Chapter twenty: "i can tell you who I am."

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Chapter twenty: "I can tell you who i am."

Astras pov

"-So if anyone knows about this graffiti, you should speek up now because if you dont and we find out you knew who it was when we find out who it is...there will be consequences." My Principles voice bored on. "Thankyou, you can continue with you lessons now." He now finnishef on the speaker.

"You dont think he knows who it was do you?" Lily asked terrified.

"I dont know but I hope he doesn't." She stared at the speaker anxiously.

"If we get to him close enough, I could be able to read his mind. Then we will know for sure." I sighed, I knew this will proberly get me in trouble.

"Sure how do we get you to his office." Jannet smirked.

"Nope. Oh angel no. I am not getting in trouble. We will catch him in the cafeteria or something." I weakly smiled.

"Scared to do something bad?" Xander whispered in my ear. His voice alone gave me the shivers. "Didn't know the great Asteria was scared." He looked at me smuggly.

"Im not, watch." I grinned like a maniac. I grabbed my pen and when the teacher was facing the board i threw it at her. It had bounced off her shoulder. I then quickly grabbed one of my spare pens and continued writing.

"Xander! Stop throwing things." The teacher boomed.

"Seriously. It wasnt me. It was Astra!" Xander stared at me in disbelief.

"No it wasnt. Im pretty sure iv got my pen." I smiled sarcastically and waved my pen at him. He mumbled something and carried on staring at the teacher.

I then threw that pen and grabbed another pen, throwing it at her again. This tine it hit the top of her head." Xander, detention." She shouted red faced. When he made no move to leave she continued. "Now!" She shouted.

"Asteria you such a twat." He smirked at me. "Im pretty sure im not a pregnant goldfish." I laughed. "Anyways id rather be a twat then a dick head." I laughed harder but then came the teachers voice again.

"Asteria Stone! You too, detention!" She screamed.

"For fucks sake." I muttered as i got to the door, her back was turned to her. I looked at Lily and she mouthed 'No' to me. All i did was grin her way. I then threw my last pen at her, hitting the middle of her back. I scurried out when she shouted Xanders name in frustration.

"See i dont even need to touch people to make them scream my name." He winked at me. "Come on we are skipping." He dragged me threw the schools building, all the way to the parking lot. He looked at me as if something had gone out. "Where should be go?"

"Seriously. You allways skip, where do you usually go?" I giggled.

"Home but i only bring them to my bedroom to fûck." He winked again.

"Shut up, we will go to the coffee shop instead. How about that?" I smiled. He then began to laughed hard.

"D-did you just q-qoute that isiot on D-Dr Phil?" His body shook with laughter. I just took his hand and dragged him to starbucks, with a smiled creeping onto my face.

We was sat there for about 10 minuets when the worst thing could happen. Our Principal walked through the doors of the coffee shop. He stared at us and grinned wickedly.

"Mr Violet, Miss stone how lovely to see you've skipped school." He smiled."are yous on a date?" To which this made me gasp and us both mumble no."Care to explain why you was or do i need to call your parents?"Xander got his phone out, started clicking, gancing at me for a second or two and then shoved his phone in his face.

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