Oscar part 2

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Here is the update you all have been waiting for 😏

Your POV

"Oscar..." I said my keys falling from my hands, Tears burned at the back of my eyes. He was shocked as I was, it's been three years since I've seen him last. I had many mixed feelings, A side of me wanted to yell scream and hit him for what he said. Yet another side of me wanted to kiss him so passionately like my life depended on it and never let go.

"Is that.." He dragged looking behind me and I looked over my shoulder at Penelope who was curiously peeking over to see who this man was.

"Y-yeah that's our daughter Penelope," I stuttered shakily pulling my hair behind my ears. I picked my keys up from the ground taking a deep breath.

"Can I?" He asked and I looked at him them at her. It wouldn't be right of me to Deny him the right to see his daughter, even if he didn't want her in the beginning. I nodded turning around taking her out of her car seat.

"Who did mommy? He look like tío cesar," She said examining him.

"Well Penelope this is tío Cesar' brother Oscar," I said as he walked up to her taking her tiny hands in his. She didn't hesitate to quickly reach for him, Her tiny arms wrapping around his neck, Tears formed in his eyes as he kissed the side of his face.

"What's her name?"

"Penelope..Penelope Marie Santos," I said and he looked at me as a tear ran down my face.

"Why you crying?" She asked curiously wiping away his tears.

"Because baby I'm so happy.. To finally meet you," He whispered looking into her eyes kissing her forehead. Her tiny hand made its way to his face lightly caressing, lightly running over the rear drop tattoo.

"I'm not going to Deny you the right to see her Oscar," I said getting attention.

"You don't know how Sorry I am. That night when I finally came back and realized that it was the best thing that happened in my life.. It was too late the two most beautiful things I've ever loved in my life were gone. Please let me make this right," He pleaded and I wiped my tears away composing myself. Penelope reached for me and i took her from his arms.

"I can count how many times in my life I've been happy on One hand. You cesar and Penelope are my happiness," He said as I strapped her in her car seat.

"I love you Oscar.. I always will.. But what you did hurt me.. It hurt me so much to know that the person I loved didn't want to have a family with me.. But that's okay because I gained something so beautiful from that.. Our Daughter. I'm not going to keep her from you.. But please all I ask is just to give me some space and time to think," I pleaded and he nodded taking my hands in his, He kissed my knuckles gently.

"I don't care if I have to Wait an eternity before I regain your trust.. But believe this Y/N I will spend the last of my breath making it up to you," He stated softly kissing my lips, The kiss was longing and quick.. Yet calming and slow at the same time. He kissed Penelope goodbye and went on his way. I wiped my tears away getting in my car, driving to my house.


I smiled receiving Penelope in my arms, for the past couple of months Oscar has been picking her up and dropping her off. Spending time with her and getting to know her more, She was a gifted child and picked up quickly what was going on. She still wants comfortable with calling him 'Dad' just yet but I know she will come along. I put Penelope down as she ran for her room. Oscar handed me her diaper bag and I set it aside.

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