Levels -/- Chapter 22 (End Level One)

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One month and 13 days Later...


     "Case Closed!" The judge says loudly. Everyone that was here stood up and walked out into the main room. They all started talking and discussing what went on in the court room. I stand up from the seat and shake my lawyers hand, "thank you" I tell her. "Of course Alex. Glad we got the case closed" she leans in for a hug and pats my back. The lawyer we had was a family friend, and our family lawyer.
We had to go to court in regards to Chases and Masons death. The judge had to rule whether I killed mason in self defense or if I killed out of fear and anger. There really wasn't any case against me, but they still had to follow "protocol". Mason's parents were at court with me and Jesse today. We didn't press any charges against them. They had no clue that Mason was up to this, and they feel extremely bad and blame them self's for the behavior of Mason. They paid for our lawyer and have tried to do anything they can to help.
It's been a little over a month since Chase was killed. I still haven't adjusted to not having him in my life. It's hard...
He funeral was the hardest part.
Jesse comes up to me and hugs me. I hug him back and close my eyes laying my head in his shoulders. The bullet that hit Jesse went right through, and it didn't cause major injury. He had to do physical therapy, but didn't need surgery so there wasn't really a rehabilitation period. Which was good. Jesse just had to use his arm less, other than that he could do whatever.
"Promise me you won't leave" I say with my face smushed on Jesse's Shoulder.
"You know I won't" Jesse says.
"I just want to hear you say it" I beg.
"I promise" Jesse smiles swaying as we hug. He leans back and looks at me. He has his arms locked and his hands on my shoulders. "Let's go" he rubs the side of my shoulder. "Okay" I smile. Jesse wraps his arm around my neck as we walk. I place my arm around his back and we walk out of the front doors, trying to avoid any conversation.
We walk to my car and walk to the opposite sides of the vehicle. Jesse has been driving a lot lately. I don't mind though. Me and Jesse took my car so we didn't have to wait for my parents.
      "Are we just going home?" Jesse asks me. "Yeah. I want to lay down" I say to him. "Okay" he says putting the car in drive and pulls out of the parking spot. We drive down the road and takes a right turn.
      To go to my house you have to take a left turn, so I wasn't sure what he was doing. "Are we still going home?...." I ask pointing behind us, confused.
Jesse smiles "well, we will after we go somewhere else first". Jesse shifts in his seat and lays his right hand face up on the console. I place my hand in his, intertwining our fingers. Jesse hand is warm and comforting. Jesse touch relaxes me, especially lately....
I let out a sigh and Jesse frowns while looking at me, "You alright babe?" He ask me lifting my hand that he holding and gently kisses it. "I am just done with it. It's messed up that they made me sit in there and make sure that the demon that killed my brother was killed in self defense. It was just hard to not flip out. You know?" I say getting quieter the longer I talk. "It's over, and we proved it was self defense because of the security camera. So try not to stress about it..... please. Your way more enjoyable when you aren't stressed" Jesse smiles. His perfect smile and his sky blue eyes put me under a spell. "How did I get you?" I ask staring at him.
"I mean, I asked you out. Then kissed you twice before we were even dating.... so I guess that's how I got you. Or you got me." Jesse says. Then once again, he looks at me with a big smile.
I smile back and laugh a little, "no, I mean how did I get you" I tell him. "Like, our of everyone in the school how did I manage to catch your eye. How did I get you to go for me?" I ask explain what I mean.
He stays quiet for a few seconds, thinking about what I just asked.
"I don't know to be honest. When I first say you in class, I just really liked you. I know it's really cheesy..... but it was like live at first site." He tells me. I smile really big. "I love you so much Jesse" I tell him.
It was really sweet that he said it was love at first sight. He has haven't left my side since the day Chase..... died. And I never left his. Jesse was just calming me down, and I only felt safe with him.
My dad was really mad at me because I wouldn't talk to them. He kept yelling at me telling me it wasn't my fault. Then one day I finally yelled back at him. It got really bad, and he was saying really harsh things about me. Then Jesse stepped in and told us both to shut up. He didn't mean any disrespect to my dad, he just told us that yelling at each other isn't going to help Chase or anyone.
But my dad told Jesse to get out. Then he was yelling at Jesse. I started crying and felt like I could do nothing. Nobody was listening to me. Then when my mom stepped in and told my dad to calm down and that Jesse is going nowhere, my dad pushed my mom. He fell and hit her head on the wall. Then I snapped and punched my dad. It scared is to the point where he just stayed on the ground and looked at me. I told him that he was the one that was going to leave. And he did.
I understand that it was extremely hard for my dad, and that he was only acting like that because of Chases adeath. But he still hurt my mom.

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