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Simon and I walked into the kitchen to grab another drink together. I felt a lot more comfortable walking round this party with him by my side. Although it did cause a few people to stare. Whilst Simon was pouring our drinks i had a quick look around the kitchen/dining room area, suddenly Freya caught my eye.

"Zoe!" She called my name and pointed to the beer pong table she was stood next to. I could see Josh was stood next to her and caught on that she was suggesting we play a game of beer pong with them.

"Simon, will you play beer pong with me?" I turned and asked him as he handed me my cup.

"I don't know Zoe, i don't normally play" His face cringed as he looked towards the beer pong table. I couldn't imagine Simon getting excited about dunking a ball into a red cup.

"Please, i need a partner" I looked up at him with the best puppy dog eyes i could give, and i physically saw his face begin to give in.

"Fine" I didn't give him a second before i was dragging him towards Freya and Josh. Freya clapped her hands with glee.

"Mate, you're not who i was expecting to see at the other end of this table" Josh teased Simon, knowing that Simon obviously did not want to play.

"I didn't really have a choice" Simon looked down at me after his reply and i gave him a big grin.

The cups were put in formation and filled with various types of alcohol, both teams were situated on their side of the table.

"You go first" I handed the white ping pong ball to Simon and he huffed and lined to take his shot. He threw the ball with such delicacy, not something you would have expected from tough guy Simon. The ball immediately sunk into the middle red cup and i let out a squeal of excitement.

"I thought you said you weren't very good!" I almost shouted.  

"I said i didn't normally play, i never said i wasn't good" He gave me a cheeky wink which i knew made the blood rush to my cheeks, before he lined up to take his next shot.

Simon dunked ball after ball. It wasn't long before Freya and Josh only had one cup left on their side of the table, yet we still had four cups left on our side. 

"Zoe, if you get this in we win" Simon stood muttering encouraging words into my ear as i took my place in front of the table. I lifted the white ball into the air and gently over arm threw it in the direction of the last red cup on the table. It almost felt like time was going in slow motion as the ball drifted through the air. Surprisingly, i actually managed to get the ball in the last remaining cup.

I was in a state of complete shock as i turned to Simon and jumped into his arms. I was squealing with happiness as he span me around in his arms. I was suddenly very aware how intimate this must have seemed to everyone else in the party and Simon put me back on my feet. I turned to face Freya and Josh who weren't so excited about my win.

"Drink up bitches" I pointed to the table, where Josh and Freya had to drink the alcohol from the remaining cup on the table and the four remaining cups on our side as well.

"Guys, it's two minutes until midnight!" Someone shouted from the doorway of the living room. 

Suddenly everyone was rushing towards the living room area, ready to watch the New Year's countdown on the tv. Simon and I followed the crowd of people and stood with the rest of them to watch.

I could see Emily and Ethan standing around the tv. He had an arm around her waist and she was leaning into him. He was whispering something into her ear which made her look at him and smile. I could see in this moment how genuinely happy she was and how Ethan made her that way. I knew that it didn't matter how dangerous these boys actually were, the heart will always want what the heart wants.

I turned to the other side of us and saw Josh and Freya, they must had followed us in from the dining area. Josh was stood behind Freya with his arms wrapped around her waist. He was planting light kisses on the back of her head. These two had been together for over six years and they were still stronger than even any couple that i had witnessed on the outside of this crazy gang world. If they could make it work, they there was hope for the rest of us.

Finally, looking to the side of me, there was Simon. He looked amazing stood there in his tight black long sleeved tshirt and black jeans. His arm was resting lightly around my waist and i could feel his thumb slowly making circles over the lace of my bodysuit. His eyes flicked onto mine and i felt like we were the only two people in the room. His blue eyes were piercing into my own, i will never get over just how mesmerizing his eyes are.

Before either of us had a chance to say anything to each other or spend another minute looking into each others eyes, the countdown had began. I turned back towards the tv and watching the ball begin to drop. The volume of the living area had increased dramatically as everyone joined in the countdown.





I turned to look at Simon as i was chanting the countdown loudly like everyone else. But his eyes were not watching the tv, they weren't watching the ball drop, they were watching me. He wasn't counting down, he was just grinning at me. I carried on looking at him as i carried on counting down, hoping it would make him join in.






Suddenly i saw Simon's gaze travel from my eyes down to my lips. I hadn't even thought about what was going to happen when we reached the end of the countdown.


Simon leaned towards me and i began to lean towards him, i tilted my head up and met his lips. He pulled me tighter as our lips worked with each others, so synchronized. The kiss felt like it had gone on for ages, although people were still cheering and kissing after the countdown as we pulled away. 

"Happy New year Zoe" Simon grinned down at me.

"Happy New Year Simon"

The party carried on until early hours of the morning, although after a few more drinks i had completely lost track of time. Everyone had left and we were all stood in the kitchen chatting about New Years resolutions.

I could feel my eyelids becoming heavy and i felt my body leaning into Simon's more as i felt the exhaustion hit me.

"Come on you, lets go to bed" Simon whispered in my ear and grabbed a hold of my hand. This action would have been more of a big deal to me if i wasn't so tired, but it still made my heart skip a beat.

A chorus of "goodnight guys" and "happy New Years" filled the room before Simon and I made our way up the stairs and towards his bedroom. Simon opened the door for me and i immediately made my way towards the bed and flopped on top of the mattress.

"Lets get out of these clothes silly" Simon chucked me one of his shirts and i tried to undo the button on my jeans.

"Can you do it for me?" I whined, exhaustion taking over me.

"Are you sure that's okay?" It made my heart hurt slightly that Simon had such care for me, even in this state.

"Yes, thank you" Simon made his way towards me and carefully took off my jeans and bodysuit. I was no help whilst he pulled the tshirt over my head. I flopped back onto the bed and Simon pulled the covers up to my chest. The last thing i remember that night is Simon climbing into bed next to me and pulling me close to him. I snuggled into his warm chest and began to fell asleep. But not before i heard the quiet words slip from his lips

"A new year for us" 

Territorial / Simon MinterOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant