Chapter twenty two: " I am actually your sister."

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Chapter twenty two: " I am actually your sister."

Its been a week since I had my melt down. A week full of detentions, tears and fake smiles. I would be lieing if I said it has been a pleasure since Jace moved back to our school. He keeps blurting my secrets out. All my friends now know who my dad is. I told him that in confidence but he had to blurt it out.

"Are you sure you dont have powers? Most people inherit at least one power from their parent as long as they have the SH gene." Tyler tried prowling out of me.

"For the last time, I am sure!" I shouted in frustration. Everything is starting to catch up to me and it doesnt help that the ball and Hero day are coming soon. Hero day is held on my dads death day. The day he killed himself to save others. My eyes start stinging and my breaths are shallow. "Can we just drop it." I pleaded.

"Fine." Tyler muttered, defeated. "Im just saying-"

"Shut up!" We all shouted in unison. Tyler seemed to sigh at this.

"Look can we leave Astras personal life alone. Your trying to open a box up that doesnt want to be open." Lily smiled sadly. "Its none of our business and quite frankly dont you think if she had a power she would keep it a secret incase she was a hero?" Lily continued.

"Or a villain." Lucas shrugged. Xander shot him a glare. I wonder whats wrong with them?

"Hey Astra, any word from your mum yet?" Lily tried to change the topic.

"No im starting to worry, she doesn't usually leave and not text me if she is okaii." I sighed.

"We could go to your house and look for clues." Xander shrugged.

"What are we Mystery incorporated?" Sara laughed lightly.

"Sorry, Im sure no one asked you to sit with us...again." Xander rolled his eyes. Sara lifted up an eyebrow.

"I did actually. We are starting to mend our relationship. I cant lose anyone else and im defferently not losing anyone else over Jace." I spat his name out like it was venom. "Also i think thats a good idea. Maybe she left me a note or something. She left me no money but i use my credit card most of thr time to buy shopping." I added on.

"Fine, lets go then." Jannet smiled. We made our way out of Dandelion docks and on the way to mine.

Once we got to mine, I unlocked the door. I set all the lads down stairs while the girls and I went to my mums room. I shuffled through some draws while Sara and Jannet looked unter her pull up bed. Lily looked through her closet.

"Oooh, can i borrow this? Im so borrowing this." Lily squealed. "Ohh and this top to go with. Damn your mum has some bomb as fück clothes."

"Lily, this isnt the time to be picking out an outfit!" Jannet shouted.

Just then she screamed, her eyes turned a light shade of blue and her lips a purple color. Her hair flew around in the air and became a ghastly white shade. Then she started to hover and started to mutter some

'Doom! Doom!  Wreaked havoc will prevail, blood shed of the innocence and the stars show that only the star goddess will stop this  from happeneing. Doom! Doom!'

 Doom! Doom!'

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