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A few weeks had past since New Years. I had been seeing Simon quite often, it was still in that awkward phase where you kiss but you're not dating. The boys had been talking a lot recently about Lucas and his boys, about how they were going to go about getting their money. Hopefully without ending up in jail this time. 

The girls and I tried to stay out of the gang conversations. We were a part of this fucked up family but we didn't want to get that involved, it was better this way. Emily and I had come a lot closer with Freya recently, probably due to the fact that we were at the Sidemen house a lot, as was she. Freya is such a great girl and so funny! You can visibly see the unconditional love between her and Josh, it's adorable. 

I can see the relationship between Ethan and Emily developing quickly. I'm not worried about how fast she is falling for him, i can see him falling for her too. She stays with him at the Sidemen house quite often. Which means that i am alone in the flat a lot as Simon and I were taking things a bit slower and not staying together as much. 

I still saw Emily everyday in work. We would sit in my office and eat lunch together whilst we chatted, mostly about her and Ethan's relationship. Speaking of work, i had been spending a lot more time with Peter. Peter is the potential author we were considering working with not long ago, with his story line and work ethic we couldn't let this opportunity slip past us. I had been working alongside him, helping him to edit the book and sort out covers and blurbs. The book was almost ready to be put together as a hard copy, and we were all very proud of it.

It was almost six o'clock when Emily and I left work today. It was already getting dark and the January wind was as cold as ever. We had to stop and get changed at the flat and then we were going to see the boys at the Sidemen house. They had rented out some scary movie that we were all going to sit and watch with each other. 

I changed into black leggings and a burgundy hoodie, which had some white logo on the front. I slipped on my black vans and we got into Emily's car and started the journey to the house. 

Mostly everyone was in the kitchen when we arrived. Ethan opened the front door for us, constantly reminding us that we never needed to knock and could come in whenever we wanted. I was still in shock by the rush of butterflies i felt as soon as i entered a room that Simon was in. He was always the first person to catch my eye in a room full of people. 

Simon was leaning against the kitchen counter as we walked through the door. He was wearing a thin, black jumper, which clung to his body in all the right places. His arms were crossed and he was laughing at something that someone had just said. Even though he seemed to be in a good mood, i could have sworn that i saw his eyes light up as his gaze landed on me. This made me smile. I walked over to the counter he was leaning against.

"Hey" I said shyly, looking up at his tall figure.

"Hey you" He said, almost in a whisper, so only i could hear. 

"We got snacks!" Freya yelled and pointed to the mass of junk food that was piled on top of the kitchen island. There were bags and bags of popcorn, different types of chocolate, doritos and salsa.

"That looks amazing" I said, not realising just how hungry i was. As i was looking at all the food i could immediately feel my belly grumbling.

"Hungry are we?" Simon spoke, laughing at me.

"Hey, i haven't eaten since lunch time" I whined.

"Come on, let's bring it through to the living room and get this movie going" Simon ordered, clapping his hands as he pushed himself from the counter. He walked over to the food and went straight for the doritos and salsa. Yes! That's my man. 

The movie was so good! I've always loved a good scary film. We had all the lights off and were all cuddled under big blankets. Simon and I were under one blanket, Emily and Ethan were under another, Josh and Freya were under another and Vik, Tobi, Harry and JJ were under one each. It was unusual that we all sat in the living room together, it felt like a family reunion. Emily did not enjoy the film as much as i did. She kept pulling the blanket over her face and facing into Ethan's shirt. The rest of us seemed to enjoy it.

"Thank God that's over!" Emily exclaimed as the credits began to roll on the screen. 

"Did you not enjoy that?" Tobi asked from the other sofa, stretching his arms above his head.

"Not. At. All" We all laughed and Emily pouted.

"Does anyone want a drink? I'm so thirsty" I asked as i shook the blanket off of me and stood up and out of Simon's arms. Everyone started stating their drink orders and i struggled to remember them all before i even left the room.

"I'll help" Simon said as he jumped from the sofa and walked out after me.

I went into the kitchen and put the kettle on to make myself and Freya tea and some hot chocolates for some of the boys.

"Did you enjoy the film?" I turned back around from the kettle and asked Simon as he went to grab mugs from the cupboard.

"It was alright, i've seen better" He shrugged.

"Ooo sorry Mr film expert" Simon laughed as i threw a tea bag at his head, and he turned and lobbed it back at me.

"Hey, i've been meaning to ask you something" Simon said as he came towards me with the musg in his hand.

"Go ahead" 

"I have to go to New York next weekend, to deal with some business." Simon looked nervous.

"How does this involve me?" I was confused.

"I was just wondering if, maybe, you wanted to come with me?" 

Territorial / Simon MinterWhere stories live. Discover now