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I followed Simon up to our suite like a child about to be scolded by their parents. I felt as if i had just been caught doing something disruptive in class. 

The whole elevator ride i had my head down, looking at the floor, afraid to look up at Simon since he was obviously in such a bad mood. But why? I hadn't done anything wrong. Had he taken me to New York and expected me not to leave the hotel room alone?

The more i thought about it, the more angrier i got myself. The elevator doors opened and i stormed ahead. Making my way to the suite, no longer looking like a sorry child. I used my own room key to open the door and let myself in. But Simon was close behind me and slammed the door after himself. 

"So are you going to tell me where you were?" Simon asked, his voice still raised but not as loud as when we were downstairs. He obviously cooled down on the elevator ride up, unlike myself.

"I was shopping! What is the big deal Simon? You are acting like a complete psycho" I sat on the sofa and rested my hands on my temples.

Simon was standing in front of me, pacing slightly. He didn't say anything, just stared at me for a while. I stared back, not backing down from this argument i was refusing to lose. I was shocked when Simon took a big sigh and sat on the sofa next to me. I turned to look at him, my head still resting on my hands. 

"Simon, what is wrong?" He turned his head to look at me as i spoke. His eyes looked softer.

"Zoe, I am not a very likeable person. Especially here. There are a lot of gangs out here, some we are allies with but some we are definitely not. And i know that the gangs in Seattle know there is something going on between you and me now. It won't be long until gangs out here know that too. I was just worried about you, i'm sorry" 

Oh Simon, oh my fucked up, caring Simon. I didn't know what to say. But i couldn't not show him how much i cared that he cared. So i turned towards him on the sofa, wrapped my arms around his neck and climbed onto his lap.

We sat there for a while, just holding each other. Simon's head was on my shoulder and mine was resting on the top of his head. I could feel his warm arms wrapped around my torso. This act was so intimate, if i wasn't so relaxed and comfortable, i would probably blush. But in this moment, the position was not sexual. As much as i was enjoying the moment, i had to say something. I lifted my head slightly.

"I understand that you are just looking out for me Simon. But you can't expect me not to go outside without you" He sighed again.

"I know" He didn't lift his head from my shoulder, but i felt his arm enclose me tighter. So i laid my head back on top of his and enjoyed this moment for a bit longer.


We decided to skip the meal for tonight. Despite how long i had spent picking out that dress, i appreciated the fact we could stay in together tonight, after the situation that occurred earlier. We ordered Chinese food and decided to pick a movie on Netflix to watch.  

We watched a few horror films and a few comedies, before we knew it it was early hours in the morning. We laughed as we checked the time and it was suddenly 3am, we had not realised so much time has passed at all. 

I looked up at Simon but he was already looking at me. It may have been 3am but i could tell by the look in Simon's eye that neither of us were tired at all. I reached forward and Simon did the same. Our lips connected and i knew both of us had been wanting this for a while. Our lips moved together frantically, we couldn't get enough of each other. Before i knew it, we were back in the position we were in earlier, my legs back straddling Simon's crotch. But this time it was a different kind of intimate.

Simon's tongue was in my mouth, moving rhythmically with my own. I couldn't help but rub over the bulge i could feel forming in Simon's grey sweatpants. His hands grabbed at my hips and i could hear and feel the low moan that was trying to escape his occupied lips. 

Something told me this night had only just begun.

Territorial / Simon MinterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora