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Okay so I had a dream of this so I needed to write it down before I forgot it!

Analaura's POV

"Analaura! You made it!" My best friend stated over the loud music, He handed me a beer but I shook my head.

"I can't I'm driving," I stated holding up my car keys, She frowned that I wouldn't be able to drink.

"Hey do you know where Carlos is at.. He told me to meet him here," I said and her face fell

"Amiga I'm sorry," She stated and I furrowed my eyebrows at her. She looked behind me with apologetic eyes. I turned around in the direction she was looking at and that's when I saw it. My heart fell to the pit of my stomach when I saw Carlos with another girl, They were doing way more than kissing.

"Analaura Wait! Ayudame," Leticia stated as I walked over to where Carlos was at.

"Having fun?" I stated and Carlos pushed the girl off of him almost immediately.

"Analaura it's not wha-" he stated but I put my hand up to stop him from hearing any of his excuses.

"Se te llenaba la boca diciendo que eras el hombre perfecto, pero todo lo que eres es un tramposo y mentiroso..Buenas Noches Carlos,"  I stated walking away. The crowd then died down all eyes on us to see what would happen next.

"Analaura Wait-" Carlos stated placing his hands on my arms. I immediately shook him off.

"No no..No me toques no me toques... Me das Asco.. Por Favor eres una verguenca.. Please for you're own good Carlos let's end it here. Okay you go back with your girl and I'll go back with my friends okay." I smiled patting his back, I went back to my group of friends and Leticia hugged me.

"I'm so sorry Analaura.. You are so brave," She said and I shrugged.

"You know I didn't expect any different..But we are here to have fun!" I yelled and they all cheered.


"Okay guys I have to go.. I have to be up early for a shift tomorrow," I stated and they all drunkenly whined that I had to leave.

"No stay! Come on!"

"No no guys really I have to go," I smiled and they all whined hugging me goodbye.

"Please be careful I love you guys," I smiled and they all said their goodbyes and their I love you's. I shook my head giggling as I made my way to the back door. I smiled shook at who I saw walk through.

"Oh my God Oscar?" I stated and he smiled seeing me.

"Analaura.. It's so good to see you," He stated and I chuckled embracing him in a tight hug.

"Oh my God it's been so long how are you?" I asked and he smirked looking at me.

"I'm good would have been better if we ended up together," He stated and I sighed shaking my head smiling.

"Are you leaving?" He asked me and I nodded.

"Yeah I'm just on my way out.. I have to be up early for work tomorrow," I stated

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