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THAT VERY NEXT DAY it was decided between Carlisle and Sam that they'd meet halfway, on neutral grounds.

"I don't know what I want," Bella began as Gracie pulled her puffer jacket over her long sleeve top. "I want Edward and his family to be safe, therefore, the wolf pack would be a great choice in defence. However, I don't want to lose Jake, either."

Gracie took a deep breath. "You're not the only one undecided about this whole thing either. Jake calls a lot of shots, but Embry...He doesn't have any choice. I've lost Riley. My parent's will never return home until they find him and lets face it - that will mean never now. Embry is the only family I have left, really, and he's going to battle against some newborn vampires. I couldn't think of anything worse right now."

Bella took a moment. She began to real guilty. She felt it was her fault. She'd put them all in this situation. If she hadn't fallen in love with Edward, none of this would be a problem.

"Hey," Edward peered into the bedroom after knocking. His voice was softer than usual. "It's time to go."

All the Cullen's, except Edward, rode in their car five minutes prior. In Emmet's Jeep, Edward drove Bella and Gracie toward the training grounds. It'd seemed like they had already begun a few tricks amongst themselves before the wolves had arrived.

Edward and Bella stopped for a second, exchanging a couple words to one another whilst Gracie headed to stand beside Carlisle and Esme - who were the most accepting of the young 'wolf girl' as Rosalie tended to call her. All nine of them turned around, watching as the eight large wolves arose from behind a hilly trunk.

Sam, the big black wolf, led the pack down in front of the Cullen's, Grace instantly spotting Embry diagonally behind Sam.

"Welcome," Carlisle began addressing the wolves after asking Edward to translate for him. "Jasper has experience with newborns. He'll teach us how to defeat them."

There was a short pause, whilst Edward read the minds of the wolves, particularly Sam who began to shoot questions in his mind.

"They want to know how the newborns differ from us." Edward translated.

Carlisle nodded at Edward. "They're a great deal stronger than us because they're own human blood lingers in their tissues. Our kind is never more physically powerful than in our first several months of this life."

He then looked over the Jasper, exchanging a nod. Jasper stepped forward, prepared to take the reigns in this explanation.

"Carlisle's right. That's why they're created. A newborn army doesn't need thousands like a human army. But no human army could stand against them. Now, the two most important things to remember are; first never let them get their arms around you - they'll crush you instantly. And second, never go for the obvious kill. They'll be expecting that. And you will lose."

Jasper called for Emmett, the first demonstration of how to fight a newborn. As they were going at one another for a minute or so, Gracie wondered if vampires ever felt physical pain. If Riley ever would feel pain in this lifestyle he now lives.

Next up was Carlisle and Edward. The wolves continued watching, as Jasper battled against Rosalie and finally Alice. Whilst the rest of the Cullen clan began pairing up to fight against one another, Gracie wandered over toward the wolves, passing Sam to stand in front of Embry. The wolves lowly growled in acknowledgement before she was right in front of the wolf she knew was Embry. She took her hand, gently patting his head to which he nuzzled her. Gracie took advantage of the fact that no one could read her mind beside Edward - Embry was like the puppy dog she never had. The thought made her chuckle.

It didn't take long for the session to conclude, the wolves parted the vampires. Gracie found Embry waiting in her bedroom, clearly he had climbed through.

"Hey," She whispered walking towards him.

Embry placed his hand on her shoulder, running it down her arm to meet her hand. "I don't want you to be there during the fight, ok."

"Embry...please let me stay with Bella, away up in the mountain at least." Gracie began to speak but Embry placed his thumb to her lips, then dragged it down to lift her chin.

"I love you, Gracie." Embry spoke slowly and surely, looking into the girl's eyes.

She looked at him for a long while, falling into his soft brown eyes. "I love you too, always."

He kissed her, long and hard. They'd never had such passion in a kiss before this one. It was almost like they tried to pull each other closer and closer to one another even though there was no more of a gap, it never felt enough. He stopped, pulling away then kissed her nose gently before pulling her into a strong hug.

"If you die, I'll kill you." He said, laughing through his sentence which made her giggle too.

"Stay the night, please." Gracie looked up to him, watching him nod.

She lay in bed, her head resting on Embry's chest. His heart beat at a steady pace, resonating from his chest, Gracie felt the rhythm of his heart on her cheek. She breathed with the rhythm. She loved the feel of having him there. She truly was in love with Embry, and she was sure it wasn't solely because of imprinting. His skin was soft as he intertwined her own small hand in his. They lived in the now, the moment of true peace and love.


Anyway, anyone into Supernatural? I've been binge watching that lately. 

2017 ©misstonii

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