Ruby Part 2

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Here is part two requested by: eddiesgazebos I hope you enjoy love! Thank you for reading and requesting 💕

Your POV

We were all in a rush getting everything prepared for the big day. The last 30 days passed before my eyes and the next thing I knew here I was standing in the church, transitioning into becoming a young women. The father gave me his blessing and I smiled looking up at him.

"Come on Mija! Lets take your pictures so we can get back to the house!" Ruby's Mom said and I smiled as Jamal, Cesar, Monse, Ruby and I posed for my Quinceńera pictures. We did traditional poses, then moved onto funny ones and serious ones. The thought of my parents still rang in the back of my mind on this bitter sweet day.


Everyone was eating, dancing and having fun. I was dancing with Ruby's siblings and he rushed in taking their places. They both frowned at him as they stomped away.

"Come on I have a surprise for you!" He said taking my hand bringing me inside, I furrowed my eyebrows as I was dragged along.

"Ruby the party is that way," I printed behind me giggling. He sighed holding his phone up in the air.

"Come on..Come on," He said to himself, his phone chimed and he smiled. He brought me where he stood, I looked at the phone screen tears forming in my eyes. My parents pictured popped up in FaceTime as I looked back at him tears running down my cheeks.

"I know how much it would have meant to have them here," He said looking at me smiling.

"Who would have thought I'd get you.. The most amazing boyfriend I could ask for," I whispered taking his face in my hands as I kissed him lips with all the love and passion I could muster. He stopped me smiling.

"We'll continue this later..but for now talk to them.. They've missed you," He smiles, I smiled answering the call seeing my parents pop up on the other side of the screen.

"Hola mija!" They said and I couldn't contain my sobs as I said hello.

"No llores mi Corazon. Nosotros estamos bien.. Y muy Feliz de acompañar te en este Dia tan especial." My mother said and I smiled wiping my tears away wanting be strong for them.

"Mira Mija We love you so much.. We will be together soon.. In the mean time enjoy your night we will call you later.. We love you," My father said his thick Spanish accent showing through. I smiled nodding, I blew them a kiss as I ended the call. I turned around and Ruby was wiping his eyes quickly.

"Sorry I had something in my eye," He stuttered trying to cover up that he had been crying. I smiled at his kissing his lips.

"I love you so much.. Thank you.. I don't know where I'd be without you," I looking into his chocolate brown eyes. He looked into mine and smiled kissing my lips.

"Sometimes I stay up and think how I got so lucky.. Lucky to have someone like you.. What you see in me? How we ended up together..How you could be with anyone and you chose me," Ruby said and I traded up knowing the response.

"Because Ruby.. When I'm with you all the outside noise doesn't matter. When I hug you nothing else matters.. When I kiss you I feel at peace.. Being in your arms is like floating in the sky. Everything is calm cool and slow.. Slow that I can enjoy every curve of your face, Every golden speck in your brown eyes. You bring out the best in me." I whispered wrapping my arms around his neck bringing him close. He wrapped his arm around my waist lightly kissing my neck.

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