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"No, stop!" A loud mumble awoke me from my deep slumber. At first i was terrified, as i opened my eyes and could not remember where i was. My sleepy eyes scanned the room before i realised i was in Simon's bed. I turned to look at Simon and was shocked to see his body shaking vigorously.

More loud mumbles escaped his mouth as he thrashed his body in the bed in distress. He was having a nightmare, a very frightening nightmare as it seems. I put my hand on his shoulder and gently shook him. However, when he didn't wake up and continued to shake in panic, i knew i had to add more force. 

I put one hand on each shoulder, to add more force and hopefully help to stop the shaking. I shook him a bit harder this time, and whisper shouted his name. I was relieved when the shaking finally stopped and he quickly opened his eyes. A gasp escaped his mouth when he woke up and i couldn't help the ache in my heart, thinking of how much stress he must have been in.

"Simon, it's Zoe. You're okay, it was just a nightmare" I tried to calm him down as his expression was still one of shock and confusion. 

Before i knew it Simon's arms were wrapped around me. He pulled me close to him and held me tightly. His body was covered in a layer of sweat, but i didn't mind. I knew he needed this. I could feel his breath slowing down the longer he held me to him. I started to run my fingers through the tiny hairs at the nape of his neck and i heard him let out a much needed sigh.

"Are you okay?" I felt timid asking Simon this question. I wasn't sure how he was going to react to what just happened.

"I'm okay now. Thank you for waking me up and calming me down" His voice was rough, full of tiredness.

"No problem" I suddenly felt very aware that i was still wrapped very tightly in Simon's arms. A blanket of silence fell over us, with just the sound of our breathing filling the room. "Do you get nightmares often then?" 

I was anxiously awaiting a reply to my question, it was quite personal and i wasn't sure if Simon was going to feel comfortable answering it. However, it didn't matter if he felt comfortable or not, as as i looked down my eyes fell upon Simon's sleeping face. He looked so peaceful.

I tried to move away slightly, so we weren't so tied up in each other. But as i tried to pull away, Simon's grip on me tightened and a quiet moan of protest escaped his lips. After what he had just gone through i couldn't get myself to break his tight hold on me, so i laid still in his arms. As much as i was embarrassed to admit it, i enjoyed the fact i could fall asleep so close to him. I was falling hard, this is dangerous.

The next morning

I woke up in the morning, in bed alone. My mind was racing over what had happened the night before. Going to the prison, seeing Simon's beat up face, the nightmare. It was one big whirlwind of emotions. I did not know how i was meant to feel this morning. But the fact that Simon was not in bed with me when i woke up slightly worried me. Did he regret letting me stay in his bed? Was he embarrassed at what happened last night? 

As i was stressing myself out with question after question. A flood of relief fell over me as i heard the flush of the toilet and the ensuite bathroom door unlock and open. A tired, lethargic Simon appeared from the bathroom and made his way back to bed. Halfway back to the bed, Simon looked up and realised that i was now awake.

"Sorry, i hope i didn't wake you" He genuinely looked concerned that i was awake.

"Oh no, not at all." I couldn't help but smile at his sweet concern and his expression changed to a smile to match my own. 

Simon climbed back into the bed next to me and i was suddenly filled with warmth again as i felt his body closer to mine. 

"Do you want to watch something on tv?" Simon grabbed the remote control from on top of his bed-side cabinet and used it to gesture towards the tv at the end of the bed.

"Sure" I replied. Simon switched a button on the remote and the tv glared into life. We sat and watched some random shows that happened to be on in the morning. We watched some Friends and of course, Simon's favourite, the Simpsons. I couldn't help but grin whenever Simon chuckled at one of the stupid jokes on there. I understand now why the boys say his laugh sounds so much like Bart Simpson. 

"You've watched so much of this programme you are starting to turn into Bart" I turned to Simon and couldn't help but giggle at his fake offended expression. 

"I do not sound like Bart"

"You so do!" Simon lightly wacked me with a pillow he had next to him on the floor, and i faked being injured. Simon was concerned at first until i burst out laughing and he did the same. 

It was so strange, waking up next to Simon this morning and watching mindless tv programmes. It almost felt like we were the most normal couple in the world, like i wasn't sat making jokes and laughing with one of the most dangerous gang members in the country. I do not understand how on one hand he can be so threatening and dangerous and then on the other hand he can be one of the sweetest guys i have ever met in my life.

I didn't realise that i was thinking all of this, i was staring straight at him, and he was staring back at me. But i wasn't awkward. It wasn't like he had caught me awkwardly gawking at him. It was so intense and i was suddenly very aware that Simon's hand was on the back of my neck and he was moving towards me. He's going to kiss me!

I closed my eyes and leaned forward, meeting him halfway. His soft lips touched mine and every thought in my head disappeared. There was no way that a single thought could occupy my mind right now. I was fully immersed in this kiss. This was one of the best kisses of my life. There was no rush. It was so slow and intimate. Our lips were moving together so in sync, it's like we were truly meant for each other. Every kiss i had had in the past, was a kiss with a frog compared to this.   

Territorial / Simon MinterWhere stories live. Discover now