Cesar/Oscar Part 2

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Your POV

I sat in the Impala looking out the window as we arrived to the church. Oscar looked back at me and then looked at Cesar. Cedar opened the door helping me put of the car, That's when I saw it. The rows and rows of cars, bikes and trucks. Silent tears made their way down my face as Oscar wrapped his arm around me kissing my temple.

"It's okay Morenita.." he whispered as I tried to calm myself down. Countless of people began to show up, they paid their respects to me and my brothers.

"Como estas mi niña?" I heard and I smiled sadly, Feeling a lump in my throat holding back the tears.

"Take your time," Oscar stated as we both looked at the long isle. He nodded at Trencas to stay with me as he walked inside with Cesar. I shook my head, not being ready. I'm not ready to let go of my father. He was my best friend, he was my protector, He always made sure I was okay, He would always scare the monsters away under my bed, Ue always tucked me in at night, He attended every parent conference, Every play, Every recitals, Every baseball game, Every Graduation, Every Award, Every father daughter dance. He was my rock, He was mine and now he's just gone.

"Hey..hey," Trencas said cupping my cheeks, I shook my head looking into his honey eyes.

"I'm here baby.. Mama look at me.. He's with your mom now. They are both in here and in here. I know it's hurts baby I know. But they are both looking down at you smiling and protecting you always.. I love you so much and I will not stop until you are safe and happy," Trencas said cupping my cheeks using the pad of his thumb to wipe my tears away. He leaned down placing a soft and passionate kiss on my lips.

"Come on," He whispered kissing my forehead. I nodded wiping the access lipstick off his lips. I straightened his tie, soothing out any crinkles. I took a deep breath looking at the isle and the rows of people who looked back at me. Trencas let me walk in first and made his way to one of the benches. It was silent and the only thing you could hear were my white heels clicking on the marble floor. I reached my father's casket letting out a silent sob, I touched his perfectly ironed suit feeling the soft fabric. I picked a white rose from the bouquet placing it inside. I reached behind my neck Taking off my necklace.

"With this necklace.. A piece of me will be buried with you. I love you so much," I whispered, I laid the necklace on his chest using my fingers to place a kiss on cheek.


I turned over fluttering my eyes open, I looked at the rays of the sun that beamed into my bedroom, Dust particles floated in the air. My door busted open with Cesar and Oscar singing happy birthday as they brought in a big stack of pancakes.

"Happy birthday to you!!" They sang in unison completely out of tune. I smiled slightly at them brushing my hair behind my ears.

"Happy birthday Chita," Cesar said holding the plate of pancakes in front of me.

"Make a wish," Oscar spoke and I took a deep breath looking at the flame. If there was one wish I could make it would be to turn back the hands of time and prevent my father's death. I blew out the candle watching them as they watched me. Cesar looked at Oscar with concerned eyes.

"I'm not hungry," I spoke fiddling with my fingers. Oscar sighed rubbing his head stressfully and then his face.

"Mana you have to eat.. You have to do something.. You can't just stay here Locke din your room-"

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