Chapter ten: "Principles office. now!"

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Chapter ten: " Principles office. Now!"

'We need your help'.

Them four words have haunted my dreams and invaded my thoughts for a week. A whole week. Apollo has been making sure I stay away from Lucas and Xander by inviting Lucas to sit with them at dinner. Lucas was reluctant at first until Jannet told him to, Lily and I believe that Jannet must have saw something to suggest he does that but she wouldn't tell us what.

"Cheer up gorgeous, Im sorry i told you to stay away from Lucas and Xander but its for the best. I promise." Apollo apologised.

"Its fine, its not that iv just got a few things on my mind." I sighed. I still can't get how Story Thunder was with Invisible Mystery out of my head.

Nausea swept over my body. Oh no. Taking a glance at Lily, I nodded to her and mouthed "go" To her. With a single nod, she was off.

"Omg, have you saw this." A random brunette announced. I took a peak at her phone to see the news. The head line was 'Super fight in town'. The brunnette played the live video. Lily had just arrived. Hawk was taking on Invisible Mystery and Stormy Thunder. Shit Lily won't be able to take on them, even with Hawks help.

"Im so sorry, Saedie just texted. Shes been sick and i need to clean it up. Im sorry i have to go." I sighed to Apollo.

"Its fine go, they need you." He smiled.

Did he just say they?

I didn't get to ask him because before i knew it, My legs had ran me out of school and teleported me to my house. I quickly grabbed my 'super suit' and pulled it on. I then teleported into town with out a second thought.
"Zana, watch out!" I shouted, quickly reading Stormys thought, 'tornado attack'.

I teleported and grabbed her then teleported to behind Stormy. Oh hell to the nah if she thinks she can try and hurt my bestfriend and get away with it.

"Oi, Bitch." I smirked. I quickly shot a small glowing purple energy beam at her. "Don't ever try and do that again!" I shouted seething.

"Or what? You'll shoot me again? How about we try this old school? Fist fight?" She looked smug.

"Im going to enjoy wiping that smug expression off your face." I smirked sadisticly. "Go get it." Lily smiled.

I squared up to Stormy. Stormy threw the first punch, me effortlessly dodging it. This continued for a few seconds until i threw a shot. The sound of the connection was enough to stop IM and Hawk fighting.

"Get up." I commanded.

We carried on fighting for a few minutes until IM shouted Princess. I stopped to look at him but when i turned a fist colided with my cheekbone.

"You sly bitch, leaf her alone!" Lily shouted as a vine burst through the road and crawled up Stormys legs, securing her to the floor.

"Whats sup? You look a little tired, let me give you some energy." I smiled satanicly. I then shot out a energy beam at her, nocking her out instantly.

"That's going to hurt in the morning." Lily laughed.

Invisible Mystery took a glance at me, shook his head smiling at me and flew to her unconscious body. He then saluted us and winked at me, turning invisible.
"You did good." Hawk smiled clasping my shoulder.

We are at my house. After the fight we returned to my house to

1. clean and stitch up the cuts that Golden Hawk had received from Invisible Mystery.

2. For me and Lily to get ready because we had to get back to school.

Aparently Golden Hawk knew who I was all along and knew that Lily was Zana. He said he guessed her name because 'Zana' means 'gracefull Lily' in Hebrew. She decided to show him her real identity because he already knew her name.

So now you are caught up.

"Lily and I are going back to school, if you need anything Saedie is here. Make yourself at home and just leave the house and lock up when you have to go. Theres some spare keys on the side and I have mine. Just drop them off when you have the time." I smiled.

I didnt give him time to answer because i grabbed lily and teleported to the girls toilets at school.

"Thank god no one is here." Lily laughed, sooni joimed in. We then started making our way to our lesson A.P Physics.

Once there we noticed our teacher asleep. We snook in and took our seats. Just when we thought we got away with it...

"How nice of you's to join us ladys. Care to explain why you both was twenty six minutes late?" Out teacher sarcastically boomed at us. Lily started stuttering strait away, so I took hold of the situation.

"No we do not care to explain. Its out business not yours." I smirked. She turned a bright red color and started to resemble a tomato.

"Principle's office. Now!" The teahcer shouted, I cant even remember her name.

"Okaii, okaii. We are going. Keep your wig on, you old hag."I threw a sarcastic smile her way and pulled Lily with me.

"We are so doomed." Lily sighed.

"No we are not, let me speek to him." I smiled as we got to his office.

"Ladys I understand there was a problem in the classroom and you both was thirty minutes late." His exspression held boredom mixed with curiosity.

"Yes sir we was late due to... some lady problems, Lily had and our teacher tried forcing us to tell our Physic's class about said problem. She tried to humiliate us infront of the class and poor Lily couldnt bring her self to tell everyone. Some kids can be mean you know and if they found out god knows what they would say." I sighed for dramatic effect. "I understand if you want to send us to detention but just think you would be sending us to detention because my bestfriend had bled all over her clothes and was having a panic attack over something we cant help. We cant help get our periods sir." I continued.

"Lily I am so sorry to hear that, if you need anything, please don't hesitate to ask. I am so sorry you had to go through that and i will be having a word with that teacher. I understand you cant help it and Asteria i am so glad you helped her out. Im guessing yous both missed lunch too because of the... erm problem." He looked embarrassed. We simply nodded.

"Go to the cafeteria and i will get the lunch ladies to make some sandwiches for yous." He smiled. "Its the least i can do for yous."

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