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GRACIE WAS MINDING HER BUSINESS beside Esme downstairs, noticing Jacob return with a hint of guilt spread across his face. He burst into the Cullen's house and looked straight at Gracie.

"We need to talk!" 

The girl furrowed her eyebrows before following him into the Cullen's small side room.

"I left Sam's pack." Jacob began.

"You did what?" Gracie asked, she heard him the first time but she needed to make sure.

"I left Sam's pack." He spoke again, "He plans to kill Bella."

Gracie took a step back, she didn't know what to say. She gasped a little with the shock of it all. "I need to talk to Embry."

Jacob pulled Gracie back, "You can't, not now!"

"You may have severed ties with them but I can't just drop and leave Embry behind, ok? He doesn't even know where I am." Gracie sounded angry but she purely was just stressed with the whole situation in general. She didn't want Embry to feel like she'd betrayed him too.

She headed through the forest outside the Cullen's, letting Jacob tell Edward and his family what plan Sam had in mind. The forest was continuously dense with moss and the spring flowers making such a beautiful place seem less terrifying than what people made forests out to be. She neared the lake which deemed the treaty line, searching for a safe passageway.

"Hey, you!" A familiar voice called out to her.

It was Jared.

"What are you doing here?"

Gracie looked at him for a moment wondering if he was being serious. "I'm looking for Embry, do you know where he is?"

"With his own kind." Jared bluntly answered.

Gracie didn't answer, she looked away knowing this wasn't going anywhere.

"Get out of here, Jared." Another voice spoke.

Gracie turned her head and sure enough there stood Embry Call behind Jared. The boy shook his head phasing into wolf form and running away whilst Embry stood still staring at Gracie on the other side of the river.

"Why do you always have to come out into the forest by yourself?" Embry asked, sounding a little annoyed as he stepped as close as he could to the treaty line.

"I wanted to find you." Gracie said, plainly. "What the hell is Jared's problem?"

"He's just doing his job, we've all got jobs to do." Embry answered and Gracie now started to notice the tension between them growing.

Gracie sighed, "Don't be naïve Embry, you know what I'm talking about..."

But before she could finish Embry spoke over her, louder too. "Who are you calling naïve? You're the one that is naïve. You're human, Gracie, who has been living with a house full of vampires for a whole week. You thought I wasn't going to find out where you were?"

Gracie looked taken back, she was planning to tell him where she was but she never saw him until now.

"I wanted to tell you but..."

"But what?" Embry spoke over her once again, "You thought I'd stop you? Did you ever stop to think why I would've stopped you? To protect you Gracie, but you've gotten so caught up in their bloodthirsty world that maybe I should just let you see what will happen in the end. I sure as hell don't want to watch you die but that's where you future is lying with those bloodsuckers."

And with that, Embry Call phased and ran off.

With a huff, Gracie was truly angry at Embry and the entire wolf pack. She stormed back into the Cullen's house and even though she was planning to tell Embry she was coming back home to him today she refused that thought. Gracie was now going to stay until this was over.

"He'll forgive you." A voice broke her train of thought.

It was Edward. Gracie paused realising that Edward had read her mind whilst her thoughts battled with one another.

"I don't know, his face was just...purely done with me." Gracie answered whilst breathing out heavily.

"You both aren't just a normal imprint don't forget, you're love is more intense due to the fact that you both fell in love with each other before his transition. That also means that your fights will be more intense." Edward began to explain to the human girl in front of him.

Gracie laughed a little, "not entirely sure you're making me feel any better."

Edward laughed too. "I just mean that when you guys miss each other it will be an intense heart ache, you'll both be on track with each other once again."

He smiled at the confused Gracie Biers, heading back inside whilst he exchanged positions with Jacob.

"Did you find him?" Jacob asked sitting down beside Gracie.

She put her head on her best friend's shoulder. "He must hate me right now. You know how he is...when he is so, so angry but he keeps it bottled inside. I never know what he's really thinking."

Jacob wiped a tear from Gracie's eye. "I wish I could help. I can't even read their minds anymore now that I left but one things for sure, they'll all be here tonight, trying to kill Bella."

Gracie lifted her head. "What do we do?"

"Stay calm, no one's getting hurt tonight." Jacob said finally and Gracie looked straight into the forest. "Seth and Leah are here too, you can spend some time with them if you want a break from all those porcelain people upstairs."

No one was sure of the future anymore, not even Alice anymore. But that moment a large howl erupted from the forest, a sad howl. A howl that belonged to Embry.


NB // i know people were mentioning that embry would probably go with gracie - the problem i have with that, is that i, personally, do not see embry being as strong as jacob to walk away. embry has been in sam's pack longer than jacob, seth and leah and idk i just feel like he's too shy and would actually be too scared to leave sam's pack. i see him being torn apart by decisions - sorry if it confuses people or annoys people, i love embry and gracie's characters and want them to be happy but he's a slightly more complicated character to get inside his head ... :)

2017 ©misstonii

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