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"Zoe! We're out of toilet paper" I laughed as Emily called me from outside of the bathroom.

"I'll run and get some" I grabbed my coat from the hook by the door and slipped my boots over my fluffy socks.

"Do you want me to come with you? It's getting dark outside" 

"No, ill be fine, won't be long" 

The little shop was only down the road from our apartment building. After last time, i swore to myself that i wouldn't walk, by myself, in the dark again for a while. But the walk to the shop was literally going to take 5-10 minutes tops. I hurried the speed of my walking whenever i was passing the entrance to an alley way, visions of last time spreading to my mind. The streets were so quiet in the late evening. You could see all the lights on in every apartment building. People probably wrapped up in their dressing gowns, in front of the electric fire, watching movies, completely shutting themselves out of the dangerous of the city at night. 

But here i was. Walking the lonely streets, by myself. Before the incident happened a few weeks ago, i used to love walking down the streets in the evening by myself. Only the slow buzz of cars on the road filling my ears. I could completely concentrate on my thoughts, my thoughts from work, my family, Christmas (which was soon approaching). The cold air didn't bother me when i was strolling around, just aimlessly thinking.

I was imagining what my family would be doing right now. Christmas was only a few weeks away. My younger sister had probably already convinced my parents to put up the Christmas decorations. I wondered what colour they would've put on the tree this year. Last year it was red and green, the typical Christmas colours. But i knew my mum would want something different, like she does every year. Maybe she would do white and silver, with small glass ornaments. I must call her and catch up. I could imagine my whole family sat by the log burner, watching silly lovey-dovey Christmas films. My sister probably shoving my dogs into some ridiculous outfit she had found, last year she had managed to find elf costumes. They were adorable, but they didn't last long until they had ripped them off of each other and they were strewn around the living room floor. 

I could feel a smile creeping onto my face as i thought of my family. Christmas was my favourite time of year. But with my promotion in work, it was going to be hard to find enough time off to go and visit my family to be home with them for the big day. 

I could hear some commotion from across the street. I kept my head down and kept walking, hoping that they wouldn't notice me. Too late.

"Hey pretty lady" One cat called. Disgusting. I carried on walking. "It's a bit rude to ignore a man like that, isn't it?"

I could hear the voices getting closer, i guessed that they were making their way across the street towards me. I hurried my pace towards the small shop. I could see it in the distance. The small sign dangling from the roof. My safe place. Suddenly, i felt hands grab my arm and i was turn around to face the strangers. Panic coursed through my body. 

"I was talking to you" One of the men growled into my face. His deep voice wasn't like Simon's, it didn't give me goose bumps. It just scared me to death. Why was i thinking about Simon in a situation like this?

"Sorry" i mumbled, hoping they would let go of me and leave me alone. But i was no in luck.

"I recognise you" One of the other men stepped forward and came closer to me. I could smell the stench of alcohol on his breath, it made me want to gag. "You were out with that bitch Simon the other night weren't you?" Shit.

"I don't know what you're on about" Please, please leave me alone.

"Yes, you do" I could feel tears slowly starting to drip down my cheeks. I didn't want to cry in front of these bastards. But what else can you do when you fear for your life. "We don't get on with Simon and his bitch-boy group very well, do we boys?"

The rest of his group nodded, and hummed in agreement. Why were they telling me this? Did they think i meant something to him? Did they think hurting me was going to get back at Simon?

"OI" Sudden shouts from behind us pulled the men's attention away from me. The grip on my upper arm loosened as the footsteps from behind progressively became louder. My body was spun around again, the man's arm was now around my waist and a cold, metal object was placed against my throat. As the figures behind the shouts came closer, i recognised the main face. Simon.

"Let her go, Lucas" Shit. i recognised that name from weeks ago, from that night. Simon said he owed him money or some shit. I started to panic again. Suddenly it became very obvious to me that the object placed at my throat was a knife. 

"Hi Simon, surprised to see you here" His voice was so close to me, it vibrated through my body. I shivered.

"Cut the bullshit, let her go" A voice spoke up from behind Simon. He was smaller than the rest of them. I didn't recognise him from the incident a few weeks ago. I guess there were more in this gang that i had realised. 

"i don't think i am ready to let the pretty girl go just yet" The knife pressed further into my throat, not enough to cut through the skin, but definitely enough to panic me further. My eyes met Simon's, silently begging him to save me. I was watching him intently as he reached into the back of his jeans and pulled out a gun. A few of the other Sidemen did the same.

"If that knife even cuts any part of that girl, you and your men are dead" I could hear a sharp breath being taken in by one of the men from behind me. If i was standing in front of The Sidemen, whilst they had a gun pointed at me, id be scared too. They are pretty intimidating.

"Take your bitch" I felt myself being thrown forward. My legs were to weak and i felt myself falling. I closed my eyes, ready to feel the cold concrete against my skin. But instead, i felt a large, strong pair of hands grasp my body and pull me towards them. I looked into Simon's dark eyes as he stood there, holding me. "Don't let a bitch make you weak though, Simon" 

The other men ran away. But not before one of The Sidemen, took a shot at one of their legs. I presume as a warning. But i did not see who shot it. I kept my gaze focussed on Simon. He saved me. I can't say i was positive that he wasn't the reason i was in this mess in the first place. But he still came to my rescue, when he could have just let me die. 

"Come on Si, lets get the girl home" I was thankful for that suggestion from one of the boys. Simon wrapped his arm around my legs and carried me towards his car. I was grateful he had done this, as i didn't think my legs would've carried me the distance towards the car. 

Simon sat in the back of the car next to me, whilst someone else drove. He probably knew that i wouldn't want to be near someone that i didn't know in that situation. The incident had completely drained me of any energy i had left. I could feel my eyes closing as i leant my head against Simon's chest. The last words i heard before sleep crept over me was Simon's deep voice whisper 

"I'm no good for you"

Territorial / Simon MinterWhere stories live. Discover now