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Emily's POV

"Babe, this is my daughter, Emily." My dad smiles over at Alison who still has her mouth open slightly from seeing me.

Wait, so they are dating? Isn't she like my age?! Is she crazy? Does she have a thing for older men or something? I didn't exactly peg her to be into older men. Or men at all. 

Why did it seem like she was flirting with me before? When all along, she has had a boyfriend this entire time. Not any boyfriend, but that boyfriend being my dad.

When she said she came to Rosewood to start fresh, did she mean by my dad?

My dad clears his throat and looks at me with a warning that says I need to say something. 


"It's nice to meet you, Emily." Alison gives me a small smile but it seems like it was more than just that. Why doesn't she want my dad to know that we have already met?

"Um, it's nice to meet you too, Alison." I decide to go along with it but I'll be sure to question her about it later when we are alone.

At the dinner table, my dad sits next to Alison, while I sit across from her. As she starts to eat her food, my dad does the same. I'm not really hungry anymore but I have to show respect. 

I pick up my fork and toss a little bit of spaghetti into my mouth. Every once in a while I can see Alison staring up at me through her lashes. Why does she keep doing that? Is there something on my face? 

"So, Alison." My dad begins, breaking the awkward silence. I bet he didn't see this one coming. "Why don't you tell Emily a little bit about yourself." 

"Um, I just moved here to Rosewood two months ago to start fresh. And by starting fresh, I mean meeting you, Wayne." She looks over at my dad and gives him a small smile in which he returns. She looks back at me and gives me a small, apologetic smile. Or was I just seeing things? 

"I love horses. I grew up in the country but then had to move to the city when my dad died to live with his sister." My dad puts his hand on top of Alison's to comfort her but it doesn't work. She takes a deep breath before continuing. "From there, I moved here to get away from everything that has happened." 

"I'm sorry about your dad, Ali." I give her a sad smile to which she returns. I couldn't imagine losing my dad. He's all I have left besides my two best friends. 

"It was a while back." She shrugs it off like it's no big deal but I know she's hurting right now. I feel sorry for her.

After dinner, my dad excuses himself to go freshen up. Alison insisted on helping me clean the dishes. She wouldn't take no for an answer. So we are currently standing side by side at the sink and it couldn't be any more weirder. 

As I pass her a plate to rinse off, her fingers accidentally touch mine which makes my heart leap. How does she even have this effect on me? I barely know this woman. It's so frustrating. I mean, what are the odds of the girl I have a huge crush on end up being the one my dad has been dating for the past two months. 

It's crazy just thinking about it.

"So, you know a little bit about me." Alison speaks up for the first time since my dad left the room. "What about you? Tell me about yourself." 

"Uh, I swim. I have two best friends, Aria and Hanna, which you already met today." I then give her a confused look. "Why did you pretend in front of my dad that it was our first time meeting each other?" 

"I-I don't know. It happened in the moment I guess." She shrugs her shoulders and continues to wash the dishes while handing one by one to me.

I only sigh and finish up the dishes.

"Sorry, it took so long." My dad comes into the living room where me and Alison are currently sitting down. "My boss called. I have to go to work for two weeks before I can come back." He gives us both an apologetic smile. 

"When do you go?" I ask.

"Tomorrow morning." I only nod my head with a sad look on my face. I hate it when he leaves to go to work. I should be used to it by now but I'm not. I know I will be alone for some nights because Hanna and Aria will have to go home sometime eventually. 


"I'm sorry, sweetheart. I will be back before you know it." My dad gives me a kiss on the forehead while I wrap my arms around him. 

"Stay safe, dad." I squeeze him one last time before letting him go.

"I will, Emmy. Take care of yourself while I'm gone. I love you." He walks out of the house only for us both to see Alison getting out of her car. I guess she came to say goodbye to my dad considering she won't be seeing him in two weeks. Must be hard. 

I mentally roll my eyes.

"I love you, too, dad." I close the door behind me, not wanting to see Alison. My feelings are all over the place since last night. Before she left, I looked out the window to see her and my dad kiss. I mean it was to be expected but I didn't expect the pain that came along with it. 

I go upstairs to my room and plop down on to my bed. Now I have nothing to do. I mean I could ask Hanna to come over but I imagine she's with Caleb right now and I don't know about Aria. She's been acting weird around us lately. 

Almost like she's hiding something but what do I know? 

As I'm getting ready to go out to get something to eat from the brew, I hear the door ring from downstairs. That's weird. I'm not expecting company. 

I fix my hair and straighten my clothes out before going downstairs to open the door. 

"Alison?" I look down to see a suitcase in her hand. "What are you doing here?" Her eyes look me over slightly, taking me in, before meeting my eyes again. 

"Um, your dad said he was worried about you being alone for two weeks so I offered to stay with you until he gets back." She starts to play with her hands as I just stare at her with my mouth slightly open. "I hope that's okay."

"Um, no. It's fine. Come on in." It's not like I can say no to that beautiful and adorable face of hers. I open the door wider for her to come in.

Well, these next two weeks isn't going to be awkward at all.

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