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im so keen...in two weeks i'll be going to AHBL10 to see J2 from Supernatural !!!

I know the updates are slower than expected but 2nd Year Uni is a lot of work and we're nearing final projects/exam periods.


RECAP: Paul woke up, his eyes finding the darkness in front of him to be a dark brown colour. His arms were held up with a cold, singeing metal wrapped around both of his wrists and every time he moved the pain burned. Suddenly, whatever was placed over his head was pulled off and as his eyes adjusted to the bright lights in front of him, he realised he was in a cage, or a cell, he couldn't put the pieces together yet. Standing before him were the four Hunters on the field that night, a fifth man heavily tattooed coming in from the sliding door behind them.

"Well then, let's begin." The tattooed man said, pushing his way in front of the four, glaring right at the contained Paul.


Gracie and Emily were cooking up a huge breakfast, knowing full well that when everyone would return they'd be hungry. The fact that nobody returned home late into the night worried Gracie. She even wondered if the fight was still going on right now. A knock at the door alerted Renesmee who was in the living room watching little Riley's favourite TV Shows with him.

     "Grace," She called out as quietly as she could, motioning her head to the front door when Gracie came out of the kitchen.

Gracie didn't know who to expect, neither did Emily. If it were the boys they would've opened the door or knocked ten times more loudly and out of sync than the current knock. She half expected it to be her father, bearing terrible news but instead it was someone completely unexpected at this current moment. It was Dylan.

     "Gracie, Hi. Hello. Sorry to bother you, but uh..." Dylan began, scratching the back of his head as Emily joined Gracie's side. "...Is Leah here?"

Gracie glanced to Emily, furrowing her eyebrows for a second. That truly meant that the pack hadn't returned home after the fight.

     "She isn't, the rest of the pack aren't here either...but please, come inside. I'm sure they'll all be here sooner than later."

Dylan smiled, walking inside to where little Riley was sitting. With his optimistic smile, Gracie closed the door. She pursed her lips.

     "What if they don't come back? How do we know something isn't wrong? Embry..."

Emily cut off Gracie before she could continue her worried assumptions. "Is fine. If the pack were injured, the Cullen's would tell us. I'm sure they're just discussing the outcome or probably interrogating them."

Another restless hour went by. They began to begin eating some of the food, talking about anything and everything to take their minds of worrying. Sure enough, a loud group of voices spoke outside, getting louder and louder until the front door swung open and in the wolf pack marched. Sam and Jared were carrying a body with the head of the person covered. Embry and Quil were conversing with Leah and Seth, seemingly confused. The younger ones, Brody and Collin, looked like they were in shock. 

     "What is this?" Gracie asked following Sam and Jared as they placed the wriggling body onto a chair, beginning to tie a thick rope they must've collected from the shed outside.

Embry took little Riley out of Renesmee's arms, kissing his sons forehead, almost pretending he wasn't in the room with the arriving situation.

     "Where is Paul?" Emily asked, counting the werewolves in the living room.

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