bed for me while he slept on the cold leather sofa. But of course i wasn't going to let him do that. 

"No, no its fine. I don't mind sharing a bed, as long as you don't snore" Simon let out a laugh at my joke and i climbed into bed. 

Simon turned off the light and i felt him climb into bed next to me. The mood was so intense, especially now with the lights off. I didn't realise just how tired i was until my body felt the soft mattress. I could feel my eyes starting to close already. I was half awake and half asleep when i heard Simon's body move closer to mine.

Suddenly i felt his lips touch my forehead with a soft kiss. The last thing i heard that night before i fell into a deep slumber was Simon whispering "Goodnight Zoe" 

Territorial / Simon MinterDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora