How Do We Keep Us Together

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Two weeks passed quicker than I thought, I had managed to get Sarah out of her endless pain by sharing it with her. Ryan had called me multiple times asking about her but I kept my answers short. I asked him now that he doesn't love her why does he have to care?

With those questions, he was lost at words.

The files were ready, the house was officially mine to keep. Though now, I didn't have to worry about the life ahead for it was safe and secure. I didn't want to stay here once everything was over between me and Rhys.

Would I be able to keep us together by keeping it all a secret? If there was a chance where Rhys wouldn't want to get a divorce at the end of their contract and keep us together. Would I?

Rhys wasn't home when I got there. I spent the next couple of hours putting things where they were supposed to be until I heard the sound of his car pulling up at our garage. Rhys was totally unaware of my presence, I wanted to surprise him.

Staying in my room, looking through the window I saw him taking his things out of the car, and disappear into the doorway.

The house was so empty that the sound of him unlocking the house echoed into my room.

Quickly walking down the ramp, hiding behind a wall as I saw him taking off his jacket and toss it on the couch. He opened a couple of his buttons of his shirt and sat down on the couch. Rhys laid back resting his head on the soft place as he closed his eyes. Taking a deep sigh, he kept his eyes closed.

I tiptoed close to him, feeling a bit happy on the inside as the seconds passed. Excitement got the best of me as I was merely a few inches away from him.

Still unaware of my presence, his eyes were closed. It was then in bright light of the room I saw how much he had been a bit worn out. In the past two weeks,I didn't see him. I called or he called. That was it.

My hands slowly covered his already closed eyes and whispered in a fake deep voice "You are being robbed, move or my buddy will shoot you" by the end of it I couldn't keep my laughter together cause I sucked at surprises.

Our faces were close to each other, both of us were facing in other direction. My heart warmed up when I saw a happy yet relieved smile on his face. My hands still covered his eyes but he reached up to grab one of my hands that covered his eye and kissed it.

"Ah! Don't rob me just kill me and put me out of my misery, Fireheart" I giggled as my hands left him and I came around the couch and collapsed next to him. Rhys laughed as he grabbed me by my waist and pulled me close to him into a hug. With the way we were laying on the couch so close to each other, Rhys later then hugged me by my waist and buried his head into my neck and inhaled in my scent deeply.

I wrapped my arms around him tightly as if I was afraid of letting go. And I was. If I was to leave him, this was the time I had to make memories with him like these that I can later cherish in the future.

I lazily, ran my fingers through his hair earning a soft groan from him. Lifting himself up from my body as he laid on top of me. Rhys used his elbow to balance himself, I stared into his eyes long enough to realise how much I had missed him. My eyes pooled up with sweet tears as Rhys frowned at me with a small smile.

"Why the tears?" He asked in a low whisper as he leaned in, touching his lips close to my eyes as he caught the tear with them.

"I missed you" I said in a painfully longing voice that made his feathers soften as he looked at me.

"I should be the one crying because I missed you more than you missed me" he said as my hand slapped his chest faking that I was offended by his answer. Rhys again let out a chuckle as he fell right next to my side and brought me close to him. He kissed the top of my head as this time i was the one who buried my face into his neck and took in his scent. I felt him shiver lightly next to me.

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