Levels -/- 19 (Missing!)

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I wake up to the bright light coming through my window. I had a headache, but it wasn't bad. I sit up and look around my bed. Jesse wasn't there. There was no way that I dreamt about all of that. I get up and don't have any clothes on. So I grab some shorts and underwear from the dresser. After I put my pants on, I go downstairs.
      I hear Jesse and my mom talking. When I get down the stairs, I see them sitting in the barstools, at the breakfast bar. "Hey babe" Jesse says when he sees me. "Hey sleepy head" my mom says. I slowly then sit up on the counter next to Jesse. He is wearing the sweatshirt I gave him when we first started dating. He wears it all the time.
        "How are you. I missed you coming home last night" my mom says. "I'm soar" I say getting off of the counter to get some coffee. "Sorry" Jesse says to me. I turn around quickly, "shut up" I smile. Jesse laughs. "Got you two" my moms laughs. "You are so secretive all the time" she says. "Eh, not all the time" I smile pouring some coffee. My mom gets up and walks upstairs. I sit back down next to Jesse. This time in a stool. "So How was last night?" Jesse asks, "you remember any of it?". I smile and look at him. "Of course, how could I forget it?" I rub his leg. I take a sip of my coffee then put it down on the counter. "I'm fucking soar though" I laugh. "Come on. Stop being a baby, it can't be that bad" he says. "Oh shush. Just wait till I top" I wink then laugh. Jesse laughs too then takes my coffee and takes a drink. "Hey! Hats mine!" I say trying to heft it back. He moves away from me laughing. "Shut up" he smiles, obviously mimicking me. I laugh.
       "I'm going to take a shower. Join me?" He says. He walks up the stairs and looks back. He has this sexy smile, so I get up and run after him. We get upstairs into my room and he puts the coffee on my dresser. He takes the sweatshirt off as he walks to the bathroom. I bite my lip, then quickly run to him and jump onto his back. He laughs then looses balance and falls. I some how ended up on top of him, looking in his eyes. I bite my lips then take his shirt off. He puts his hands on the back of my neck. "So what are we going to do today?" I ask him. "Let's go get food. Go on another actual date. When one of us isn't drunk, or we aren't in bed" he smiles. "I love our bed" I smile. "I agree though. We should go to IHOP. I want pancakes." I tell him. "Okay. It's a date" he pushes me off of him, making me laugh. He is now on top of me, and is holding me down. "You need to be clean" he laughs, "so get in the shower with me".
     I nod my head then sit up after he gets off of me. I get up and follow him into the bathroom. After the water warms up, we get into the shower and wash off.
       An hour passes and we are getting dressed. I get in white basketball shorts, and a pink t-shirt that says, "I'm not gay but my boyfriend is". Chase got me it, because he thought it would be funny for me to wear. I haven't worn it yet because I forgot about it. Chase is wearing a sweatshirt that he cut up, and a pair of grey shorts. He looks really hot. The cut off sleeves shows his muscles, and the cut up look looks good on him. He puts on a white hat to cover his slightly wet hair, and grabs his phone and wallet. "Ready" he says walking out of my room. I grab my sunglasses and my phone, then follow him to the car. I get into the drivers seat and start the car, while he gets in on the passenger side. Obviously.
"To IHOP!" I say before pushing the gas and driving off. The car ride was just like any other car ride, uneventful.
      When we pull up to IHOP I get out of the car. I walk to the front of the car and wait for Jesse. When he gets out he walks over to me and I hold my hand out. He intertwines our fingers and we walk into the restaurant. It's wasn't very busy. It was a Wednesday, and barely anyone was in here. We walk up to the counter and this younger, dark haired girl ask us "just two today?". Jesse nods "Yeah" he says to her. She then grabs two menus and motions for us to follow her. She sits us at a table next to a window. We sit down across from each other and she places the menus in front of us, "your waiter will be by to order your drinks" she smiles then walks off. Jesse leans forward and puts one of us hands on the table facing up. I put my hand on top and hold his hand. Jesse smiles as he looks through the menu. "What are you going to get?" Jesse asks me. "I'm not sure. I think I want something different" I say to him flipping the page of the menu. "I think I'm going to get the build your own breakfast" Jesse says closing his menu.
I finally decide after like 10 minutes "I'm going to get the strawberry pancakes" I smile then close my menu. I look into Jesse's eyes and just say anything. Jesse grins "What?" He laughs. "Nothing. Your just beautiful" I tell him. He smiles "thank you" he blushes slightly. "So I was told that you flipped out at a guy for talking about me" Jesse laughs. I nod then chase my head. "I did flip out at someone but it was because he was trying to get in my pants, and he was saying he was better than you at sex and just a sexier person. Then I just called him a small dicked bitch, and then threaten to charge him with sexual assault against a minor" I say really fast. "Damn Alex. What has happened to you" he laughs. "What do you mean?" I ask him. "I think it's just really hot that you have a bad side. It's pretty bad ass." Jesse smiles looking at me. I laugh, "Well both times was somewhat about you" I say, "I guess I just love you".
Jesse laughs, "oh yeah?" He leans forward slightly, looking in my eyes. Then we the conversation ends when our water comes up to us, "I'm Jack, I'll be your waiter. Sorry for the hold up, can I take get you some drinks?" He asks us taking out a notepad. "I'll have a lemonade" I tell him. "I'll have a lemonade as well" jesse says. "Okay. Are you ready to order, or do you need more time?" He asks smiling. "Yeah. We are ready." Jesse says. He orders his then orders for me as well. The water walks back to the kitchen and me and Jesse go back to talking.

"Thank you" I say as our waiter takes my empty plate. "Your welcome. And any desert or anything else for you two today?" He asks. I shake my head "I'm good". I look at Jesse and he was also shaking his head, "I don't think so" he says. "Alright, I will be your cashier up at the register when you are ready" he smiles then walks away. I get up and get out my wallet. I walk up to the register, with Jesse walking close behind me. I give Jack my credit card then sign the receipt. "Alright. Have a nice day" he tells us handing me a copying the receipt.
Jesse had to go to the bathroom, so instead of leaving from the main doors, we left out the back. There was nobody outside and there was no cars on this side of town right now. There was only 2 cars. But there was nobody else in the restaurant, besides the workers, but they park on the side. We get almost to my car, and I take a closer look at the car that is a few parking spots away from us. Then realize, it's Masons. "Jesse, that's masons car" I point to the car a little worried. "What?" Jesse says turning around to look at the car. I turn my back to Jesse, looking around for mason. I wasn't walking, I was just looking.
"Ale..." Jesse says before he is interrupted by something. "Yeah?..." I say turning around. Jesse wasn't there, he was just gone.
"Jesse!?" I say louder, hoping to get a reply from him. But there was no reply.
Then, a hand covers my mouth with a wet cloth. The person was behind me and had their arm around my neck, and I couldn't get a scream for help, or even any call of distress out.
I tried to fight back, tried to get loose from the persons hold of me, but then everything started to fade. Everything went back.


To: Darla.Chief@gmail.com
From: JeredK.Detective@gmail.com
Subject: Missing persons

We have new information on the missing persons case. We have talk to both Alex Preston's family, and Jesse Prescott's family. They were last seen on their way to IHOP. We watched the security camera Footage from 9 days ago, an have found that they were taken by 2 other Male figures. They were both smaller and from what we can tell, young.


My eyes slowly open, everything is blurry and moving in slow motion. My vision starts to clear up, and I sit up. I was on the floor in the corner of a room, with wood walls, and a shut door. "Where the hell am I?"

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