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Your POV

"Hey Y/N!" I heard and I looked over my shoulder to see one of the most popular guy in school walking my way. I looked around me to make sure he was actually talking to me.

"Yes you silly," Jason chuckled leaning against my locker. I crossed my arms over my chest tasing my eyebrow at him questioningly. He flashed me a smile and butterflies started growing inside my stomach.

"Listen Id like to take you out tonight.. It is Friday and fries are half off at Big Joe's," He said and I bit the inside of my cheek. Was he really asking me in a date? I sighed nodding my head.

"Pick me up at 8:00pm," I Said closing my locker after grabbing what I needed.

I walked out of my house smiling as I saw Jason in his car. I hopped in the passenger side.
"You look beautiful," He said and I blushed putting on my seatbelt. He smirked speeding down the street to what I presume was Big Joe's. He started making gun these crazy turns and I furrowed my eyebrows wondering when we would actually reach the restaurant.

"Hey how much longer until we reach Big Joe's?" I asked looking around at the area.

"We can go to big Joe's after," He said cutting the engine of his car. I looked at him confused.

"After what?" I asked

"This," He said kissing my lips, The kiss started off nice and sweet but quickly turned into something different.

"Jason..stop..Jason..Stop! No! No!" I Said pushing him off, he pulled on my arm ripping my blouse. I scratched his face with my nails, he groaned in pain and I took this time to open his car and jump out.

Tears burned at my eyes as I finally reached a public place. I pushed passed them making my way home. Sobs left my lips as I kept running until my legs and lungs burned. Once I recognized the area I began to walk. I wrapped my arms around myself to keep myself warm.

"Wait is that Y/N?" I heard snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked up seeing Maritza and her cousins on the lawn. Not wanting to talk to anyone I picked up my pace but she appeared in front of me with a link of an eye.

"Hey.. Y/N are you okay? What happened?" Maritza asked me and I shook my head not being able to control my Sobs.

"Oh my God you are so cold! Come on," She said leading me up the lawn. The group of people parted like the Sea as she helped me inside her house. She sat me down on the couch as I continued to cry.

"Y/N what happened?" She asked me as I cried, I shook my head putting my head in my hands. The door opened and the rest of her friends/group walked in. I quickly wiped my eyes trying to compose myself.

"Is she okay?" Oscar asked pointing at me. I shook my head as the tears poured down my face.

"That's what I'm trying to find out." Maritza said wrapping the blanket around my body.

"I-I was on a date tonight...with Jason. He had said he wanted to take me out to Big Joe's. But he had other plans.." I whispered, Maritza took my in her arms as I cried.

"That fucking bastard! Ya mamacita no llores," She said kissing my head.

"Where is he?" Oscar asked me crossing his arms over his chest.

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