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ANOTHER MONTH WENT BY with settling peace. Gracie was finally relaxing into the atmosphere of no problems arising, where Embry would teach her how to play some video games with him, Seth would be a nerd and excitingly describe some of his favourite book plots to her, Leah finally mellowed down enough to spend weekends shopping with her (despite her constant look of agonising pain when looking at girly girl items) and Emily would teach some of her recipes to Gracie. Christmas was coming and Gracie heard from Bella for the first time since Renesmee was born.

"What?" Gracie asked, moving to a quieter area since the boys were making such a racket inside.

"Christmas Lunch on Christmas Day at my house." Bella repeated.

Gracie smiled a little watching as Embry stood at the door frame to check she was ok. "Who's gonna be there?"

"Charlie, Edward, Renesmee, Jacob will probably want to spend time with her too." Bella began, "Sue Clearwater will be there so Seth and Leah are coming too but I really want you to be there, like old times."

Gracie sighed a little at the words 'old times.' The girl had so many good memories during her childhood but all she could truly remember in detail were the worst of the worst memories. She just wanted to focus on making her future better.

"I'll be there with Embry." Gracie finally answered, trying to write the letter B in the air for Embry to decipher.

Bella laugh the tiniest. "Good!"

Gracie clicked her phone off, facing Embry who pushed off from the doorway toward her.

"What have you got us into this time, troublemaker?" He asked, his glistening smile only making Gracie smile more.

She leaned into his side as his arm wrapped around her shoulders. "A Christmas party at the Swan's residence. Just you and me with Seth and Leah. There'll also be Edward, Bella, Charlie and Renesmee of course. Sue, Jacob and that is it."

Embry smiled, rubbing her back. "I go where you go!"

And that was that...

Embry Call was secretly excited to spend Christmas with his best mate - Jacob. Especially since he hadn't seen him for what felt like ages. The boy walked up the small steps outside Charlie Swan's house, beside Seth and Leah. Seth eagerly knocked on the door, bouncing up and down like he was about to run a sprint race.

"Would you stop jumping?" Leah snapped at her little brother, earning a small laugh from Embry.

"It's Christmas!!" Seth beamed, stopping his little bounds when the door opened.

Gracie stood before them, smiling wide as Seth gave her a hug. Leah followed in next and finally Embry who pulled Gracie into a small, sweet kiss.

"Our first Christmas together," Embry breathed out, walking side by side with his girl until they found the living room with everybody else inside.

Bella and Edward were standing by one window, looking out with a hint of worry. But not for long, they turned around forcing a smile as Sue helped Charlie clear up the kitchen. Renesmee sat beside Jacob next to the Christmas tree, whilst Gracie and Embry stood by the couch laughing at Seth gobbling down a handful of snacks in the kitchen.

"All right! Present time! Let's go," Charlie began as he re-entered the living room. "Seth, Leah, stop eating. Jake, you start. Get it going."

Gracie and Embry looked to one another, a little laugh escaping them as Charlie looked more excited for Christmas than anybody else in the house. Jacob passed a present from under the tree over to Renesmee, who in fact was now looking about seven years old or something. Gracie had listened to her friend's worries about how long they'll be able to have with their daughter considering the fact her growth rate was extremely fast. I mean, it seriously had been three months since she was born. But Gracie shrug it off, not wanting to worry about anything anymore.

"What did you get me?" Seth asked his sister, finally joining the room beside Embry.

Leah stood beside Gracie, "I'm not giving you anything."

"Hey! No, come on, what did you get me?" Seth continued to press, Leah and Gracie laughing at him.

Whilst Bella handed her dad a present, Gracie exchanged Christmas presents with Seth, Leah and Embry. She didn't really expect anything in return from a pack of wolves but funnily enough she did get a couple presents. Embry had given her a heart locket with a photo of both her and Riley Biers inside, a poem written by Embry about her and a a few more small items which she told him she'd open later. Seth had given her a large chocolate bar, which he took a few pieces from before wrapping it and Leah had given her a small, identical charm bracelet to the one she had.

After a while of the four exchanging presents, Gracie walked over to Jacob and handed him a gift as well as handing Renesmee, who was now her god-daughter, a large wrapped gift box.

"Thought you had forgotten about me," Jacob laughed, watching as his imprint excitedly opened her present.

Gracie rolled her eyes ruffling her childhood friend's thick hair, "Can't forget a huge dork so easily. Besides, you are someone special to my god-daughter."

"Thanks Auntie Grace!" Renesmee chimed, holding up an array of gifts which ranged from brand new clothes, some necklaces and bracelets and also a cute children's art book. "Look, mummy."

Bella came over, looking at all the present's. "Wow, there's so much!"

She then looked to her best friend and mouthed a 'thank-you', truly grateful for the supply of clothes. The girl was growing so fast they seemed to be going through different sizes every week.

A full hour went by of presents, eating a beautiful lunch Sue Clearwater had made for all of them and hearing gossip of 'normal day' things. Gracie stepped outside, sitting on the steps in front of Bella's house. She loved Christmas, but things were different now. Christmas didn't even feel like Christmas. She felt so out of place.

A door closed behind her and suddenly she was joined by Embry. His arm wrapped around her shoulder's as her head rested on his own shoulder.

"Everything okay?" He asked, beginning to massage the back of Gracie's head.

Gracie hummed before answering. "Christmas feels so different."

Embry took a moment before speaking. His other hand held Gracie's right hand in her lap. "That's because we all lived different lives a year ago."

"Riley was still alive a year ago." Gracie muttered, more to herself but Embry heard her.

Embry kissed the side of her head. "I know and I wish I was the one to rip off that red-headed leech's head for turning him."

They sat in silence for a minute, Gracie deep in though whilst Embry relished being in her company. Along her thoughts, remembering her brother and then her family - she also remember a certain vampire. Alec. She remember him wanting to tell her something but only when the timing would be right. Surely the timing was right by now. I mean, they were in peace. Nothing was going wrong in their lives. It was Christmas and everyone was happy. Maybe he was just lying about needing to tell her something. What about her could be a secret? Not only that, but who else knew?

She stopped herself from feeling stressed over what could potentially be absolutely nothing and focused on her boyfriend's heartbeat and warmth. She focusing on him made her love for him feel heightened. They were in peace and were happy, finally.

Edward and Bella stood behind them, Seth and Leah beside them too. A second later and Jacob closed the front door with Renesmee in his arms, leaving the only people in the house to be Charlie and Sue. Edward cleared his throat, breaking apart Embry and Gracie as they looked up at the six behind them.

"We need to tell you something." Edward began, Gracie turning to Embry as she pursed her lips.

"The Volturi are coming for us." Bella simply said.

Gracie looked at Embry.

So much for their peace and happiness. 

2017 ©misstonii

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