Chapter twenty six: "The shadow queen."

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Chapter Twenty six:"The shadow queen."

We took the staircase down, every so often there would be a picture of my mum in her supersuit. As we got to the end there was a metal iton door with a hand print detector. I tried my hand and the voice came back.

"Two codes needed." Then a light scanning thing scanned my eye.

"one code needed. Voice recognition, state your name."

"Asteria Stone."

"Access granted. Welcome Asteria Stone."

First thing that we cluld see when the door slid away was a bright white light. It was almost blinding. I stepped into the room first. Gasping at the sight. Awards was every where. All in name of my mum and dad.

"Astra look." Lily gasped, pulling my gaze away from the awards but to my mum and dads suit. Tears pricked my eyes. Suddenly i could hear my mums voice and a hollow graphic version of my mum popped up.

"My beautiful baby. If you are here it means Somethings happened to me. Use the laptop over on the shelf to access my micro chip." She paused going over to the shelf. "Remember the rhyme i used to sing to you when you couldnt sleep, it will help you. I love you darling. I have faith in you and allways remember, i will allways be proud of you." She blew a kiss and she disappeared.

I didnt know i was crying until lucas wiped away a few stray tears. "Chin up. Tell us the rhyme." He smiled warmly.

"men come in ten,
But three want tea,
Two say 'moo'
while Four say 'no more'
And one wants there mom." I smiled recalling the memory. I dont know why but that silly rhyme used to make me sleepy all the time.

"There is numbers in it. Write it down." Xander now stated. I grumbled a fine and wrote it down.

"2341. Could it be that?" Sara asked with a gleam in her eye. 

"It could be." Lily smiled.

"Whats your mum's name?" Jannet asked this time.

"Jade Louise Stone." I smiled.

She typed it in and then typed in the code." Its not it." She sighed. "Wait! What if its 102341." She smiled and punched it in. Jumping up and down she screamed. "Its right. It will take a few mins to pin point her exact location though!"

Tears of happyness streamed down my face. Laughing and with Xander following me, we walked over to another wall, to admire a picture of my mum and dad in their supersuits, with baby me in their arms.  "Is that your mum and dad?" He had a grim exspression on his face.

"Yeah why?" I asked confused. I then noticed a letter on the side and It was adressed to me. So before Xander could answer i began to read it.

"Dear Princess,
I wanted to give you this on your eighteenth birthday, but something had gotten in the way.

I want you to know you was the highlight of my life darling. You honestly was. I love you more and more everyday. You need to know there is more to being a hero that meets the eye.

You have to make sacrifices. Some are hard decisions and some are easy but you will have to. Sometimes its between saving someone you know and ten people. You should always follow your gut feeling.

You would have gotten powers and i am sad that i didnt get to see that day but i am so proud of you. I will always be proud of you. No matter what. Forever and always. 

There should be a tarp in the cornor of the room. I hope you like it. And if im too earlie or too late Happy birthday.
— Love allways Dad.

I ran over to where the tarp was and ripped it off. Energy buzzed inside of me. I grinned. "Come here!" I shouted to everyone. Soon enough we was gathered around what my dad left me.

By angel was it beautiful. It was a motorbike. With a little note attatched to it.

'Mum will flip out when you use it. Enjoy every moment of it. Also your initials are on it, so if you use it when your a hero, get that covered. Love you - Dad.'

I smiled brightly at this. "Yas! I have my own Bike, suck that bïtches!" I fliped everyone the bird. Just then a "ding" noice appeared. "Mums location!" I shouted.

We ran over to the laptop. "Does anyone know where Blacksworth is?" Saras voice echoed.

Xander looked at Lucas. "We do." He sighed. "Its about two hours away."
"Are you sure you can drive a bike?" Lucas asked worried.

"Do i look like a girl who hasnt rode a bike before?" I asked raising my eyebrow. He grumbled a yes in responce.

"Trust me, for three years straight Astra went through a rebellious stage. She did dirt bike racing and learnt tricks. Hell she even had her own name for streat racing. Everyone knew her name." Lily and Sara laughed at the memory.

"What was it?" Xander asked intrigued.

"The shadow queen." I smiled at the memory. "I used to manipulate the shadows so you could never see my face. Lily and Sara thought it was makeup everytime." I laughed.

"Yeah we did." They grinned.

"We should get on the road. If you want to be there by half eight." Jannet piped up.

"Yeah your right." I agreed. I gave Xander the keys to my mums lambo. "You even scratch her, your dead." I galre at him. He just smirked. Sara took her BMW I8 with the girls and Saedy. Xander got in with Tyler and Apollo. He said he would exsplain later.

"Come on gorgeous, I am taking a bike with you." Lucas winked at me, before headbutting my helmet with his.

And then we was off.
Off to find my mum.
Off to help my mum.
Off to be heros, even the villains.

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