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I had decided to bring up the topic of The Sidemen in work, with Emily, a few days later. I didn't tell her about my encounter with them, as i didn't want her to ask too many questions. And, to be frank, i did not really feel like reliving the moment. 

"No one really knows too much about who they are" Emily replied, looking slightly baffled as to why i had bought it up. "Apparently they, like, own the city. Everyone knows of them. They own clubs. They use girls. They are not afraid to kill people to get their way."

"Why haven't the police caught them?" I asked, slightly terrified at the stuff Emily was telling me in this moment.

"The police are scared of them, Zo" 

"Scared of them? Doesn't that defeat the point of the police? I thought that the police were meant to keep up safe!" I was panicking, if the police were scared of them, who was i meant to call to help me if they ever came for me. I highly doubt they saw my face very clearly that night. If they did, it would be hard to recognise me if they saw me again. But i couldn't be to sure.

"What's wrong babe? Has something happened?" Emily's eyes were full of concern. I wanted to tell her what happened. But i really didn't want to make a big fuss. 

"No, it's fine. Just heard about them the other day, that's all. Wanted to know a bit more. It's a bit scary though, isn't it?" Emily shrugged.

"They've been living here since i was growing up. I've never had any trouble from them, i'm sure you wont either" Maybe i wont, after all.

I worked in a big publishing house, in the middle of Seattle. It was one of the most renowned business companies in Seattle, and i was very proud to work there. I spend my days, sat in my office, reading manuscripts. I love my job. I get to read all day, which is one of my favourite pastimes, and i get to meet with new aspiring authors and lead them through their journey of writing. It was a very rewarding career.

At lunchtime, Emily and I decided to go down to our favourite cafe for lunch. The cafe was only a few blocks down from work. It was the cutest place to eat. The whole aesthetic was archaic, all the chairs were red booths and the tables were a faded white colour. All the food was a retro sort of style. With big thick milkshakes and pancakes covered in syrup. It was enough to draw me in, every day. 

We sat in our favourite spot by the window and ordered some food. I couldn't help but feel agitated for some reason. I felt like i was being watched but whenever i looked around, i couldn't see anyone paying any attention to me. 

"You seem really nervous today, are you sure you are okay?" Emily was so concerned about me. I had to tell her. She was my best friend! I couldn't keep something like this from her. So i told her everything, in a hushed voice so no one around us could hear. I told her everything i saw that night. "Oh my God, Zoe, are you okay?"

"I've just never been that scared in my life, and i can't stop thinking about it" I closed my eyes tightly, as i could feel the tears welling up. I didn't want to be seen crying in the middle of a busy cafe.

"Tell you what. You can stay at my house tonight, or for as long as you need to. I don't want you to stay at home by yourself. You'll freak yourself out!" 

"Thank you." 

I appreciated Emily letting me stay at her apartment. If i had stayed at mine by myself, i would have driven myself mad. We got into our pjs and sat in front of the tv watching some movie classics. We watched Legally Blonde, The Devil Wears Prada and an absolute favourite of mine, Love Actually. All of the worries that had my crowding my mind all day had disappeared. Emily made me feel so safe that i didn't even think of The Sidemen for the rest of the night. Everything was going to be okay.  

Territorial / Simon MinterWhere stories live. Discover now