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"What the fuck happened?!" Emily's yell awoke me from my slumber. I looked up to see i was being carried back into our apartment by Simon.He laid me down on the sofa and took a seat beside me.

"Some dickheads tried to use her to get back at us" Simon aggressively wiped his hands over his face, trying to hide his anger.

"What do you mean?" Emily knelt in front of me, to check if i was okay. Her eyes widened at the red mark that had appeared on my neck. She stayed on the floor and looked towards Simon for a further explanation. 

"This is a long story, you might want to put the kettle on" Emily stayed put. One of the boys, whom i did not know the name of, walked towards the kitchen, found the kettle and switched it on. And so the story began.

Simon explained how this gang was dangerous, probably the second most dangerous in Seattle, after The Sidemen. He told us of how he and his gang had done a favour for these other guys, and now they owed them a hell of a lot of money. We didn't ask what type of favour, in all honesty, i was too scared to find out. They had used some of their guys to threaten them, to hopefully get the money back. Which explains the incident i saw a few weeks ago.

Simon's phone began to ring from inside his trouser pocket, he grabbed it and held it to his ear. "Hello!" His voice was so loud, so aggressive, it made me jump. Simon got up from the sofa and walked into the kitchen, probably so we didn't interrupt him.

"We're sorry for getting you into this mess" The smaller of the boys took Simon's seat beside me. He held out his hand and gave me a small smile. "I'm Vik" 

"Zoe" I replied, shaking his hand. I must admit i was worried. How was i meant to go to work knowing that one of the most dangerous gangs might come for me? How was i ever meant to leave the house?

"Maybe you guys should stay with us for a while, until we know you are safe" Vik suggested.

"I don't think that is a good idea. Being around you guys is what got us into this mess in the first place" Emily spoke up from where she was sitting on the floor. I wasn't expecting her to speak so aggressively, she is normally one of the nicest people, she refrains from confrontation as much as she can. Me, not so much, i quite like a good argument every now and again.

"We just want to help you" Ethan lightly touched Emily's arm but she pulled it away from his reach. Ethan looked hurt by this. I sort of felt sorry for him. But Emily was right, if we hadn't gone out with the boys the other night then these men would not even know who we were.

"I think you have done quite enough" I was surprised by Emily's sudden confidence, especially considering who she was talking to. The room fell silent. The only noise coming from Simon and his phone call, in the next room over.

No one really spoke until Simon came back. "I think we need to go to the club tonight, these men think we are at our weakest, we must show them we are still in control" Simon didn't sit back down. He spoke whilst standing, showing his authority, his power. He told the rest of The Sidemen what to do. It was kind of attractive to see a man with so much power.

"Can we come?" I'm not sure what convinced me that this was a good idea. Surely, with what just happened i should want to stay inside? But strangely, i didn't. I didn't want to feel weak. I wanted to continue to live my life, i was still young! It was a Saturday night and if i wanted to go to the club, then that's what i'll do. 

"You want to come with us?" Simon sounded surprised. I didn't really blame him. 

"Zoe, i really don't think we should" Emily's voice was almost a whisper beside me, her eyes almost pleading me to change my mind.

Territorial / Simon MinterWhere stories live. Discover now