Chapter fourteen: "I think we are going to need to rethink your suit."

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Chapter fourteen: "think we are going to need to rethink your suit."

Strong arms gripped me. Wind blew my hair left, right and center.



I opened my eyes to see thick, lush black eyelashes framed with a golden mask. Golden Hawk.

"Where are we?" My voice was raspy and raw. His hair looked silky and was messy.

"Im taking you home, Lily called me. She told me where you was but she couldnt get to you because she was doing something important. Making some suit for a friend of her's. She told me to tell you shes sorry and she will exsplain when you get back." He looked sincere.

"Its fine. Im going to go back to sleep." I sheepishly smiled.

"Wait no, before I take you home, I want to take you somewhere." He smiled waiting for a response.

"Sure." I smiled sleepily. More wind crashed against my face and hair. I felt free. Free from everything. Free for my feelings, free from all my responsibilities, free from worrying. It was peaceful up here. The only sounds that can be heard is the wind wooshing and distant traffic.

"Look." He smiled staring at me. I looked where he was pointing and saw the silhouettes of buildings. I quickly grabbed my phone and took a photo.

 I quickly grabbed my phone and took a photo

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A laughter bubbled from my throat. Smiling, I stared where he was pointing this time. It was beautiful. You could see all of the timy blinks of light in the distants; cars that looked like little ants. Lights from apartments and buildings lit up the sky. I decided to take a photo to show Lily, as we could never fly to see this.

"It's beautiful

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"It's beautiful." I breathed out, breathless.

"Im glad you enjoy it. No one other then freeze boy and water boy can fly with me. So your the first woman to ever fly with me for fun." He cracked a smile.

"I thought it was caliditas and Hydro?" I asked confused.

"It is i like to wind them up. Do you want to meet them?" He asked smiling. He must have noticed the giant grin on my fcae because he started going the other way.

"Guys? Guys? Freeze boy wake the fuck up!" He shouted. "Sorry, I swore." He threw a glamourising smile my way. I nodded and he continued. "Get suited up." "No theres no emergency." " I know, I know." "Just do it for me." "Grab water boy too." "Yes its the hot girl." "Okaii bye." Hawk was blushing like mad. I just began to giggle.

We was standing in the middle of a field, until i laued down bored. "Talk about being punctual."i muttered sarcastically.

"Im sure when they see you they will never be late again." He giggled. Yep giggled like a two year old.

"Oh im sure too, im going to rip there ball sacks off." I grumbled.

"Whos ball sacks are getting ripped off?" I deep raspy voice asked. I turned around slowly and sure enough Caliditas and Hydro was stood standing there. They look anxious and awkward until they saw me and relaxed.

"You can rip off Caliditas im sure he would love it." Hydro laughed."Especially from a beautiful girl like you. Anyways, Hawk why did you wake us up to see this fine youmg lady?" He smirked. I didnt know why but i wanted to punch him in the face. I just had a urge to.

"Because...I dont actually know. She can be persuasive. Plus i was taking her for a fly." Hawk smirked my way.

"Seriously, 'she can be persuasive'?" I laughed. "You asked me if I wanted to meet them. So i said yes. Then yous" I pointed my fingers at them."took forever." I shook my head.

"We're sorry. Im Caliditas, nice to meet you. Hark talks alot about you." He smirked. He then pushed his hand out. I didnt want to shake his hand incase he accidently freezed me. "I dont bite you know...unless you want me too." He smikred and threw a wink my way.

Laughing, I shook my head and grabbed his hamd."nice to meet you im Asteria." I smiled."also caliditas is latin for temperature right?"

"Yeah, howd you know?" He scratching back of his neck.

"As a child, I learnt latin." I laughed. "Plus your power is to do with temperature. So it wasnt hard to guess either." I smiled. I then turned to Hydro.

Hydro was reluctant to stick his hand out but eventually did."Hiyah, Im Hydro. Nice to meet you." I went to take it until I got splashed with water.

I stared in shock. He was supposed to be a Super hero. "Seriously!" I was two second before exsploding on him. Until i bent over, nausea had attacked my stomach and head.

"Do you feel that, we need to go. Just leave her here!" Hydro shouted.

"No we need her! There isnt anytime to get you dressed though. Sorry. Try not to get caught." He shouted the first bit, picking me up but then whispered towards the end.

Suddenly, my ring began to tingle and I started to float. "What's happening?" I shouted worried.

"I dont know." Hawk looked terrified and so did the rest of them.

The tingling sensation spreaded over my body.

"Astra your hair!" Caliditas shouted. I took my hair in my had and had a look. Oh my angel it was had turned a bright purpley blue.

"Your lips!"

"Your eyes!"

"I think we are going to need to rethink your suit." Hawk laughed. Once i was back on the floor it appeared that I had my super suit on. I wuickly took my phone out and had a look at my eyes and lips.

"Oh my angel, i look

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"Oh my angel, i look... beautiful." I mever thought them words would leave my mouth.

"You all ways look beautiful." Hawk shyly smiled. The two blys agreed.

"Thankyou." I smiled

"You need a super name." Caliditas looked amazed.

"I think something space themed." Hydro smiled.

"Yeah" Caliditas and Hawk agreed.

"Then it's official. I am supernova." I laughed.

"You know Astrid has a nice ring to it and it means 'gorgeous goddess'." Caliditas smiled.

"Fine Astrid it is." I smiled.

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