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Alright, Alright!! I'm back. Man, June has been one hell of a ride. I got to meet Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki, as well as Alex Calvert and Osric Chau from Supernatural, Dominic Sherwood and Alberto Rosende from Shadowhunters and Ricky Whittle, once again, from The 100/American Gods. I went to The Monkees Tour Concert at the Sydney Opera House a week ago and my best friend turned the big 20! I've finished 3 major art projects and 1 Indigenous Studies class for the semester and finally am on holidays!!! THANK GOODNESS; anyway less about me, what have you all been up to?


"Leah, what is it?" Sam asked standing up.

"Gracie and Emilio are missing."


Embry paced up and down the wooden floors of Emily's hut, little Riley refused to stop crying in his hold and everyone was almost going mad with the noise and the worry of Gracie and Emilio being deemed as missing.

"Do you think he took her? Emilio?" Paul asked gently, trying to think rationally.

Embry shook his head, "No. No. No. I don't know. Where would he take her? Why would he do that when he knows how much our family means to her?"

The werewolf was beside himself. Emily managed to steal Riley from his father's arms, feeding him a bottle of milk she was preparing throughout the drama.

"Back to Romania?" Paul asked before throwing his hands up at the ridiculous suggestion he'd just said.

Embry gave him a glare.

Before anyone else could say anything Edward appeared at the open sliding doors making the others weary at first.

"Any news?" Sam directed, gesturing for Edward to enter.

Edward curved his lips a little with a nod of his head. "Alice saw them in a vision. Carlisle and the rest are on their way to that place right now. It's the best we can do."

Sam nodded but Embry persisted with his moodiness.

"I want to go there too. I need to go and look for my wife."

Edward cocked his head gently, looking at the other wolves reaction to the supposively calmest wolf of the pack. Embry couldn't have been any further away from calm at this point.

"It isn't a matter between the Hunters and us. This is Aro we're talking about." Edward added, his pleading yellow eyes shifting between Sam and Embry.

The boys froze.

"Aro? When did Aro come into this?" Leah butted in to break the silence.

"Aro came with Sulpicia, his wife. They wanted to reclaim Emilio and they want Gracie, they always have and they always will. She is the legend the Volturi seek, especially now that they have fallen." Edward answered, stepping inside finally with his arms crossed over his chest.

Sam took a deep breath, preparing an answer but Embry beat him to it.

"She will refuse. Gracie would never agree to joining The Volturi."

"Not even to save her father?" Edward asked.

Embry shook his head, looking to the ground. He took a deep breath to which everybody thought he was beginning to feel calmer. Oh how wrong they were. With a loud yell, Embry hurled the large ceramic pot plant which lay on the small wooden coffee table beside him, directing it at the floor. He had enough control in him not to turn on the spot.

Midnight Sun ❖ (Embry Call - The Twilight Saga)Where stories live. Discover now