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Shopping, shopping, shopping. It had never been something that interested me personally. However, standing in the middle of New York, surrounded by the some of the biggest shopping malls, and some of the biggest brand names, i felt like i would be offending  quite a few people if i didn't splash some cash whilst i was here.

I walked into some of the more expensive shops such as Gucci and YSL, however i ended up back in some of my favourite shops, just maybe slightly bigger versions of them. I shopped in Top Shop, River Island and Forever 21, buying a few every-day items from them all. Then i realised the real reason i was here. I needed something to wear for dinner with Simon tonight. I wanted to impress him and the clothes i had brought with me just weren't up to standard.

I had been walking around this place for hours and had not found one item of clothing that stood out enough for me to buy for tonight. I walked into a shop which i had never heard of before, but the clothes on the mannequins in the window caught my eye. I picked up some shimmery crop tops and denim skirts, shorter and skimpier than i would wear every-day but usual for a night out back home.

Then as i turned a corner in the shop my eyes immediately fell on a dress which was on a mannequin in the middle of the shop. The dress was sparkly and silver, it was reasonably low cut but not enough to make it look too "lady of the night". I knew instantly that i needed to try that dress on. However, i could not find the dress on a rack anywhere. I searched the whole shop before giving up and heading to ask one of the workers.

I approached a young woman stood looking at one of the shelves in the store. "Hi, are you able to help me?"

The woman turned around, slightly surprised from my sudden appearance, but still with a big grin plastered on her face. She looked very friendly. "Of course, how can i help?"

"I absolutely love that dress on that mannequin over there, i was wondering if you had it in stock?" 

"Let me check that for you" Then she left, i'm guessing she had gone into the back room to check if they had a dress back there, otherwise she had completely abandoned me which was rude. But indeed she did come back out from a room in the back and came to approach me again. "It seems that the dress on the mannequin is the last of that dress in stock at the moment, we have a delivery arriving tomorrow if you would like me to reserve one for you?"

Obvious disappointment flooded my features, that dress would have been perfect for tonight. "Oh no, that's fine. I was only looking for a dress for an occasion tonight"

"Oh, i'm so sorry!" The lady, whose name tag read 'Ruby', genuinely looked sorry that they didn't have the dress in stock. I thanked her and was about to turn away when she called me back. "Excuse me miss, what size dress do you wear? If you don't mind me asking"

"Normally a size 8" I replied with a smile. 

Ruby walked over to the dress on the mannequin and undid the zipper at the back. My face lit up when i realised she was walking back over to me with the exact dress. 

"Here, we don't normally allow customers to buy the dresses on the mannequins but i like you, this dress is in your size and i want you to have an amazing evening tonight" I couldn't believe what this woman was saying, the kindness some people express truly puts me in awe sometimes.

"Oh my gosh, thank you so much! Am i able to try it on in a dressing room somewhere?" I glanced around the shop looking for a direction to the dressing rooms.

"Oh, of course! I hope it fits now" Ruby laughed and i did the same, it would be a shame if she went through all the effort for me to give it back with no luck.

I walked into a wooden dressing room and shut the door behind me. I was excited to try this dress on, it may be one of the fanciest things i have ever worn, except dresses for school proms/balls or some stupid work dos i'm obliged to attend. I slipped off my jeans and my t-shirt and carefully pulled the dress over my head.

The material felt cold on my skin, making a shiver run down my spine as it slipped over my stomach and thighs. The dressed reached just above my mid thigh, long enough to look tasteful. I turned around in the mirror and noticed the low back, this i hadn't noticed when it was on the mannequin but i was pleasantly surprised. It fit perfectly in all the right places, like the dress had been fitted specifically for me to wear. My mind was racing, Simon was going to love it.

I finished shopping and heading back towards the hotel. I had been quite a few hours and i'm guessing Simon had finished his business meeting by now. I fished out my phone from my bag, which i had neglected whilst i had been shopping. Technology was certainly not the most important thing in the world to me, so was easy to forget about for a few hours. I had a few texts from Em, just asking how the trip was going and gossiping about some colleagues in work, speaking of work i had also received various emails which i was prepared to ignore until we landed back in Seattle.

I also had quite a few missed calls from Simon, which was weird as he never calls me that often. I guess he had finished his meeting and was just wondering where i was. 

Entering the hotel,  i was surprised to see Simon in the reception, talking to the man behind the desk. The man looked at me as i started to approach and Simon turned around to follow his eyes.

"Fucking hell Zoe, do you know how worried i have been?" I was shocked to hear such vulgar language come from Simon's mouth in that moment. No hello? How was your day? I was so shocked that i didn't really know how to respond, i just stood staring at him blankly for a bit. "Where the hell have you been?"

People were beginning to stare and it was starting to make me feel very uncomfortable. "Can we take this upstairs?" I asked quietly.

"Fine" Simon replied as he angrily stormed towards the elevators. Was I in trouble? Maybe we wont be going out for food tonight after all.

I'm so so sorry that it has literally taken me so long to update. I have just started university and it is so hectic!! I will update whenever i can, pleassseee understand!x

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