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"SAM'S LOST the element of surprise, and he doesn't want to take on outnumbered, so he's not gonna come at you head on. He's got the place surrounded and he'll wait for his opportunity." Jacob began to explain.

Gracie shuddered in the corner of the room, closing herself away from everyone. She didn't like this anymore, she didn't like how seperate the Cullen's and the wolf pack were right now. She had no idea what to do anymore, she couldn't see anything path that seemed right.

Emmett shook his head, "We won't get through without a fight."

"No fights. We won't be the ones to break the treaty." Carlisle said calmly, looking around the room to his wife.

"The treaty is void, at least in Sam's mind." Jacob spoke again, everyone's heads flicking in the direction of the lone wolf in the room.

Esme sighed before her strong answer. "Not in ours."

Gracie wanted to believe that the wolf pack would at least honour the treaty, but right now she was questioning every single one of them. She couldn't shake what Embry had said to her. She began the hold her thoughts, noticing Edward turn his head to spot her.

"Carlisle, no one's hunted for weeks." Emmet said, standing up. It was true, the vampire's hadn't left Bella out of their sight since she'd come back from her honeymoon.

"We'll make do." Esme began, then turned to Jacob. "You've done us a great service, Jacob. Thank you."

Everybody parted ways and Gracie was the first to head straight outside. She found Seth, sitting by himself on a log not to far away from the house.

"Hey, Seth." Gracie practically whispered with her soft voice.

Seth smiled and nodded whilst chewing his sandwich Esme had made him, faster. Then he gave up and spoke with a full mouth, "Missing Embry yet?"

Gracie looked to him and laughed the tiniest fraction. "Always do, no matter what happens between us."

"He's just got Paul in his ear too much, I reckon." Seth answered, finally without a full mouth.

"These passed three years have been a hurricane, seriously." Gracie shook her head, watching a ladybug walk by on the soil.

Seth laughed, taking another bite out of his sandwich. "Tell me about it."

"Part of me wants to find Embry again and try to talk to him properly but then..." Gracie began but didn't finish her sentence.

Seth looked to her noticing. "The other part wants you to run away as far as possible?"

"Exactly. I didn't ask for this."

Seth nodded. "If it helps, I feel the exact same way. I wish that we could live a normal life. I am proud of being a Quileute shapeshifter don't get me wrong, but this drama that's come alongside it all...I don't know anymore."

"I'm so sorry for bringing you into this." Gracie apologised, looking away from the young boy beside her.

"Why are you apologising? This is Sam's decision, Sam's problem."

The girl nodded, though nothing made her feel any better. Gracie knew she wasn't the same girl she was when Bella first moved back to Forks, but she also knew neither was Embry. So then, Gracie had a thought, or an idea.

She was going to find Embry's best friend. Someone she knew would listen to her. Someone in relation to Jacob too.

Gracie was going to find Quil.

She hopped up from the log beside Seth, with a random boost of energy and smiled at him before taking off to what he would've though was back inside. Only she didn't go back inside. She turned around to make sure nobody was watching her, made sure her thoughts were unreadable and she took a slight turn away from the Cullen's house and back towards Forks.

She had a rough idea where Quil's family house was, since she picked Embry up from it once, long ago. She followed the route she struggled to remember, alongside the highway road until she spotted what seemed to be the small brown house of the Ateara Family. She paused, watching to see who was there, if anyone.

As she neared the front door, she spotted a glimpse of Quil, sitting on the couch - alone. Gracie knocked on the door and within a minute he answered.

"Gracie? Embry's not here." He said, quietly.

Gracie smiled a little, trying not to look upset. "I need to talk to you."

Quil's face seemed stunned, almost horrified. The boy was always constantly scared of something he'd done wrong and now was the perfect moment that proved it.

"Oh, come on in." He simple said, allowing the girl to step inside.

Quil shut his screen door but left the main front door open. He turned around, his eyes showing worry.

"I don't know what to do, Quil. I'm confused and I feel that you're the only one from Sam's pack that will listen to me." Gracie sighed as she spoke, leaning on the kitchen counters.

Quil breathed out, almost relaxing. "How can I help?"

"I need to know everything any pack member has said, either about myself or Bella."

Quil unfolded his arms, "Gracie..."

"Please, Quil. I need to know where I fit in this situation." Gracie looked at him pleadingly, pushing herself off the counter.

Quil took a moment before he answered, looking to the ground then back to the girl. "Sam, Paul and Jared are seriously angry at Jacob and none of them will let Embry or I near you guys."

"Why?" Gracie asked, seemingly a little shocked.

"Sam's afraid that we'll both want to join Jacob's pack because of our closeness to him as well as Embry's ties with you." Quil explained in a hushed voice.

Gracie nodded, breathing in and out not sure what to ask next. "I doubt Embry would even want to lay eyes on me, right now."

"Do you really believe that?" Quil raised his voice a little higher, walking closer to Gracie. "He doesn't stop talking to me about you. Only me. He knows if he mentions you in front of Jared, Paul or Sam they'd attack him."

"Quil," Gracie began, trying not to cry. "I need Embry more than ever. I've got no where else to go."

Quil took a deep breath, what he wanted to tell her was something he knew he shouldn't tell a soul.

but he told Gracie anyway...

"Embry lives in Forks. Bogachiel Way, about a 24 minute drive from mine." Quil suddenly spoke.

Gracie looked to him, stunned by the fact that she'd never known Embry's actual address and the fact that he lived in Forks and never told her.

"Thank you, Quil!" Gracie said, finally giving the boy a quick hug before hurrying out the door.

"Gracie!" Quil called before she shut the door. She turned, waiting for him to continue. "Sam's planning to attack soon."

Gracie nodded. She was truly grateful for everything Quil had told her. She wanted to get back to Forks, to fetch her car and to find Embry. She was clear on what she wanted now. She wanted Embry to forgive her. She only wanted to be around Embry. 

2017 ©misstonii

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