Chapter thirty one: "by playing hero? Or Villain?"

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Chapter thirty one: "by playing hero? Or villain?"

We are now home, mum and dad decided to let everyone stay for the night and are taking them out for dinner to say thankyou. Everyone has gone out to get something to wear. Im trying to pick out something when i heard a knock at my door.

"Asteria." My dad and mum came in. "Hiyah sweetheart, have you picked something out yet?" They took in my attire.

"Nope." I laughed lightly. "Im thinking this though." I picked up the dress sprawled out on my bed.

"Thats loverly darling. Im glad you know how to use your credit card." My dad laughed. "I guess you take after me for that." He smiled.

"Oh course she does." My mum nudged him lightly. "Get changed your makeup looks loverly but you have ten minutes to get dressed everyone is here allready." Mum dragged dad out.

I picked up the dress, I guess it will do

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I picked up the dress, I guess it will do. I made my way down stairs and saw everyone dressed up formally. Everyone looked great. We made our way to our cars and drove to the soon enough we was there.

Le restaurant noir was what it is called. Its a posh restaurant and it takes forever to get reservations but somehow thry managed to get one for all nine of us.

"Bonjour!" The waiter, who may i add is gorgeous, greeted us. Although he looked way too familiar.

"Salu!" I smiled and waved back. "Ça va?" My mum and dad smiled at me.

"Ça va super, et toi?" He smiled, cute dimples on show.

"Ça va très bien." I smiled.

"Aussi, je parle anglaise."
He laughed.

"Thank god. Thease guys had no idea what we was saying." I laughed, motioning to my friends. "Reservations for the Stone family." I smiled.

"Right this way my lady." At this Lucas and Xander both grabbed my hands protectively. "Here are the menus." He smiled and tried giving me the menus but the boys wont let go of my hands. I gave him a sheepish smile and got sat down; sandwiched between Lucas and Xander.

"Boys drop it. We are safe here." My dad eyed their hands. They offered him a smiled and dropped their hands. We ordered our meals. Mum and dad had some wine while waiting and dad was whispering sweet nothings into my mothers ear. I have never saw her smile so much.

"You know...i think you look beautiful." Lucas smiled, pulling me into a half hug. My smile widened at this.

"And i think your-" i got cut off my Xander and Lucas.

As lucas said 'hot', Xander said 'egoistical'. Apollo just laughed but it was a forced laugh. A guess Tylers absence is taking a toll on all of us. Mostly on Lily though she seems to only offer a sad smile now and again.

"I was going to say sweet but i guess both of them words describe you aswell." I coughed out a laugh.
Where back home now and was in our pajamas, well the girls was, the boys refuse to wear anything more then their boxers. Mum and dad are down stairs watching a film, lucas is helping me pick out a dress for formal dance.

"Im not going formal dance." Liky declared, sighimg.

"Why?" She has been dress lookimg since the beginning of the year.

"Because Tyler asked me to go with him the other week and I dont want to go without him." She sighed deeply. "At least it saves me some money." She forced out a laugh as did I.

Both boys seem to frown at my laugh.

"Asteria. We know you blame yourself for what happened but it wasnt your fault. You need to understand no one was prepared for that to happen." Xander frowned and pulled me into him.

"Well we should have been prepared! And how can you say that! It is her fault, its all her fault. If she didnt take forever hugging her mum goodbye, he would stikl be here! He would be sat with us right now!" Lily burst, all her anger was forced on to me. She then got up and left to go to her room I think.

"It wasnt your fault princess. It was our dads." Lucas' eyes clouded with guilty. "And we will get him back. It will just take some time becuase he doesnt have a chip in like your mom did. But we will find a way." He gave me a small smile and pulled me on top of him.

I blushed at the sudden movment and how close i am to him. I lean down to kiss him when my mum come bursting in.

"Lilys just ran out of the door, shes crying in a right state." My mum eyed us wierdly. "Go get her! Now!" She shouted.

As i got to the top of the stairs there was a sicken scream. My tummy felt like a washing machine. My ring tingled and i started to change into my super suit. I then took the staies two at a time, fell down three and then two at a time again. I bursted out the door and rushed to the source of crys.

What i saw made my stomach churne. "Lily!" I cried out. She was sprawled out on the concreat, a pool of blood surounded her. As i got to her, her breathing was shallow and she tried muttering something.

Then suddenly, i was pulled up onto my feet. I felt weak, there was no plants around to help her heal. Tears puddled my eyes but i rapidly blincked them away.

A satanistic laugh was heard behind me. "Shes dieing." Dr doom laughed. I balled my hands into tight fists. "Tainted silver punched her ribs." He gave me a satisfied look.

I took a quick glance at her. She was holding her ribs, which defently looked broken, watching with wide eyes. I think one has punctured her lung.
"Try and save her, you have one minute to. Starting now!" He smirked.

I rushed over to her, there was nothing i could do. I pulled her onto my lap, holding her in my arms. "It will be okaii." I smiled sadly at her. "It has to be okaii." But it wasnt okaii, She started coughing blood up violently. She was chocking on her own blood. I tried smacking her back, her vhest was heaving heavily.

"Stay calm." I muttered, tears sprang to my eyes.
Suddenly, the coughs stopped; her chest stilled and she layed limply in my arms. I choked out a sob. "Dont leave me." I wimpered.

Her body was ragged off of me. Your one minute is up." Dr Doom snarled at me. He then tyrned to look me in the eye. "I guess you gain one and you lose one." He smirked and then took off into the sky, taking Lilys dead body.

"Astrid!" Lucas ran over to me, while i stayed sat there silent. "What happened? Wheres Lily." Concern flashed through his eyes.

My eyes hardened and i stood up. "Shes dead. Dr Doom killed her, where was you?!" I answered coldly.

"He recruited a hero who could create force fields of some kind. He couldnt leave the house." He looked hurt but at the moment i dont feel sorry. I dont feel anything Im numb.

"I will get revenge but the only question is how do i do it? By playing Hero? Or Villain?"

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