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A couple of weeks had passed, Christmas had been and gone. I had surprisingly found time to go home and visit my family for Christmas. It felt so nice and calming to spend time with my family and not have to worry about any gang violence happening around us. My family live in a quite town in Montana. It takes about 8 hours for me to get from Seattle to their house in Montana, but at times like Christmas it is worth the journey.

Christmas is one of my favourite holidays, probably to do with all the food you eat. I loved just sitting around in the living room with my family watching films like The Holiday. 

Emily had stayed in Seattle for Christmas as she doesn't have much contact with her family these days, it ended badly when she wanted to move to Seattle for work. I had been texting her whilst i was away. She sounded like she was doing absolutely fine without me. She had seen Ethan a lot whilst i was away, they had gone out for food and she had gone to The Sidemen house for Christmas day. Although some of the boys had gone to see their families for Christmas, Ethan, Tobi, Vik and Simon stayed home and they all spent Christmas together.

Speaking of Simon, i had text him a few times since being in Montana. We hadn't spoken about what kind of status we were currently involved in, but at the same time i didn't really feel the need to ask. We enjoyed each others company, but we didn't spend all day every day with each other. We both got on with our own business. He had text me "Merry Christmas x" on Christmas day, which i must say, when i woke up and read in the morning put a massive smile on my face. 

It was now New Years Eve and i had been back in Seattle for 2 days. Leaving my family is always hard, but we know it wont be too long before we see each other again. I had promised my younger sister that i would bring her to Seattle one day, which in all honesty i was slightly afraid to do.

The Sidemen were throwing a New Years Eve party tonight, hopefully it would turn out better for me than the Christmas one did. I hadn't seen Simon, or any of the boys, since i had returned to Seattle. I couldn't hide the slight butterflies i could feel in my stomach at the thought of seeing Simon. 

I got dressed into a black denim skirt which reached just below my mid-thigh and paired it with a red lace body suit. I wore some small chunky red heels, in the hope that they wouldn't hurt my feet too much throughout the night. The eye lashes i was wearing were intense, but made the blue of my eyes stand out and i wore a red lipstick to go with the bodysuit. I had one final look in my full length mirror and nodded at my appearance, before walking out into the hallway to find Emily. 

Emily looked amazing in a dark navy blue shift dress. She wore black heels which perfectly extenuated her legs.

"Looking good girl" I said after a quick wolf whistle as she appeared from her bedroom door.

"Right back at you"

"Let's have a drink shall we?" I handed her a glass of champagne which we drank whilst waiting for our taxi. 

It was about 10:30pm by the time we arrived at The Sidemen house and it looked like the party was in full swing. There were people walking from the large driveway round to the back of the house and the front door was open, giving full view of the mass of people inside. 

Emily and I walked into the house and hoped to quickly find someone we knew. We weren't particularly introverted people, but being in a house with this many people who you don't know makes you a little anxious. Suddenly my eyes found Harry, stood in the kitchen pouring himself a drink.

 "Harry!" I yelled as we began to walk closer to him. He whipped around, almost spilling the drink he was pouring.

"Zoe!" He put the drink down and ran to hug me. I had grown to adore Harry's personality so much, he was so energetic and it was contagious. "Have a drink girls!"

He handed us a red cup containing a mixture of what looked and smelled like vodka and coke. As I was chatting to Harry, telling him all about my trip home to Montana, Emily had spotted Ethan and had left us to go and talk to him. I turned around as she was walking towards him and as he saw her you could literally see his face light up. He was grinning from ear to ear and it was such a beautiful sight to see, i was so happy for them.

"Adorable isn't it?" Harry said, half sarcastically as he downed the drink he had poured for himself previously. I laughed at Harry's annoyance at being single.

"You'll find someone soon babes" I wrapped my arm around his waist and squeezed his side.

"Hmm i think i may have found one" I followed Harry's gaze to a petite brunette that had just came through the front door. He winked at me as he walked towards her direction.

"Go get her!" I shouted after him, before realising that i was suddenly very alone. I guess ill go have a look for Simon.

I had a quick look out of the back doors to check Simon wasn't in the garden having a cigarette, but i couldn't see him. I walked back through the kitchen and joining dining room, past the people loudly playing beer pong, looking around for a very tall human with blonde spikes but i couldn't see him anywhere. 

I walked into the living room which contained a lot of people, all chatting to each other. The tv was playing the New York New Years Eve party thing, where shortly they would be counting down to midnight. I had a quick scan of the people in the room and finally my eyes landed on Simon. He was stood with a big group of people, they were all laughing and i couldn't help but smile at Simon's face, he looked so happy.

It was almost as if he could sense me staring at him as his gaze found mine from across the room, and his already happy expression almost looked happier. He apologised to the group of people he was talking to and walked towards me. I didn't know if to give him a hug or a kiss or just to say hello. I hadn't seen him in a while and i just didn't know which greeting would be appropriate for our level of relationship. 

My questions were answered as Simon opened his arms towards me and i stepped into his big hug.

"Hey you" I said as he pressed me towards his chest.

"I'm very happy to see you" I was slightly shocked by his reply, i wasn't expecting it but i was very glad he said it.

"How was your Christmas?" I asked him, trying to hide how happy his reply had actually made me. 

We spoke about what we had gotten up to whilst i was away. He told me about Christmas with Emily and the boys, how they had tried to cook a nice Christmas roast dinner but it had been a slight disaster. I told him about Christmas at home and watching movies with my family. It was so nice to catch up with him. 

The clock on the tv struck 11pm, one hour till midnight.

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