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GRACIE HAD GOTTEN UP EARLIER than everybody else. She had trouble sleeping that night - losing her parents right in front of her to a vampire was something she could not forget. The tranquillity of the forest around Emily Young's hut was calming. The very feeling Gracie need before the wolf pack would join the vampire's in the battle today. Crickets chirped loudly whilst a hummingbird would sing here and there. An odd blue wren would make a sweet noise too. The trees were almost completely still if it were for the morning slow breeze which cooled the air.

Sam had already run the plan through to everybody late the night before and Gracie's job was to join Seth up the mountain with Bella and Edward and wait the battle out in hope Victoria would be gone and the Cullen's would be able to help Riley become like one of them - vegetarian and subtle.

Her thoughts were stopped when a twig snapped behind her.

The young blonde twitched her head as quick as possible in fear it would be Victoria or a random newborn passing by off course. However, it wasn't a vampire. It was Jared.

"Good Morning Miss Gracie Biers." Jared's voice filled the air. "We haven't spoken one on one in a long time, have we?"

"That was your choice." Gracie spurted out, trying not to sound harsh but her mind was all over the place.

Jared, luckily, didn't take anything to heart really. He laughed. "Note taken. What's on your mind?"

Gracie took a sigh, trying to find one thought on her mind to pull onto. "All sorts of things really. It's one big mess. I'm scared of losing Embry today. I'm scared of the fact that I don't think I'm truly ready to lose Riley yet. I'm scared of everything right now."

"We'll all try our best, I know Seth will do a great job in keeping you safe. As for Embry, I'll cover his back as much as I can for you. However, it's up to the Cullen's in changing Riley."

Not longer than a split second later, the rest of the pack came strutting out each eating one of Emily's brownies. Sam looked straight to Gracie.

"It's time."

Seth walked toward Gracie, as well as Embry. Embry kissed Gracie without hesitation, as usual, earning a cat-call by Jared.

"I'll see you soon." Embry whispered to her, his hand still clutching her cheek.

"I better." Gracie whispered back, pecking him one last time.

Seth grabbed Gracie's elbow leading her away from the others. It was time for them to reach the mountain peak for safety, and for Seth to relieve Jacob's watch.

"You don't think anything will happen to us, do you?" Gracie asked Seth as they climbed higher and higher up the peak.

The snow from last night's mountain top blizzard was thickening with every step, practically making it hard to walk.

Seth lifted his hand which held Gracie's to help pull her up to the next stone ledge. "Not if we think positively. We've got Edward and myself to defend you girls. We should be fine. Besides, they masked Bella's scent - there's no need for any of them to come up here."

Seth's words calmed Gracie down a little more and once they reached flat ground near Bella's tent, he phased to his wolf form so that Embry would be able to read his mind and note Gracie's safety. It was also acknowledging Sam to go ahead in the plan.

Bella unzipped her tent taking a step or two outside acknowledging Seth and Gracie's arrival. Edward came from behind one of the rocks.

"Where's Jacob? Did he already..." Bella asked Edward.

"No, not yet. He's checking to see if the woods are clear before he goes." Edward answered here then turning to Gracie and Seth.

Seth took off for a second, letting the two talk. Gracie nodded at the both of them following after Seth's direction keeping to the embedded paw prints in the snow.

She was out of ear reach, but Seth was sitting down. Gracie sat beside him, her hand ruffling over his thick golden fur. Seth's head rested over her lap, allowing for her to pet his head. Gracie knew she'd never grow out of the fact that her closest friends, her new family, were wolves. She felt the protection. She felt the love from them all.

They heard Bella call after Jacob, alerting the two to head back toward the tent. There stood Edward alone, staring off towards where the cliff face was. A minute went by of complete silence until Bella came back into plain view.

"You saw?" Bella asked him.

"No. But Jacob's thoughts are pretty loud." Edward answered her.

Gracie tried to piece together what they were saying.

"I don't know what happened." Bella spoke back to him, barely looking anywhere but the ground.

"You love him." Edward said, short and sweet.

Bella looked up to him. "I love you more."

"I know."

It was then that Gracie put the final piece of the puzzle together. Bella must've kissed Jacob or visa versa and she let him. Jacob was a tough person to reason with, and the truth was Bella didn't ever want to lose him. Neither did Gracie. Their friendship meant way too much to them. Especially now with the vampires and the wolf pack legends being true and revolving all around their little circle of friendship and love.

Seth whined a little behind them. He was trying to tell Edward something.

"It's starting." Edward announced softly.

Those two words pushed away Gracie's calmness and brought fear straight away. She prayed for Embry's safety, for everybody's. Even Riley's. 

2017 ©misstonii

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