Chapter twenty five:"take off our masks."

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Chapter twenty five: "take off our masks."

Asterias pov

I woke up to a series of mumbles.

"She is going to be okaii."

"Stop worrying."

"When will she wake up?"

"Shushh. Headake." I groaned. I yelped in pain when a sharp sting came from my ribs. They should be healing now but its slow not like it usually is. I hissed in pain as i opened my eyes.  Im in my bed room with Zana, Stormy, Hawk, Jannet, caliditas, hydro...and Invisible Mystery crowded around me.

"I feel weak and fragile." I moaned.

"Im not surprised, you fell down from a 30 foot building!" Caliditas yelped in horror. "And lived." He added.

"Thats totally badass!" Hydro one

"Well you know, bad girls do it better." I wheezed a laugh until i coughed up blood.

"Here drink this bad ass." Jannet passed me a light putple substance. "It will help you heal quicker." She added smiling. I gulped it down and it had a slight sent of lavender.

"Astra, thankyou. Thankyou for saving me." Saras small, timid voice reached my ears. "You put your life on the line to save me. You really do deserve that title hero." She gigled lightly.

"Its okaii, i would have done it for anyone but im glad i saved you. Did you get hurt?" I asked, sitting up looking for injurys.

"No, you took all the impact, surprisingly i came out with a few scrapes." She laughed slightly.

"Here we have a present for you." Hydro passed me a small black box.  "After tonight, You deserve it." He smiled. I opened the box up to find a small ear piece. A grin stretched actoss my face.

"Thankyou!" I shouted giggling.

"Astra, Invisible Mystery and I have something to tell you." Hawk scratched his neck. Oh angel. What is it? Have they made up? Are they about to scrap again? Are they going to confess their undying love for each other? I hope its the latter.

Everyone left and Hawk looked at IM as if to say 'you start'.


"Well heres the thing. We are going to tell you who we are but first we need to tell you something else." IM started. "We are brothers..." I gasped at the sudden reveal. "Also you have dated one of us." He grimaced.

"Which one?" I asked not believing what he was saying.

"Me." Hawk grinned. "Take off our masks." I gingerly stood up and reached for Hawks mask. I grasp the lace and looked at him for permission. He nodded and I pulled it.

"How did i not see this coming?" I asked my self in utter disbelief.

"Im sorry Asteria." Xanders deep voice was laced with concern.

I then turned to Invisible Mystery. "Are you sure?" I asked. He grinned and nodded. I pulled his lace and i pulled back instantly. "Seriously?" I stared in shock. "Change your appearance." I laughed. His liquid blonde hair turned liquorice black, his eyes remaned bright green though. "Lucas, with black hair? I thought you was blonde. Also when i asked you to change your appearance so you didnt have to where a mask, it was the real you." I  found this highly atracting and then a though hit me.

I groaned. "Whats sup?" Thy both asked in unison.

"I told you both to your faces i thought yous was hot!" I laughed. To which they both smirked. "Oh angel. You both allready knew i had powers." They nodded their heads."you noticed my mum wasnt around alot didnt yous." Again they nodded their heads. "Thats why you came frequently. To make sure i wasnt in trouble."

I then smiled to my self. Everythin was clicking in place. "What?" They both asked at the same time.

"Just the bad boy is the hero and the dorky boy is the villain." I smiled again, before giggling a little.

"So you dont hate us?" Xander asked timidly.

"How could i hate yous. Your my bestfriends." I then turned red. I kissed Invisible Mystery. Lucas. I kissed Lucas. "Wait. If yous are brothers then why do you allways fight? And why are you a villain?" Curiosity got the best of me.

"Thats for another time." Lucas smiled before putting his mask on. Xander following his actions. "You cant tell anyone though." He gave me an intense look.

"I know. I know." I put my hand to my heart. "Cross my heart." I smiled.

"Your hearts on the otherside." Xander laughed with Lucas joining him.

"Maybe she does have a concussion." Lucas laughed again.

"Oh shut up." I smiled punching the both slightly.

"I cant find anything with a number on!" I shouted out in fustration.

"Im sure its here some where." Lily said desperately. "Its got to be."

"Did your mum ever give you a number to remember as a kid?" Xander tried asking.

"Nope. Only her birthday, dads birthday, my birthday and both of our credit cards." I sighed. "Im going to look behind picture frames. Thats how desperate i am." I ran my hand down my face.

With a series of 'okaiis' i set off looking behind photo frames. I looked behind my baby photos, photos of dad and mum and our family photos. I then set off to the training arena, with everyone following. I lied to the girls and told them i told Lucas and Xander the truth because they caught me the other day. Although Jannet knew the truth she came clean to me last night saying she saw that happen in a vision weeks ago. Also Apollo and Tyler couldnt help me today. They had taken Saedy shopping.

When we got there i checked behind everything. Nothing i sat down against the wall and sighed deeply. "Mum, where are you?" I whispered to my self quietly.

" Authorisation accepted. Welcome Asteria Stone." A strange automated voice called out.

Suddenly, the wall i was sat against moved. There was a delicate, spiral staircase in its place. "Where does it lead?" Lucas asked the obvious question.

"To narnia." I threw some sarcasm at him. "I dont know." I giggled. "Only one way to find out. Come on."

Hero? Or villain?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon