Spooky aka Oscar

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Just because everyone need a spooky bae in their life!

Just because everyone need a spooky bae in their life!

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Your POV

You screamed in pain as he kept hitting you, The news of you being pregnant clearly rubbed him the wrong way and he wanted nothing to do with the baby. He was enraged by the news, but he lost control once you said you were leaving.

"Please Eddie Please!" You yelled but nothing stopped him from licking his foot and making contact with your stomach. You cried out in agonizing pain. The only thing on your mind was the baby. Soon you felt rough cold hand wrap themselves around your neck, You gagged and clawed at his hands to release you, But it only made him tighten his grip.

You were paralyzed, You couldn't move, You couldn't speak, You couldn't scream. No one was coming to save you so that gave the only Option. You have to save yourself. You grabbed a steel pipe that was laying on the floor and swung it hitting him over the head. He fell sideways and you used that to you advantage to hit him a couple more times until he was out cold. Was he dead? you didn't know and you didn't stick around to find out. You grabbed a Go bag you had packed long ago dreaming of the day you'd finally leave this awful place.

You ran, You ran and ran and ran. No matter how much your legs burned you never stops, No matter how much your lungs burned or how hard it got to breathe you didn't stop or look back. You got the a bus station across town. You bought a one way ticket and never looked back. You got on the bus never looking back and taking one step towards freedom.

You woke up tot eh rays of the sun shinning on your face, You asked a middle aged women how long  you have all traveled.

"We've crossed a couple states," She said and you nodded and laid back into your seat. You couldn't remember the last time you slept. You weren't always like this, You were happy at one point in  your life but that all spiraled out of control and you tried s hard to back track to figure out what you had done or where it had all went south. But as alway you came up empty.

Nine states, Countless of snacks later you came a cross a sign that said 'Welcome to Freeridge'. The bus came to a sudden halt and yu got off.

"Thank you," You told the bus driver he nodded opening the doors for you. You hopped off wincing in pain from your bruises. You lifted up you hoodie walking into the town. You looked around and noticed it was a low profile area. Eddie would never find out where you were, But knowing him you had to take drastic measures. You walked into a near by CVS, You purchased hair die and scissors. The cashier gave you a funny look, but you just smiled and paid for your items. 

You walked across the street into a gas station, You walked into the bathroom locking the door. You took off your hoodie and took out the scissors from the packaging and began to cut your light hair. You cut and cut and cut until it was to your shoulders. Tears ran down you face and you looked at the position you were in. Marks were all over your body and face. How? How did i let it get this far? you thought to yourself. You lifted up your tanktop wincing seeing the bruises that were formed. You got the sudden sensation of liquid running down your lefgs. You took of your pants and saw the blood, A sob escaped your lips as you tried not to cry, It would only make the pain worse. Yo wiped yourself clean and changed into a pair of fresh clothes.

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