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Your POV

"Ruby are you crazy?! I haven't talked to him in  months and you really think he's going to want to come to a 15th birthday party?" I asked him unpacking my clothes. Ruby was driving me crazy about this Quinceñera being perfect and now he was bugging me because I didn't have a date and it needed to be perfect due to pictures and what not.

"He will if he knows you're back in town and you're going.. Y/N Oscar is going to find out you're here sooner or later and you'll have to speak to him eventually," Ruby stated smirking at me and I narrowed my eyes at him trying to see through his plan.

"Ruby you don't get it.. We ended on bad terms.. I can't face him not right now," I stated and he sighed sitting next to me.

"Look Y/N I know you still love Oscar just how I know he still loves you.. A love like that is too strong to let go.. Too intense and passion filled to forget," Ruby stated and I looked at him smiling.

"When did my little brother grow up," I smirked letting what he said sink in.

"You're right maybe I should talk to him.. Just to at least clear the air," I stated and he nodded encouraging me.

"Thank you Ruby.. I love you and I missed you," I said crushing him in a hug. The twins came running into our room bouncing on us. Ruby and I groaned as the bounces on knocking the air out of us. Our bouncing session turned into a full on pillow fight.


I fiddled with my fingers as I walked up the familiar street I grew up to know. My heart was pounding in my chest as I got closer to Oscar's house.

"No..Yes...No..Yes...Yes," I stated marching the rest of the way. I saw Oscar in a black wife beater sitting in the couch taking a swing of his beer. His gang littered the lawn along with cargo crates and beer cans. Frankie saw me and tapped Oscar's Arm, He turned looking at me his beer falling out of his hands.

"No.." I stated as I turned on my heel back the way I came from.

"Y/N!" Oscar yelled making my stop in my tracks. I sighed turning around to face him, He looked shocked to see me.

"I didn't think you'd come back?" He stated and I scoffed chuckling.

"I have family here Spooky you really think I won't be visiting them," I stated he made a face at his nickname rolling off my tongue. I never called him by his street name. He was always Oscar to me.

"What you're going to call me by my street name now?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Look I don't know why I came.. Just forget I'm even in town," I stated walking away, He scoffed pushing past me and pacing himself in front of me blocking my way.

"I can't forget you.. Not now not ever," Oscar stayed looking into my eyes.

"I'm sorry Y/N I'm sorry.. Asking you to stay was so selfish of me..When I went to your house to apologize you had already left.. I'm an idiot... Please forgive me," Oscar stated and I sighed caressing his face.

"I'm sorry.. I also said somethings that I shouldn't have said and I'm so sorry Oscar," I replied.

"Do you love me?" He asked and I smiled

On My Block ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon