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Walking into the club tonight was different, we were not here for fun, it was business. It was just the boys here tonight, none of our girls, we couldn't risk bring them further into this than they already were. We needed it to end, tonight. The plan is to try and discuss this as calmly has we can. But for some reason, i do not think it will be very civil.

Eyes were on us as soon as we walked into the club. It was not our territory, and everyone knew this. Looking over to the VIP area, Lucas and his men were watching us with eagle eyes. They were out of their seats and getting ready for a fight. We had to go about this carefully. 

I walked slightly further ahead than the boys, making my way straight towards the VIP section. There was no time to mess around. I was met by Lucas at the VIP entrance. His stance told me that he did not want me to get any further than i already was.

"Simon, did not expect to see you here tonight" Lucas growled. He was acting calm but his balled up fist by his side told me he was ready to throw a punch if i did.

"We need to talk business Lucas, it's long overdue." I was not scared of him. I knew that if it came down to it, the boys and I could take them easily.

"Then, please, come on in." He stepped to the side and the boys and I made our way cautiously into the VIP area. All of Lucas' men watched our every move. I did not doubt that one quick action from one of us would make them jump. Everyone was on edge.

We followed Lucas to a back room of the club, away from the loud music and party-goers. Some of Lucas' men followed and took a seat next to him, which was expected. He would not have sat there alone, whilst we had our whole gang present, that would be too easy. We each took a seat opposite him, like it was one of the most normal business meetings in the world.

"So what business would you like to discuss Simon?" He was playing a game. He knew fully well that the reason i came here was for my money.

"If i'm not mistaken, which i'm not, i think you owe us quite a bit of money" Lucas was shaking his head and laughing slowly, this was not a good sign.

"You don't deserve our money. You hardly even completed the favour we asked you, then you demand your reward?" I was furious. How can he say that we never completed the favour. I could feel the boys looking at each other with confusion that matched my own. He was talking complete bullshit and i was not standing for it.

"Didn't complete your favour? You must be joking. We went overseas, we helped you defeat a dangerous rival gang which was nothing to do with us. We were nearly killed, and we "hardly" completed your favour?" My voice was raised as i used hand gestures to quote "hardly". My anger was starting to show and i didn't think it was going to diffuse.

"I just don't think it was enough to give you your money Simon" 

I wasn't even thinking before i was throwing myself out of my chair. My hands instinctively wrapped themselves around Lucas' neck. His men got up to grab hold of me, but as my boys stood up, they backed away. They knew this was a fight they were destined to lose. 

"What the FUCK did you say to me!?" I screamed so loud into Lucas' face that i saw his head blow back slightly. Fear flashed in his eyes as he tried to compose himself. 

"I said i do not think it was enough.." Before he could even finish his repeated sentences, the flesh of my fist was making contact with his face. Blood appeared from the corners of his mouth and he spat it onto the floor.

The door burst open and more of Lucas' men arrived, we were outnumbered. This is when the real fight began. Everyone was throwing punches. Blood was splatting up against all of the walls. Lucas may have had more men, but mine were stronger. 

The sound of all of the commotion must have drawn the attention of some of the party-goers in the club. The police turned up and barged into the room. Normally the police would not get involved with us gangs. But as we were disturbing many citizens, they had to be called. They took me and the boys to a cell for overnight keeping, knowing they could not keep us for longer than that. 


It was 2:30am when the call awoke me from my deep slumber. The name Freya flashed up on the screen and my heart started pumping. 

Emily had filled me in on the boys' plan. Ethan had told her all about it, and insisted that we did not get involved. I did not think it was a good idea, and i must have been right. Why else would Freya be calling me at this ridiculous time in the morning. Without even a second thought, my thumb was scrolling across the "accept call" button and i was pressing the screen to my ear.

"Hello?" My sleepy voice was still evident as i choked out the word.

"Hey Zoe, so sorry to wake you. The boys' meeting did not exactly go to plan. They are fine, they are in an overnight cell right now. I'm going to go down there and see what i can do. I'm not too sure what the situation is with you and Si right now, but he might want you there? And i'm sure Emily will want to be there for Ethan too, so i was wondering if you wanted to come down with me?" 

My exhausted mind was trying to process all the information that Freya was currently throwing at me. I wasn't really thinking when i told her that we'd come with her. She said she would meet me outside the apartment in ten minutes. I hung up the phone and finally gathered my thoughts. Would Simon even want me to be there? Would Simon even be thinking about me at all?

I pushed the thoughts to the back of my mind and went to woke up Emily. She would want to be there for Ethan anyway and the least i could do would be to go with her, even if Simon didn't want me to be there. My heart ached at the thought of Simon being hurt again. The whole car journey there i was bracing myself to walk in and see his injuries. Freya has said it had not gone well, Josh had used her as his one call from the cell and briefly told her what had happened. I didn't want to go in there and be emotional, i braced myself for the worst. However, nothing could have prepared me for what i saw when i entered the overnight prison.

Territorial / Simon MinterWhere stories live. Discover now