The Holt family

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I looked at myself in the mirror and frowned - why did I need to dress up so formal in my own home?  It was just a simple dinner nothing much.

I wanted to show them how ugly I was that they would just reject me on spot. But these red locks I have inherited from my  bialogical parents gave the ugliness away.

For the first time in my life - I wanted to look bad, my worst - but I failed like I do all the time.

I had just gotten out of the shower after a bubble bath. And right now I wanted to hop in my warm fuzzy bed and go to sleep.

Sarah went back home to get her dress and things. She forgot to bring them with her because she was focusing on me at the time. In an hour she would come back and we will get ready.

After spending an hour with Ridge, just talking and catching up. Was enough for me to be happy again.

Right now, he was in his room. Resting.

Suddenly, out of nowhere I heard a commotion downstairs. People were shouting. More like - two women were arguing very loudly and someone was stopping them - the shouting stopped and I heard heavy footsteps marching on the stairs. I saw a shadow stop in front of my closed bedroom door.

The door was thrown open and a really really angry Ashley stood there. With her hair going in every direction. Her eyes were bloodshot red from crying. The smudged makeup told me that she was extremely upset about something - and she was in my room which meant - Oh God.

Did anybody tell her about my marriage with Rhys Holt?

Mom and Dad appeared from behind her looming shadow with a worried expression on their faces.

"Ashley! You came back! Didn't know where you went this time, like always. But it's good to have you back" I smiled at her. But my words only worsened her mood.

She started to cry hysterically - like her candy was snatched from her hands - and in her eyes I was the culprit. And the candy? Well...

"Why did you have to do this to me?!" She pointed at me "You don't know that I love Rhys Holt?! Why do you want to marry him?!" She yelled at me.

I noticed the choice of her words and a chuckle rumbled from my chest.

"You think this is funny? Avery?! Answer me!" She snobbishly grunted .

I looked at her with disbelieve and disgust. What was I supposed to say? This grown ass woman was crying in front of me like I had ruined her perfectly good relationship with her boyfriend. The man she was crying over - she had never met him - maybe one time or two. But I don't think they ever talked.

"How strong is you relationship with Holt?" I questioned as I brushed my hair. Mom and Dad were just standing - watching the daily soap in which Ashley and I starred in - funny I know.

"What do you mean?" She sniffed back her tears.

"I mean - you are saying that you love him - you must know him that well to know that you are in love with him. The thing that I know for sure is that you have met the guy one or two times. I don't think that's how love works. It takes time. Try to find the logic in it - in your undying love for him - stupid" I mumbled the last part to myself.

I would have died from laughter right here, right now after seeing her reaction. Damn - this was the first time I'm speaking back to Ashley - it's new that Mom and Dad aren't stopping me from saying these things.

"I-I m-mean. I - you don't have to marry him! You don't like him. I would be happy to marry him!" Ashley now turned towards Mom and Dad. Mason Stark's face showed clear disapproval.

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