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The alcohol was coursing through my system. I had left the VIP section and made my way towards the more public dance floor. I had no idea where everyone else was, but in that moment, i didn't really care. 

The DJ was playing a song i didn't recognise. The base was loud and the lights were an epileptic's worst nightmare. I was loving it. 

My eyes scanned over the room, slightly blurry due to a few too many glasses. I spotted a girl dancing with some guy, the dance moves were slightly to vulgar for my liking. She had her arse pushed up against the front of the guy, she was moving her hips, grinding over him. He had his hands locked on her hips, pulling her as close to him as possible. 

I suddenly felt awkward watching them. I do not understand how people can confidently do that in front of hundreds of people. It was a scene i would rather be kept to the bedroom. Her face was thick full of make up. Her eyes were closed and she her hair was swinging in all directions. Not very classy at all. When my attention turned to his face, my stomach dropped. Simon.

I shouldn't be feeling this way. I did not have any rights to him at all. He may have saved my life, but he had also been the one to put it in danger. If Freya hadn't said all that shit to me before, i'm sure i wouldn't have felt like this at all. I was expecting it. The Sidemen were known for using girls, and Simon was their leader. Every girl probably fell at his feet, and i'm sure he enjoyed it.

But i could not ignore the slight anger than had fallen over me. I turned away from them but could not forget what i had scene. A guy was dancing close to me, and i couldn't help but turn my attention to him. A distraction. He seemed happy that i had taken notice of him. His hands found their way to my hips, as he danced, drunkenly, over me. 

I wrapped my arms around his neck. Attempting to sway my hips to the sound of the music. I could see Emily dancing with Ethan in the distance. Her eyes were looking in my direction but they looked shocked, almost scared. I wasn't sure why she was looking towards me like that. Until my body was pushed to the side and the sound of a loud punch filled the dance floor.

 When i gathered myself and turned my attention to the scene in front of me, Simon was standing over the guy i was dancing with. The guy already had a red mark appearing on the side of his face, but he did not stand up to Simon obviously. Simon was yelling in his face, the only words i was able to catch were "fuck off". The guy scurried away and suddenly Simon's anger was turned towards me. Although i still was not sure why.

"What the fuck do you think you were doing?" He was shouting at me, why was he shouting at me?

"I was dancing?" My voice was shaking, i wasn't used to people shouting at me. I had always been good in school, i had always been good at home. I never gave teachers or my parents a reason to shout at me. I had been in arguments with random girls before, but they weren't intimidating at all, not like this.

"Why were you dancing with that prick?" His eyes were dark, i tried to look down at the floor so i didn't have to look into the intensity of them. But he grabbed my wrist, i little to harshly, which bought my attention back towards him.

"Why wouldn't i be dancing with him?!" I tried to pull my wrist from his grasp, but his fingers just tightened around it.

"You're mine" He was no longer yelling. He had almost growled this "statement". 

"No i'm not! I do not belong to you. Go back to paying that dumb bitch attention, and leave me alone" With this i quickly pulled my arm from his hold. My actions too nimble for him to be able to tighten his grip and keep me there. I stormed away from him, and made my way, angrily, back up to the VIP section.

Emily and Ethan met me up there. Emily's voice was full of concern. 

"Zoe are you okay?" 

"Yes, i'm fine" I wasn't. I was still in shock. I rubbed my hand over the appearing hand marks on my wrist. But, most of all, i was angry.

"I do not think that was the best idea" Ethan spoke up from beside Emily. "Don't get me wrong, i'm impressed that you had the balls to speak to Simon like that. But he is going to be angry now"

"I do not give a fuck if he is angry. His actions down there were so far from rational!"

"I know. Simon has a hard time controlling his anger." Ethan shrugged, almost apologetically.

"I just want to go home" I sighed.

"Let's go." I was glad that Emily had agreed to leave in that moment. I did not want to be in the same place as Simon right now.

"Oh come on, don't let Simon ruin your night" Ethan pleaded with us. I felt bad for dragging Emily away from him.

"It's too late for that" I walked down the VIP stairs and towards the exit. Emily following me. As i looked back, i could see Ethan talking to Simon. Simon's eyes were locked on me, watching me as i left the club. 

I quickened my pace, hoping that he was not going to follow me. We jumped into a taxi and started our journey home. I was going to try my best to stay as far away from Simon Minter as possible.

Territorial / Simon MinterWhere stories live. Discover now