Chapter sixteen: "I guess I like bad boys."

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Chapter sixteen: "I guess I like bad boys."

"Are you sure you cant tell me? It would be easier!" I huffed out.

"I cant tell you who he is. It has to be that way, if i tell you the future could change. And not for the good. There would be consequences to it. If i told you." Jannet gave me a weak smile. "Im sorry." She squeezed out.

"Its fine, I shouldnt of asked you." I smiled.

"What shouldnt of you asked her?" Xander asked smilimg. The boys had sat down at our table.

"Nothing." I grumbled.

"No we are friends now. You have to tell us." Apollo now spoke up.

"She asked who Jannet liked." Lily smiled trying to cover up our slip up.

"And who was it?" Tyler now inquired.

"Someone yous dont know." She smiled sarcastically.

"Sooo...what about this super bread?" Lily tried to change the subject. "Nothing super about it." She laughed and wacked it against the table, cracking it a little.

"I cant see why you wont tell up." Lucas sighed fustrated.

"You wouldnt tell us who you  all like, would you?" Jannet sighed.

"I like someone." Xander slightly turned pink and turned his head.

"So do I." Tyler smiled.

"I also do." Apollo winked my way.

"I like someone, but i cant say." Lucas grinned.

"Then who are they all? Tell us and i will tell you." Jannet huffed out."Go on then.

"Apollo likes someone at this table, Lucas wouldnt tell us, Tyler also finds someone at this table cute and sweet. And I like someone too but I cant say who." Xander exclaimed. Murmers was heard through out the cafeteria. I can see the gossip now. 'The bad boy player actually likes someone.'

"You tell us who you all like now." Lucas smiled.

"Fine I think one of yous are adorable. Jannet likes someone called Jack and Astra thinks Invisible Mystery is hot." Lily blurted out. I huffed and punched her arm lightly.

"I also think the Golden Hawk is hot too." I laughed.

"How would you know if they are hot? Have you saw underneath their masks? They could be super ugly."  Apollo inquired.

"No I haven't saw under their masks and if they're ugly I don't care because its not all about looks, looks are just a bonus. If i based a relationship on looks it wouldn't work out." I weakly smiled.

"Like you and Xander." Tyler looked confused.

"Yes like me and Xander. We didn't work out because i was only attracted to his looks. That and well he was a dick aswell." I laughed. Xander had an emotion in his eyes which I couldnt decipher but as quick as it came it had gone.

" back to the question which you expertly dodged. How do you know if they are hot if you have never met them?" Tyler now asked.

"Yeah." Apollo agreed.

"I like a Mystery. Plus I dont know what the look like so they are both mysterious." I smiled.

"Okaii...I guess thats a good enough answer but really Invisible Mystery. He is a villain." Tyler tried reasoning.

"I guess I like bad boys." I laughed.

"She has allways had a thing for bad boys I guess." Lily smiled.

"Yeah there was Blake, Ryder, Jace and Xander." Jannet added on.

"I guess thats her type." Lily laughed.

"Sooo...Ice skating. Whos up for it?" Lucas smiled.

"We will." Lily put her arms around me and Jannet.

"Lily you know I can't. Not since..." I trailed off.

"You need to forget about him. Astra you used to love it. You was also very good on the ice. Please you need to. You need to get over the fear of it and just dance on the ice again." Lily tried to reason.

"The great Astra is scared of some ice." Xander laughed.

"Im not scared. Im just cautious." I weakly smiled.

"What happened?" Lucas asked me. I hesitated to tell them.

"Come one we are you bestfriends. You can tell us. I mean you just confessed your love for a villain and hero." Apollo smiled at me.

Lily gave me an encouraging smile and nudged me.

"Fine, last year before you came." I pointed at Xander. "And you." I then pointed at Lucas. "I had a boyfriend. Called Jace. Obviously yous know him." I directed to Apollo and Tyler.

"Yeah he was a close friend." Apollo smiled, as if he was reminiscing.

"Yeha well that 'close friend' broke her heart." Lily snapped.

"Its fine, im over it. We had gone out for over a year and in that time every weekend we would go to the icerink. He would come to my iceskating competitions and  watch and sometimes help me preform my routines. I then found out that he had cheated on me with one of my bestfriends." I stared at the boys.

"He cheated on you with Lily?" Lucas asked not believing me.

"No. Believe it or not it wasnt allways me and Lily." I said with a grim exspression.

"Sara. It used to be Astra, Sara and Lily." Tyler exsplained. Xander and Lucas mouths made a 'oh' shape.

"Yeah so, after I had found out, I stopped Iceskating all together....but i guess i need to get over it and move on." I smiled. "I will come."

"Good meet us at Sunnys Icerink tonight at 6." Xander smiled. As he had finished talking the bell went.

Hero? Or villain?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora