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SAM AND EMILY WERE BAKING chocolate chip cookies together, a pure moment where they were able to spend time together without the rest of the pack around to bother them. The boys were simply just doing a perimeter run, they could never be too careful. Seth panted as he carried Gracie in his arms as quickly as he could. He hoped she'd wake up again, but she hadn't. 

Seth stopped right outside Emily's hut, taking a breath before he continued right inside. He didn't have time to worry about the other's shunning him. Luckily, the boys weren't there. 

Emily laughed as Sam took a bite out of one of the freshly baked cookies, only to stop and widen her eyes at the sight behind her fiancé. 

"Oh my goodness, what happened?" She gasped, rushing over to Seth who had gently placed the girl onto the couch. 

"I...I don't know. She just blacked out on her way here, I was following her for safety otherwise she would've been left like this in the woods, alone." Seth stuttered here and there whilst catching his breath and trying to swallow his emotions. 

Sam joined Gracie's side, checking her pulse. "She's steady."

"What happened to her?" Seth asked, his hand resting on her forehead. 

"I'm only guessing that Embry and Gracie have been away from each other for too long." Sam simply said, taking a deep breath. 

He felt bad. He never wished this upon her. He knew he was being selfish to keep Embry and Gracie apart. He knew it was his fault.

"Let's wipe the blood off her face," Emily suggested, walking away to fetch a towel with some water. 

Before Emily could return, some of the boy's stumbled inside. Paul, Jared, Collin and Brady.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Paul spat toward Seth, "This isn't your pack anymore!"

"Back off, Paul." Sam sternly ordered his beta, then directed a question to Jared who stood just in front of the youngest two wolves. "Where's Embry?"

"Here, with Quil." Embry answered, walking through the door frame beside Quil, both looking tired and dishevelled. 

By now, Paul, Jared and the other two wolves were standing over Gracie. None of them said a word. They turned around, watching Embry's face drop. Embry knew something was wrong. He had an odd inkling that told him Gracie was nearby. The pain in his body had stopped. He then met the face of Seth, who looked like he was going to cry. In a split second, he rushed over to the couch and surely enough there lay his girlfriend, her face all bloodied. 

"No!" Embry whispered to himself, his hand brushing over the girl's cheeks. 

"She's alive." Sam flatly spoke to him whilst giving a signal for the rest to leave them. 

Embry's cheeks were damp with slight tears, "Did the Cullen's do this?"

"No, Embry. This is my fault." Sam said, his hand found Embry's shoulder. 

"What?" Embry asked. If he hadn't been so upset he possibly would've yelled at his alpha. 

Sam looked at Gracie, noticing a slight movement. "I kept you two away for too long. I shouldn't have done that to a pair of imprints. Especially you two. The pain was so excruciating for her that she had blacked out, on her way here. Seth was following her and brought her here." 

Embry wasn't surprised that Gracie was alone in the forest, he looked to Seth and nodded. Emily returned with the towel and bowl of water, ready to wipe down the girl's face. However, a groan stopped her. It was Gracie. 

"Grace?" Embry whispered, his hand holding hers whilst he moved closer to her face. 

Her eyes fluttered open, slowly. She was looking up at the ceiling, then moved her head to Sam before finally focusing on Embry right beside her. "Em?"

"I'm here, it's ok." Embry smiled through his tears, kissing the back of her hand. 

"I'm sorry." She whispered back, putting her other hand to her head from the pain of a headache forming. 

Embry shook his head, "don't apologise for nothing. I'm so glad you're here."

Emily handed Embry the small hand towel whilst Sam held the bowl of water, allowing him to clean the blood from her face. Her eyes widened a bit noticing the dried blood stain the towel. Embry helped her up, his hand never leaving her waist once. That was final, he wasn't going to leave her side unless absolutely necessary. He kept his gaze on her whilst she looked back to Sam. 

"What's happening at their end?" Sam asked, wrapping his arm around Emily. 

"Bella's not taking too lightly on the fact that Jacob imprinted on her baby." Gracie began, earning a laugh from Jared. 

"So she's alive?" Sam asked, everyone listening intently at this news. 

Paul scoffed, standing up with a cookie in his hand. "Of course not. Vampire's aren't alive. Just say it Biers, she's one of them, our enemies." 

Gracie looked to Paul, not wanting to answer him at all, then up to Embry. He pursed his lips at his pack member, kissing the girl's forehead. 

"Remember your place in the pack, Paul!" Sam snapped, "If Jacob imprinted of the Cullen girl, then we can't exactly be deemed as enemies." 

Paul shook his head, taking a bite out of his cookie. Gracie was slightly in shock, she never seen them like this. She always saw Sam and Paul to be best friends, not quarrelling with one another constantly. Everybody continued what they were doing, Seth and Sam headed outside to talk and Embry and Gracie sat on the couch away from the other's, tangled in each other's arms. Gracie smiled lightly, this is where she wanted to be. Here, with Embry, always. 

But she also wished that Leah and Seth would join her back here. 

One step at a time Gracie, she mentally whispered to herself. 

2017 ©misstonii

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