Spooky Aka Oscar part 2

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Your POV

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Your POV

It's been about a month since you arrived to town. Right now you were still staying at the motel trying to get settled in. Oscar had been keeping a really close eye on you which made you uncomfortable but grateful that he kept it from a distance. You smiled in the mirror seeing that most of your bruise had healed meaning you didn't have to wear a long sleeve to work anymore. You smiled making your way to the diner down the road. You had been house hunting in the past few weeks but yet found anything you liked. Once your shift started you went straight to taking orders. It was summer meaning that school was out and the diner was busier than usual.

You smiled talking all of the guests orders and submitting them, You walked over to a table asking if they needed anything they shook their heads as they got up ready to leave. You said your goodbyes cleaning up their table. The family left a pretty hefty tip and you smiled pocketing the money. You walked over to a family laughing and saw that their youngest baby girl had cherry sauce all over her face. You giggled wiping down her face, She giggled as you cooed at her.

"Do you have any?" The women asked making you froze, Your smile fell but you tried to cover it up. 

"No No i don't have any yet," You giggled setting down the napkins.

"Here is you bill i will be right back," You stated setting their bill down on the table, You made you way to the back using the employee restroom. You sat in the toilet seat trying not to sob out. Realizing you couldn't just here and be emotional about it, You wiped your tears away and got back to work.


You smiled waving goodbye at the last of your guest for the night, You hoped. But as luck would have it that wasn't the case. As you were cleaning around the diner you heard a familiar roar of an engine pull into the parking lot. You turned you head towards the sound seeing a familiar red impala pull up, Oscar held a cold stare looking into the diner. Your heart jumped, You didn't know what it was about him that made you feel giddy. Was it the simple acts of him being kind? or the Protectiveness of his nature? You shook your head, It would be a very long time before you'd even consider a relationship.

The bell rang and in walked Oscar and Cesar, You smiled greeting them both. You sat them down at a near by booth, Taking out your pen and pad you wrote down their usual drinks and Order. You learned pretty quickly their orders considering they came in every night. Mama Imelda always a smile on her face to see her boys. It made you smile in a way looking at the family they had.

"Here you are," You said balancing all of their food and drinks on a tray, Soon the rest of his gang had showed up and you smiled greeting them, Taking their order and serving them their food.

"Any refills?" You asked Cesar smiled nodding and you refilled his cup of soda.

"Thank you Y/N," He said and you smiled warmly at him, Oscar saw this and smirked. 

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