Your Presence

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It was night time when Sarah dropped me at Rhysand's house. My head was resting on the cold window, even though the car had stopped in front of his house but I didn't want to leave.

The feeling of suffocation and confusion started to creep inside of me. How can his signs become so messed up? One time he's normal and then one time his feelings and hate reach their limits. And even though he does the right thing but he says that he doesn't care.

My eyes travelled to his car parked in the garage. He was already there. I expected him to come late since it was his first day. But no.

"If you don't want to go. Then we'll go back to my place" Sarah said as I turned to grab my stuff.

I looked at her through my lashes and nodded no "It's alright. I'll be okay. Today was awesome. Well do this again" I smiled at waited for her response.

"I know" she said as she side hugged me and after a few seconds I let her go.

I got out of the car and made my way to the front door. I already had the keys with me. So I simply opened the door and walked in.

I made my way through the gallery, keeping my steps quite incase if he was sleeping. There were no lights on in the house. Complete darkness.

I peeked from the wall unto the living room and found Rhys sitting in the couch with a beer in his hands as he watched the television.

He had sensed my presence. I was sure of it. I put my stuff onto the kitchen island and went to the living room.

His eyes not even for once shifted to look at me or acknowledge my presence. He simply looked ahead, sipping from the bottle after every few seconds.

Should I say thank you to him? For....defending me and making things right.

It was like a move in chess. Your reputation could get shattered within seconds in the celebrity world. It wasn't that Rhysand had all the power. He was powerful but he didn't have full control.

Nora had strings to hold on too. She had experience and contacts too. She still had the power to shatter him in this game he started.

Nora knew about his weaknesses. This marriage was one of them. The most fragile one. She could use it too.

I was lost in my thoughts so badly that I didn't even realise that I was half laying next to him with my head resting on one side on the couchwith my leg stretched in front of me. My foot almost touching his leg. I had my eyes closed. I felt his eyes watching me. At first, I ignored it but then the uneasiness started to give me anxiety. So, I opened my eyes and caught him staring at me with some weird longing but immediately he just turned his gaze away in a hurry. Back to the TV.

"The newsstands were busy in the city today" I said as I got up in a sitting position I folded my leg  close to me. I rested my chin on my knee as I looked at him. Expecting any reaction. But his facial didn't even change for a split second. Though all of it seemed forced.

"I went to my parents house to confront Ashley" I said again and still no reaction from him. The light from the television was making shadows on his face so magnificently that they complemented his features.

"When I told mom everything. Ashley came with a magazine in her hands. Threw it to me and asked if I was the reason behind the news printed for the whole world to see" I tucked a strand of hair behind me as I got up from the couch and walked to the kitchen to get some water for myself.

"How's Nora?" I asked when my back was facing his back. I heard his getting up from the couch and walking to the kitchen too. He got water bottle out and protein powder from the cabinet.

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