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Your POV

"Pero papa I can't leave you here," I said and his large tattooed hands covered mine. He looked up at me with warm brown eyes. Mine were contrast to his they were hazel with a hint of green in them.

"I promised your mother I'd get you out of here. So you are going to take that scholarship Mija," He stated resting his rough hand on my cheek. Tears went down my eyes because I knew what would happen the second I leave. Things were heating up between the Santos and the Prophets and my family was in the middle of it. My father being the Santos leader he had a huge target on his back. But the one with a bigger target was me, I was known as the Santos Princess. My mother had given birth to a franchise of Strapping Men like my brothers but when I came along everything changed.

Instead of being trained about the life I was kept from it, I still knew how everything worked I was just affiliated. My affiliation often put me in danger.

"You May have grown up in the life but Your brothers and I will give our last breath to make sure you do not die in this life," He stated and I let the tears run down my face. I didn't want to leave my family, They were the only thing I had left.

"Your brothers should be back soon.. Come on help me set up dinner," He stated and I smiled kissing his cheek setting up the table. With whatever was going on inside or outside the gang I always made sure everyone was taken care of. I just wanted everyone to be happy.

The sound of a rumbling engine came onto our street and I smiled heading over to the window expecting to see my brother's Impala pull up. My smile soon dropped when I saw the green and yellowed colors. Three Prophets sat in the car and they all took out their guns. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion as the shot of multiple guns went off. I dove in front of the couch protecting my head and body as the guns kept going off.

Screeching tired sped down the road, The door opened revealing my brother's as the rushed in quickly. Cesar helped me up checking me over for injuries. I turned around sobbing seeing my father on the floor in a pool of his own blood.

I fell to my knees sobbing, Cesar rushed to my side wrapping arms around me as I screamed and sobbed

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I fell to my knees sobbing, Cesar rushed to my side wrapping arms around me as I screamed and sobbed.

"No please Papa!" I yelled looking at his body, Oscar was shaking trying to comprehend what was going on. Sirens could be heard in the distance as I kept crying. My body self numb and cold as the ambulance and paramedics arrived. They began to work on my father but then they shook their heads.

"Time of death," I overheard making the tears fall down my face. Soon the whole neighborhood came out to see what was going on. I sat in the back of an ambulance as they check me for any injuries, she patched up the cut I had on my forehead as Cesar made his way over to me.

"Y/N," He said softly and I looked blankly in front of me lost in my mind trying to comprehend that my father wasn't dead. That this was just a sick nightmare and I'd wake up soon kissing his cheek every morning like I always do. Annoying my brothers in the process. Oscar appeared in-front of me his eyes glossy and his face fed.

"Mama," He said and I broke down not being able to hold back the tears anymore. Oscar hugged me kissing my head.

"I'm so sorry I'm so sorry.. Mom told me she told me to look after you," He whispered, After the paramedics left the Whole Gang showed up at the house.

"How is she?"

"How is she going to be Mano."

"Fuck man."

"We have to make this right. They shot him in front of her. They came into our territory and terrorized our family."

"Have everyone meet in the living room."

"You all knew my father. Now I know I ask a lot of you to join me so any of you don't want to go through with this. I understand this is my fight." I heard Oscar say and the gang was riled up.

"No mano we are in this together."

"We'll do it."

"But how?"

"We have to let this die down and pull up in them when they least expect it." Oscar said I got up from my bed making my way to the living room, Tears staining my face. Once everyone see me they got quiet.

"Please," I croaked looking at all of them.

"I've lost so much family a-and I don't think I can take it if I lose anyone else," I said breaking down at the end, Cesar came over to me and hugged me sitting me down on the couch.

"I can't lose anyone else! I can't my heart won't be able to take it!" I sobbed as My brother rocked me in his arms.

"Shh hermanita everything is going to be okay," He said kissing my head as I sobbed.

"Oscar if you go to jai-" I started but he cut me off.

"nothing is going to happen to us. My place here as a leader is to take care of my family and that means making sure my family is safe," He said wiping my tears away. I looked over at everyone. They were lost, They were in need of a family and they found that missing piece here. Some might be in it for money others just want to be someone in the world.

"Come on you need rest," Cesar said hiding me back to my room, I had cried so hard I didn't notice until I fell asleep.
"What are we doin to do?" Cesar asked looking over at Oscar who was standing in the doorway looking over at his baby sister sleep. Her cheeks were puffy and red from all the crying she had done. Oscar left down the hall and then came back, he handed a gun over to Cesar.

"They will be back. When they do we will be ready but for now we need to watch over here. The main target wasn't Dad. It was her. They wanted her dead to create a whole in our family.. Not realizing what they've gotten themselves into. So we need to protect her Mano get her as far away from here as possible," Oscar said and Cesar nodded looking over at his baby sister taking the gun.

"We will keep her safe," Cesar said taking a seat in the chair that was in her room. He sat there gun resting on his lap as he watched over his sister.


Thank you for reading 💕 remember requests are always open do not be shy!!
I missed Diego's live and I'm so mad. 🤦🏽‍♀️




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