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IT HAD BEEN THREE DAYS since Gracie had been bitten by Chase Wiley, and for three days Embry had been missing. Quil and Seth were the only members of the wolf pack besides Sam to have been by Gracie's side in Emily's house - the rest were hunting their brother. The shirt that Gracie had been wearing was smeared with her own dried blood.

"Here." Quil said, handing her a large hoodie. "It's Embry's."

Gracie gratefully took the jumper, watching as Quil turned around so she could change her shirt to Embry's clean hoodie. 

"Thank you." She spoke softly, her stained shirt in her hands.

Quil nodded, "I know it's not a girl's outfit but I'm not game enough to go through Leah's stash of clothes."

Gracie laughed lightly, earning a wide grin from Quil. 

"Made you laugh!"

The two headed back down to the kitchen area, both in hope they'd see the rest of the pack there too. However, just as usual, the room had a loud silence. Quil joined Seth who was playing a video game on their small T.V. Emily was in the midst of baking a nice potato bake in order to cheer up Gracie, knowing it was her favourite dish. Sam stood strongly outside, his arms crossed over his chest looking onto the distance. 

"Sam?" Gracie asked quietly, taking a step off the patio floor and onto the dirt beneath her. 

The alpha turned around, lowering his arms from his chest. "Feeling better?"

"Yes." Gracie began, stopping right beside him to face the trees. "Can you hear their thoughts still?" 

Sam shifted his weight, "I can hear them."

"and?" Gracie pushed, turning her gaze to the man beside her. 

"They've found him. They're all on their way back now, but he's skeptical about you being alive still." 

Gracie didn't say anything after that. Both her and Embry had been through too much. Suddenly, there was a rustle of the leaves not far from them and Sam clenched his jaw. A black cloak arose from he trees and before them stood Alec with his hands held up in surrender. 

"Wait, it's fine!" Gracie directed Sam, urging him not to phase. Her glared at her before she shifted her eyes to the Volturi member. "Please tell me it's time to know the secret."

Sam's eyes were burning the back of Gracie's head, trying to understand what she was saying. 

"It's time." Alec answered, coming closer to the girl. 

"Stop right there, that's close enough." Sam growled a bit, to which Quil and Seth ran out of the house to join beside him. 

"Don't waste time, just tell me." Gracie pressed, staring coldly at the boy's eyes. 

He eyed out the bandage around her wrist before speaking. "I see he found you. The bite doesn't work on you, if you're wondering why you're still human without having any venom taken out of you."

"What the hell does that mean?" Sam spoke louder, closing the gap between Gracie and himself. 

Quil and Seth were now standing on either side of Gracie, guarding her like a precious gem.

"You're a halfling." Alec spoke slowly, not being used to being so close to members of a wolf pack. 

"What?" Gracie asked, shaking her head in confusion. 

"The two that died in your home at the hands of Victoria, they're not your real parents." Alec began to speak, watching as the the two males beside her gave her an odd look. "Your proper father is a vampire, Emilio Di Russo. He was one of the Volturi for many centuries until he fell in love with a human from Alexandria, Romania. That human was your mother. Jenica Vasile, her name was. They had two children, Rilian Di Russo and Graciela Di Russo."

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