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Simon drove the four of us to this extremely posh restaurant down town. It wasn't somewhere that i would find my friends and I eating at. It looked slightly too expensive for us. 

"Oh hello, Mr Minter, we weren't expecting you this evening. Table for four?" A waitress said as she approached us at the door of the restaurant. She fluttered her eyelashes towards Simon and i had to stop myself from laughing. She led us towards a table near the back. 

"Mr Minter? You must come in here quite a lot" I spoke as i slid into the far side of the booth. Simon sat opposite me, Emily slid in beside me and Ethan sat opposite her.

"It's one of my favourites" he shrugged as he picked up a menu and handed it towards me. I open it and my eyes widened at the price of everything on the menu. 

"Everything is so expensive" I exclaimed.

"It's a good job we're paying then" Simon's eyes did not leave his menu as he spoke.

"I can't let you do that"

"Well i'm paying if you like it or not, so pick something from the menu and enjoy it" I was shocked by Simon's sudden outburst. I wasn't expecting him to get so defensive about him paying for my meal. I really didn't know what his deal was.

"So why are we here?" I said suddenly. Shocking everyone at the table. I guess no one expected me to question the elephant in the room so early in the evening. 

"You caught our attention" This time it was Ethan he spoke. But when i turned my attention to him, he was looking at Emily and Emily was looking at him. I could see her already falling for him and i was slightly less that pleased about it"

"Obviously, but you do realise that you can't just easily get every girl you want?" I was starting to get agitated. How could these boys think the whole world of themselves that they actually thought they could just tell us what to do because we 'got their attention'.

"It's worked every other time, sweetheart" I looked towards Simon again and he no longer had a look of annoyance on his face as he did during his earlier outburst. He was smirking at me again. I heard Ethan chuckle from beside him.

"Well don't expect me to be like every other girl" I smiled, sarcastically, in Simon's direction. He looked slightly shocked, as if no one had stood up to him before. I looked back at Ethan and he looked impressed. I don't know what has come over me. I was terrified of them. But for some reason, i don't feel as threatened as i thought i would.

We didn't speak too much throughout the meal. But the food was amazing. Possibly the best food i have ever eaten. I had steak and thick chips, and it came with peppercorn sauce. Simon ordered us a bottle of red wine, which was so French that i couldn't pronounce it if i tried. But hearing Simon speak French was extremely satisfying, a massive turn on for me. Not that i'm thinking of Simon in that way. I could feel myself blushing as i was thinking about it. When i looked up i caught Simon staring at me. I suddenly felt very shy, due to the fact he had just witnessed me blush.

I could hear Emily and Ethan having a quiet conversation between themselves as i studied Simon. He was wearing a dark jumper that was slim fitted against his toned chest. The jumper complimented his body so well, clinging in just the right places. Id never noticed how silver/grey his hair way, i've only seen him in dim lighting, so i just assumed it was blonde. But i was wrong. The tips were a metallic colour, i liked it, it looked better than blonde would've. 

"So, are you going to leave us alone after this?" I interrupted Simon from his study of me. 

"I don't think we can" His eyes flicked over to Emily and Ethan, and mine followed. They were in a world of their own, with each other. If you didn't know who Ethan was, then this would've looked like any normal date. Two individuals infatuated with each other. But when you realise that the guy is actually part of the biggest gang in Seattle and has killed many people, the image sort of distorts itself.

Ethan sat in the back with Emily whilst we were driving home. Which resulted in me sitting in the front with Simon driving. He looked like any normal guy when he was driving. His eyes were focussed on the road. I must admit he was going slightly too fast for my liking, but with no police to worry about, i guess he could do whatever he wanted. 

I've always been a fan of "bad boys". In college, i was always the one to get involved with the wrong boys. I entered many relationships where i got cheated on, repeatedly. But one of my worst personality traits is that i get attached to easily and i find it hard to end it. So when i was cheated on, over and over again, i never ended it with the guy. I always thought he could change, it would get better. But once a cheater, always a cheater. However, those "bad boys" did not compare to Simon at all. There is a major difference between immature boys who like the attention of many girls at the same time, and a renowned gang leader who kills people, when he can't get his own way.

I'm not saying that i am, in any way, shape or form, getting involved with Simon. It would be like throwing myself into a pit of poisonous snakes. Which to be honest, is not something i feel like putting myself through. But i was intrigued. Surely under all this "evil", there is a normal young man? But i'm not sure i can stick through all of the rest to find out. I will have to try and convince Emily to not go for Ethan. But to be fair, he doesn't seem too bad. Also, i cant tell my best friend what to do, or not to do, with her life. 

Simon dropped us outside of Emily's apartment building. I jumped out of the car, not saying a word to Ethan or Simon. Emily took longer to actually get out of the car, i'm guessing she was saying her goodbyes to Ethan. As i was waiting in the freezing cold on the pavement, Simon's car door opened and he began to walk towards me. He stood in front of me, leaning against the passenger door.

"Thanks for the food" i mumbled, kicking a piece of gravel with my heel. Feeling insecure under his tight gaze.

"No problem. I'll see you soon, yeah?" He was still smirking. I must admit, his smirk made me weak at the knees.

"I don't think that's a good idea. My parents wouldn't be very happy if they knew i was spending time with the biggest gang leader." 

"Your parents might not want you hanging out with me. But i know you do" Before i was able to reply to his coy comment, he pushed himself from the car and climbed back into the drivers seat.

Emily joined me on the pavement and i turned to walk inside. I flicked the kettle on to start making tea. It felt like such a mundane task after what we just did. I guess our lives were about to get a little less normal. 

Territorial / Simon MinterWhere stories live. Discover now