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Your POV

You stepped out of the shower wrapping the towel around your body. Your parents were out at work for the evening and it was just you at your house. You dried yourself off changing into your satin lace pajamas. You grabbed your comb, combing through your hair.

You sighed seeing the trash was now filled up, seeing it was Thursday you took out the trash knowing Friday morning the garbage men will be picking it up. You closed the door behind you walking down the driveway. The summer air felt fresh against your hot skin. You dumped the trash in the bin, strutting back up the driveway in your fulfills. You put your hand on the handle turning it to go back inside, but the door wouldn't budge. You continued juggling the handle finally realizing you had locked yourself out. You ran to the side of the house to see if any of the windows had been left open. To your luck, they were all locked.

"No...Goddamit Y/N," You said banging on the door as if someone was going to magically appear from the inside and open it from the inside. You giggled turning the handle pushing your weight in the door hoping it would burst open.

"Hey Y/N! Woah you okay?" You heard, you turned your attention to the voice seeing Ruby walking up your driveway. You huffed flopping down on the porch.

"Hey Ruby... No I got locked out of my house and I don't have a spare top things off my parents won't be home until late tonight it's already 11:30pm," You said smiling up at him he chuckled taking off his hoodie handing it to you.

"Thanks," You half smiled tying the hoodie around your shoulders. Ruby sat down next to you leaning on his hands.

"You don't have to wait with me you know," You stated looking back at him. He shrugged leaning forward.

"I'm not going to let you sit out here by yourself. Come on there has to be an open window somewhere," He said getting up from his seat. He stuck his hand out for you to take and you sighed taking it.

"I've checked every window they are all locked," You explained and he smirked looking at you.

"Right there my dear is where you are wrong..There is always a window that is left unlock without anyone's knowledge for purposes like this," He said examining the windows. He smirked cracking a window open. You looked at him smiling.

"I definitely won't fit through there but I'm sure you will," He said examining the opening. You looked through it sighing.

"Yes I will.. Thank you Ruby you are the best," you said kissing his cheek quickly untying his hoodie and handing it to him. You took s deep breath going in head first. You set your hands on the window sill pushing yourself in. The window came down on your trapping your body in the window.

"Oh my God.. Oh My God.. Ruby I'm stuck! Ruby-" you panicked trying to move but your body wouldn't budge.

"Relax I think the window is stuck." He said trying to open the window. He had no grip from his position. So he got behind you pushing.

"Ruby! What are you doing?!" You questions as you felt him up against you.

"I-I'm so sorry Y/N... I cant get it open,". He said continuing to thrust.

"Oh so it's that kind of party!" You heard making you panic even more.

"It's not that kind of party! It's not that kind of party!" You yelled trying to get a good look at who joined Ruby. You heard talking back and forth between the two.

"Stop looking at her ass!" Ruby yelled and a smack echoed in your ears. You felt your bottom half being covered making you jump.

"Okay Y/N Cesar is here to help me!" Ruby said and you moved the curtain, seeing him waving at you smiling. You groaned planing your face. As if this wasn't embarrassing enough.

"Okay Y/N we are going to lift and you push," Ruby said and you nodded in understanding. You placed your hand in the window sill as you pushed and pushed. The window slid open sending you flying through the window into your house.

"We did it!" You yelled jumping up from the floor. Ruby and Cesar were laughing at you. You ran over to the door opening it. Cesar was saying his goodbyes to Ruby.

"See you Later Y/N please try not to get stuck in any windows." He laughed walking away. You rolled your eyes smiling at Ruby.

"Thank you so much Ruby you are a life saver!" You stated pulling him into a hug.

"No-o problem," He stuttered, you laughed giving him a quick peck on the lips. He breathed and scoffed looking completely shocked.

"I'll see you tomorrow," You but your lip closing the door. Ruby stumbled out of the driveway in a daze.

"Yes!" He yelled throwing his fists in the air. He walked home with a smile on his face and a pip in his step.


Okay so this happened to me and yes o got stuck in the window! Lmfao it was late at night and my dad found me. He and my mom had to help me because I got really stuck lmfao!

I hope you enjoyed







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