Prologue 2.0

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I'm so freaking happy that this book has made it to 100K Reads! So you know what? You deserve the continuation of this book! xoxo


The Volturi's Prison Cells had kept out prisoners for many centuries, but as all things do over time - the cells were becoming weaker and more fragile. It didn't take long for the prisoners to all work together in using their extreme strength against the frail frames and to finally break free of their lifelong cubicles. It was a new found freedom for some who managed to escape the guards, whereas the not so fortunate prisoner vampire's who were caught ended up with a slow painful death at the hands of Aro and Demetri. 

Those who escaped fled off as fast and as far away as they could. One, in particular, headed straight to Forks, Washington. His name was Emilio Di Russo, and he wanted nothing other than to see his own children who had been taken away from him, centuries ago. He wondered if they knew they were halflings, wondered how old they would look like considering they aged extremely slow, and most of all he wondered if they remembered their past. 

The distance he would have to travel was tremendous, he now praised his vampiric abilities to super speed and the fact he didn't need to stop and sleep for these would only slow him down and surely by now the Volturi would have set out their guards to re-capture the escapees. 

Little did anyone know that the Volturi Guard's wouldn't be the only ones on the search. No one would have known there would be more to fear out there. More significantly, the Olympic Coven and the Quileute's would certainly never have known that there would be something more terrifying than the almost battle against the Volturi alone. 

Over in Volterra, Italy, Aro wore a displeased frown on his face as he lashed out harsh questions towards his guards who had let these prisoners escape. 

"You would also be displeased to know that Di Russo has escaped." Caius remarked, flicking his eyes from Aro to Santiago.

Santiago shivered a little, scared that he'd die at the hands of Aro for failing his duties as Prisoner Guard. 

Aro glared at Santiago even more so and he knew then and there that death was imminent. Aro nodded his head to Demetri and Felix, and in the swiftness of about three seconds, Santiago was headless. 

"We need not worry about Emilio, Caius. We know exactly where he'll be." Aro turned, walking back to his chair with the other leaders on either side. 

"Should we send for the girl?" Marcus asked Aro who had just sat down into his chair.

Aro took a deep breath then let it out. "She poses no threat, as of yet. All in great time, my friends. All in great time and we will never have to worry about anything ever again."

Caius and Marcus both looked to one another, then to Aro with a smirk on his face. The three all glanced to the pile of headless guards littering their room. The other members of the Volturi, still breathing, all looked on with horror as their peers and friends lay dead on the ground. It surprised Alec most of all, that even their own Coven could turn on one another and instantly be breathing one second and not the next.

Aro would be in need of new people soon and he knew the exact person for it.


a little prologue to set this story going - i'm sorry this has taken forever to upload, university 2nd year has just started and there's already so much work i need to do rip, but i assure you i will complete this new book xoxox

- my concept for this type of halfling vampire would be their ageing is extremely slow yet they can still die (not immortal vampires). One ageing year to them lasts a century.

ALSO, in this new section of Midnight Sun, we learn more about Gracie's past, who raised her and her significance in the Supernatural World.

please, be patient with me. University is tough and time is scarce. I'll upload as much as I can as I'm excited to write this myself. Vote, comment and share this book if you love it!

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