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I had been standing outside our block of apartments, waiting for Simon, for about 10 minutes. The thick, red beanie that i had pulled over my head was not enough to shade me from the blistering wind. I could feel that my nose was turning red and my teeth would not stop chattering. 

I could not tell if my body was shaking because of the below average temperatures, or was i shaking from the anticipation of what was to come. I had said yes to Simon's offer without properly thinking. I still was not sure what to think of the guy, or of the situation i had found myself in. Maybe today will clear things up for me? Maybe i'll finally find out what he wants with me?

The car pulled up to the pavement and i my heart starting beating faster as my eyes fell on the figure in the driving seat. I had seen Simon multiple times now, but my awe did not alter every time i saw him. His smile was so endearing, if i did not know who he really was, or what he really did, i would have thought he was a normal guy, who maybe raised money for charity doing bike rides and bake sales. His smile was so innocent.

"Hey" He grinned as i climbed in the passenger seat beside him. 

"Hi" I suddenly fell shy. It was like my body instantly turned weak under his intense gaze. I did not like the control he had over my body. 

Simon began driving down the street. The radio was turned on, the volume reasonably low. Some rock band was playing, no one i had heard of before. I could see Simon's head bobbing along to the song. It was the most normal thing in the world. Maybe Simon could be a normal guy? 

My attention was taken from Simon when i could hear the faint sound of Christmas music appearing over the sound of the radio. When i looked up i could see carnival rides, mini log cabins and a huge ice skating rink. Winter Wonderland!

"Oh my God, Simon look!" I could not  contain my excitement. I never really traveled this far into the city, and i had sure never been to Winter Wonderland before.

"That's that Winter Wonderland thing, isn't it?" Simon seemed amused by my sudden excitement. "Have you never been?" 

"No! I've never really thought about it since i've been living here, and we never had one back where i used to live" 

"Do you want to go?" I was shocked that Simon had offered to take me there. It did not seem like the type of place the biggest gang leader around would be seen in. My heart leaped at the thought of him dragging himself there just for me.

"Can we? I know you said we'd get something to eat, but i can't help but really want to go" I shy smile had appeared on my face. I felt like a child asking my parents for a favour. 

"Let's go" I mirrored the smile that had appeared on Simon's face. He pulled the car into a nearby space and i jumped out of the car. Although it was still midday and the sun was still shining from the sky, the whole place was lined with Christmas lights. This place would look amazing later on in the day, when the sky began to get darker. 

I was so captivated by the sight in front of me, i had not even noticed that Simon had appeared next to me. He was pulling a black jacket over his arms.

"Ready?" As soon as the words escaped his mouth, i wrapped my arm under his and pulled him along with me. I blushed at my sudden contact, i could blame it on my eagerness or the cold weather. But right now, i was just going to enjoy the moment.

Simon didn't flinch or pull away from my hold, so we stayed like that. Linked arms with each other, as we entered the gates of Winter Wonderland. The music got louder, the ferris wheel was turning and the people on the skating rink squealed as they hit the cold ice.

"What do you want to do first?" Simon asked. There were so many things i wanted to do, so many thing that i did not think Simon was going to enjoy, not as much as me anyway.

"Can we go ice skating...please?" This was asking for a lot. I did not think, Simon Minter, was going to go ice skating, ever.

"Sure" No groan, no signs of distaste, who is this guy? 

Our arms still linked, we strolled towards the ice skating rink and cued to get our skates.

"Size 10's please" Simon turned to me and grinned "you know what they say about big feet"

"Big socks" we both exclaimed at the same time and both burst into fits of laughter.

When we had both been given our skates and managed to squeeze our feet into them. We made our way, carefully, onto the ice.

"Have you done this before?" I asked Simon as he stepped onto the ice and immediately grabbed onto the railing for dear life.

"Nope. Have you?" He asked, as i glided onto the ice and stood next to his trembling body.

"Maybe a few times" I grinned and whizzed past him. I went round the whole edge of the ice rink, aware that Simon's eyes were fixated on me. I did a few spins on the ice before making my way back to him. 

"Fuck this" Simon said as i glided up to him. He let go of the metal railing, but as soon as he did, his feet slipped and he tumbled down to the hard ice, landing on his backside.

This is going to be fun.

Territorial / Simon MinterWhere stories live. Discover now