Chapter seven: "yeah on a scale from one to ten bitch."

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Chapter seven: "yeah on a scale from one to ten bitch."

Shouting, all i could hear was shouting. My breaths was erratic, my pulse began to increase. Nausea enveloped me into a bubble like force. Something was wrong, someone was in trouble. Pushing through the crowd that had taken place in the schools parking lot, it became a challenge.

Once through, i noticed there was a fight happening. Xander began throwing punches like there was no tomorrow. I couldnt see his opponent but it didnt matter, it would end soon. It allways did. They can never keep up. "You hurt her!" A all too familiar voice growled. "She's fine! I didnt hurt her like some people could have." Xander growled back. More punches was thrown about and crunches was heard.

I've had enough. My head began to spin. Stepping forward i told them to stop. "Stop it, before i beat the living shit out of you both! Oh come one, dont look at me like that Lucas, hes not worth it." I screamed, unable to keep my emotions inside. "Trust me sweetheart, you wouldnt get a chance." Xander obnoxiously grinned. In one swift movement i was in a croched positions and swiped my legs under his feet. Laying on the floor dazed, Xander threw some colorful words my way. "Come on, lets go." Lucas began tugging me away. Everyone looked amazed and scared. "You shouldnt have done that." Xander growled, pushing me. I quickly punched his nose, grinning when i heard a satisfying crack. "You know, your right, how could i have cared for someone like you?" Xanders words cut through me like ice. Venom lazed his words."and i thought you was different. Guess i was wrong on that half." I smiled through the pain. Crunch."ha take that bitch, dont try to hurt my friends again!" Jannet shouted joining us.

Astra he is nothing to you, your nothing to him. You need to wake up and smell the roses. Stop trying to be someone your obviously not. Your not some good girl who gets the great guy, or some girl that gets the bad boy and player to change. This isnt some book where everything has a happy ending. "I thought you said he wasnt worth it?" Lucas voice brought me back from the argument i was having with my self, inside my head. "Well he was to me." I smiled once again. Everything hurts, my head, my lungs and my heart. "You know. Since i met you, you've had more fights then anyone i know in the space of a few weeks." He laughed. Soon i was joining in and so was Jannet, he has such a contagious laugh. "Glad to know, i guess im just changing."
"Lily isnt going to be happy is she?" Lucas asked gingerly at our lunch table. "You damn rught know im not!" Lilys voice boomed. I had managed to avoid her all day but that could only buy us sometime. "What was you thinking Lucas?" She shouted. "Hey, woah Astra had one with him too, i wasnt the only one and Jannet punched him!" He tryed to defend himself."Really, throwing me under the bus so soon?" Jannet glared."Oh is that right." Lilys voice was scarily calm, with her hands on her hips.

"oh shit. We are in more the trouble." I whispered to lucas and Jannet. "Yep." He popped his p."what was going through both of your heads?"lilys voiced sounded strained at this point. Perhaps it was from the shouting. "I had no idea, i started it because he hurt Astra." Lucas looked guilty with his head down. "Plus im not my self when im hungry?" He laughed, it came out more of a question. "Go get some lunch." Lily cracked a smile. She didnt even finish and he was off. "What happened? Astra you keep getting into fights, this is unlike you and Jannet i am surpirsed with you." She used a disappointing voice. "I saw this happening in the future. He was going to pull her down and they had a proper fight, she nocked him out cold in my vision, so I intervened." She squeeked. Oh poor Jannet. "I have so much repsect for you, i honestly cant belive we was never friends. I freaking adore you munckin." I sqeezed her into a hug.

"Astra why did you fight him?" She looked concerned. "Honestly, i have no clue. He said id never be able to punch him, so i proved him wrong." I said through grit teath. "But you humiliated him." She was usuing her motherly tone, like she was scorching a kid for taking the last cookie before dinner. "Im sorry but he was beating lucas up granted lucas started it but he was getting humiliated." I rolled my eyes. "Look can we forget this happened? Please." I smiled warmly batting my eyelashes. "Fine." Lily grummbled. "Arnt you getting any dinner?" Lucas asked as lily and Jannet walked to the dinner line. "Nah. Iv lost my appetite." I smiled once again.

Scraping of chairs and placing down of trays indicated that some people was sitting down at our table. "Whats sup? Dont like eating in front of hot lads?" Xanders dick head mate, Apollo asked grinning." Nah i dont like eating in the presents of dick munchers." I replied coldly. Lucas tryed to hide his snigger with a mouth full of mac n' chease. " look lily invited us over so xander can apologise to yous. I think he is more pissed off with you though." Tyler pointed to me. "Why?" I asked innocently. "Because your the first person to put him to the floor and to actually hurt his ego." He giggled. "Oh right." I smiled.

"I invited them over, yous need to make up and forget it happened." Lily smiled. "Fine." Me, Lucas and Jannet said in unison. "Look im sorry bro, i didnt mean for it to get out of hand." Lucas began. "Its fine and im sorry too."  Xander and him did a bro hug thing. "To be honest i dont care if you say sorry or not Jannet, it wasnt between us but im sorry if i made you feel like you wanted to punch me." Xander smiled. "Its Okaii." Jannet sqeaked. "Asteria." Lily nudged me. "Fine, look im sorry that i got you to the floor and may have broken your nose and hurt you ego." I smirked. "Yeha well im not sorry. I shoukd have said so much more but you know what your not worth my breath." Xander smirked triumphantly. "Was that ment to effect me? You think i care, but seriously i dont give a fuck" I asked looking at my nails. "Because that was pretty lame of you and to be honest im not sorry either, i just knew lily would be down my neck." I smiled. "You know what, your so annoying." Xander sighed. "I know you are but what am i." I laughed sticking my tounge out. "What are you like twelve?" Xander smirked. "Yeah on a scale from one to ten bitch." I smiled. "Not wrong there." Apollo smiled. "Dude shut up, thats my ex." Xander threw him a glare.

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