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I was still stood between Simon's legs. The room was silent. I do not know what came over me, or why i thought it was a good idea to ask Simon that question. Surely it was none of my business how many people he has killed. Talk about invading someones privacy. I instantly regretted my decision. 

A few minutes passed and i did not think Simon was going to answer my question. I was still wiping the antiseptic wipes over the wounds on his hands and from what i could guess, Simon was still staring down at me. 

"Do you really want to know the answer to that?" Simon's words shocked me. I wasn't sure that i actually wanted to know the answer. But the fact that i had already asked, and that Simon was doubting that i could handle it, made me want it answered more.

"Yes" I answered, bravely.

"Zoe I don't want you to be afraid of me" I already knew that he had killed people. If that was not enough to scare me away, then why would finding out how many change that?

"Simon, i'm not scared of you" I looked up at his eyes again, he looked almost shameful.

"I'm not sure of the actual number of people, but it's a lot." If he couldn't remember the number, then that means the act had become so normal to him that he had lost count. That thought scares me. "I only kill if i have to, Zoe. It's not by choice"

"If you didn't want to do it, you wouldn't." I was aware that i was completely clueless as to what The Sidemen do or why they actually kill these people. But i know that they chose to enter into this business, so they chose to kill. 

I was done with this conversation. I made sure i was done helping Simon to clean his wounds, then i packed up all of the first aid stuff and placed it back where i found it.

"Is that it?" Simon asked, lingering by the bathroom counter. 

"Yeah, i think we are done here" He knew i didn't just mean with the wounds. The conversation gave me insight into their lives, and it scared me. 

I opened the bathroom door and left without another look towards Simon. I didn't hear him come out of the bathroom and follow me back down the stairs. So i guess that he stayed behind for a bit longer. At least my need for the toilet has disappeared through all of this mess.

Simon's POV

The last thing i wanted was to scare Zoe in that situation. I saw her eyes widen when i told her that i had killed a lot of people. Why did i have to tell her that? Why couldn't i have just said that i didn't know the number?

Questions were running through my head, things i could have said that would have made that conversation go a lot better. I was still stood in the bathroom leaning against the counter. I had been waiting so longer to have another intimate moment with her. Ever since that moment outside of the bathroom when we kissed, i have wanted to see her again. I have wanted to caress her soft lips with mine again. 

I remember the feeling of my body pressed tightly against hers, her grinding herself over my crotch as my hand was in her hair. Even the thought makes my boxers feel tighter. She looked so innocent, yet i knew how feisty she was.

But she had to ask that question. I finally had her where i wanted her, she was stood between my legs, so achingly close to me. I wanted to hold her, claim her as mine. But i knew she wasn't. And i knew that i had just scared her, she probably would not want to be around me anymore, especially any time soon. 

I couldn't stop thinking about what i had saw when i walked up the stairs earlier. That dickhead Kyle had his hands all over her, she was begging him to stop. I can't even explain the anger i felt in that moment. I did not want any one touching her that was not me. I wanted her all to myself. 

I know that i am a bad person, i kill people, i fight, i've worked with drugs and guns and illegal money. But i would never put my hands onto a girl without her consent. That is more fucked up than anything. 

When i saw her struggling to push him away from her. All i could see was red. My only thought in that moment was killing him. I wanted to watch him pay for what he had done to her. He was on the ground and i was pounding my fist into his face. More red was entering my vision. Blood. Something that i was used to. Blood was splatting all over my clothes, face, covering my hands. His face was fucked, i could've stopped there. He was in a lot of pain, i had punished him. But i could not stop thinking about her, her innocent body being touched by him, so i carried on punching.

I meant what i said. If Josh had not pulled me off of him, i would've killed him, no doubt. But the fucker deserved it, and he knows he did. That's the last time anyone i know associates with that guy, if they do, they are as fucked as he is. I will not let him get away with this.

I left the bathroom when i heard someone coming up the stairs. 

"What the fuck?" The asked, looking down at Kyle laying unconscious on the floor. 

I ignored them and walked past them, into my room. I could not go downstairs, back to the party, with this blood stained shirt on. I grabbed another black t-shirt from my wardrobe. I took the other one off and threw it straight in the bin. Even with a black shirt, blood stains are hard to remove. I pulled the new shirt onto my body and went to join the party again. 

I hope she is still here, i hope she hasn't left. I want to apologise, apologise for scaring her. I wanted to reassure her that i would never hurt her in any way, that she was safe with me. 

When i came down stairs i could not find her. She was not amongst any of the people dancing, or stood in the kitchen getting a drink. I walked out into the back garden, where we had earlier been stood talking, whilst i was having a smoke. A smoke. That is exactly what i needed right now. I pulled the packet of cigarettes out of my back pocket and lit on up. 

I saw Vik talking to a bunch of girls, not something you see everyday, he is normally the quietest out of our group when it comes to girls. I walked over to him to see if he had seen Zoe, or her friend Emily. 

"Mate, i think she left. Ethan said something about them leaving in a taxi"

Shit. That fucks up my chance of apologising then.

Territorial / Simon MinterWhere stories live. Discover now